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Posts posted by meyamoti

  1. Hmm..nah I wouldn't say its exaggerated,some days if you would around on a clear day the sun glares like a ****,also easy to find out when your driving a car on a sunny day,atleast down here. Sunglasses are a must and not becase they make you look better. (down here,not in the game)

  2. When ya watch the video you should take a look at the far left of the screen with the guys sitting in the truck in which the pics above were taken from. There is a black soldier who has a big smile or grin on his face with his legs spread and his hands on his legs or thighs,several different animations there it seems. I can't see his weapon either?

    And they do blink O.o,the first 15 or so seconds shows this.

  3. OFP has evolved into just about anything.

    Whatever you can think of within the the limits of the engine.

    Sincerely, MilitiaSniper

    Yeah but it doesn't need to turn into a sex sim for all the nerds with no life who like to mod the sims 2 to show naked parts for or those world of warcraft people that mod it so that female characters breasts show or entire body is nude. That means your in serious need of a life ESPECIALLY in a war game.

  4. I'm Still not playing until we get "Female Bump maped squirrels with finger animations and correct wheel depth"...

    Jesus you people are terrible and nitpicky!

    Why are ya continuing to use my squirrle joke? O.o We don't need squirrels,I was jokin at it with all the wildlife thing,imagine being cussed at from a squirrel in a tree so I go hunting with a rifle,but nah I wasn't serious about it.

  5. rofl.gif Damn it is so hard not to insult that person for their ignorance. If anything BF games are knockoffs of BF mods for the most part,and BF doesn't stand any ground with Armed Assault.

    I would be guessing they fixed the M113 issue..I don't think it was so much of it being invincible rather than geometry modelled simply on the turret which covered the gunner and all parts of him.

  6. From my military experience, I've been told women aren't allowed on the frontlines due to the possibility of capture and rape. Ugly, blunt, but true. Not to say men aren't likely to be raped either, but the idea of female soldiers being raped by an enemy carries a much larger stigma than the other way around.

    Sadly these sick bastards can't be killed before they do the raping,I hope they get shot in the leg and have to crawl to their base and just before they get a medic,they bleed to death,or they do during operation. The fuckers don't deserve anything better. No wait,I hope they burn to death,thats much better. Screaming in agony while they skin burns and turns crispy dark,their innards heating up quickly and burning as the fire eats their internal organs.
