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Posts posted by meyamoti

  1. x2 animations are much needed.

    Indeed,but having the press button and suddenly appear in the vehicle is twice as bad,if anything they should keep generic animations or give the ability for different vehicles to have their own get in and out animations on them.

    Point being,having one certain animation for a certain vehicle,like say..this animation for all helicopters while this one for all wheeled vehicles and this one for tanks. Not all helicopter are the same and their doors open differently,some from the opposite side of the other,some on the same side,some open horizontally while others open verticly. So if it were possible a vehicle to have its own defining animation tied to it,though it would be alot of work,would make it look much better and that much more realistic because the soldiers wouldn't be doing the same thing.

    And if it were possible to allow the character to grab the door handle or whatever it is it would make it better,just like kicking in a door or so. Not an idea for Armed Assault but mostly game2,I don't see much reason why this could not be achievable since it is supposed to be next gen,this animations for seperate vehicles varying would also make it next gen so to speak.

  2. This person makes a good point but they don't mean something like posters on a wall. What bf2 has in it is this little box for info,it tells you when patches are out and whatnot as well as ea's latest battlfield game and such. So when you sign in and go online you see a box with an image pop up.

    Battlfield2142 Out now,buy now!

    Its not really subtle at all like a poser in a corridor but always in your face.

  3. This person makes a good point but they don't mean something like posters on a wall. What bf2 has in it is this little box for info,it tells you when patches are out and whatnot as well as ea's latest battlfield game and such. So when you sign in and go online you see a box with an image pop up.

    Battlfield2142 Out now,buy now!

    Its not really subtle at all like a poser in a corridor but always in your face.

  4. Exactly, I hope we can enter a vehicle much faster that way.

    Approach the vehicle on the driver's side, icon appears, click and you're in the drivers seat. (instead of scrolling the action list)

    Nah we still need the animations to get in,not just poof and we are in the seat.

  5. What about if you spawned from the air via airborne or so? Depending on the branch you are in it could be possible to vary...and airdropping in sounds a bit more realistic than just popping up on the ground at a flag if ya ask me.

    Or if you were Army you would respawn in a chinook that would make frequent visits to the drop off point. Leave and arrive shortly again. Problem is this opens up a big opportunity for camping and I don't think there would be three helicopters to put you into the zones..

  6. in OFP:E steering was better because you were using a joystick vs a keyboard,various directions with dependence on the force applied tot he direction rather than a single direction with three speeds. In OFP:E suspension worked much better,when driving down hills or even a road in vehicles,especially the five tonners and urals,it feels like it weighs more. Vehicles actually stop when they collide,they don't clip baddly and wind up on one another.

  7. It does or DID have the action menu. I think it still does,I'm not sure what that is but I don't think it has to do with an action menu thing.

    I don't suppose there are more screenshots like that on that website? I haven't seen that one but at the same time I cannot relink because if I shorten the url I get the 405..I think its a 405..anyway forbidden thing,and I can't read much on that website thus I cannot navigate too well. I can make out previews and whatnot but yaknow..

    I looked in the previews area but I don't see that one particular image so I am guessing I'm going in the wrong place. I did see a picture from the AH-1Z cockpit and the water has reflective properties though..

  8. How demanding people are these days, the pics look fine, be thankfull for having these to look at..

    I dont see what makes one think that the settings are turned down, the graphics and effects seem to be there, its just not taken at 1600x1200 with 4x AA, i much prefer these than edited crap smile_o.gif .

    Texture settings seem turned down, viewdistance is low, no soft shadows from the trees like some other screens - shadow detail is low, LOD distance is lower (look at trees especially). These screens don't look that great. And what edited crap are you talking about? Why would they show edited screens? All I am saying is that this game should be shown at full settings to show its potential. Other games are almost always shown at high settings and I want to see what this game will look like at full settings.

    Even for people with lower spec machines, they will probably upgrade eventually and get to see the high settings.

    Anyway, I just want the damn game.

    He means other games editing their images to make the game look more prettyful.

  9. question 3 - sorry i'm a newbie and have only played bf2/cs:s so bare with me plz. what happens when you die? do you have to wait till the round is over to spawn again like in cs:s or is it like bf2 where you respawn 15 secs or whatever after you die? i am obviously taking about the multi-player aspect of the game.

    That all depends on how the level is coded,some matches have a respawn thing others don't. But there is no jumping capability,please do not leave your team mates behind in a vehicle if you are the ONLY ONE in it. And for the love of *** practice in vehicles before attempting to use them online.

    well I can't really say level..but moreso how the mission in the editor is coded.

  10. Wonder if the mods (not forum mods) will add the burning bodies effect as well. Would be kind of nice to have this effect as a stand alone thing rather than having to downlad 700+ megs for it.

  11. One of the things about OFP AI that I like is how you can catch them off guard just as you can a human player and they will take a moment to respond. When you shoot at somebody,even if they have surround sound,they won't know directly where the shot came from,they will only have an idea due to the sound which would give them a radius of possible positions.

    The AI in bf2 if they get close enough will either pull out their shock paddles or knives and charge you rofl.gif

    I hope they keep the pending vehicle speed too,as shown in the US forces video with the abrams,I think they did. I loved how OFP had the option for fast,medium or slow vehicle speeds,unlike pretty much all games where theres just the "W" speed. Plus it responds to some joysticks for vehicle movement making the movement even smoother. Such a thing in most vehicles on games is useless due to their one speed and thats it.

  12. ....BWHAHAHAHHAHAH Usually when OFP players crash its because they slammed into a tree or mountain while looking at the M key,however there are too many variables,if you crash its usually due to speed and due to that I don't think the human body,much less brain could take the trama of the impact.

  13. None that I'v seen,atleast not one that has had a SINGLE game out for five years,having five+ games with a 5 year old community or so doesn't count,even then they can't get that many and to add to that,they gotta use mods seperately which means no using various 'addons' together.

  14. The puffs in bf2 is an excuse to have no blood so they can market the game,soldiers that are shot several times never have ANY blood on them nor the ground unlike AA and OFP,no blood=younger ESRB rating.

    Its also there for confirmation,no blood but there is something to tell you that you hit the enemy,however this is not always the case but it avoids alot of that "omg hax" stuff that is thrown around.

  15. AI pilot was probably coded to compensate as best they can while a human player would have a slower reaction time and have a bit trouble lining the aircraft up,I found that if I tilted my joystick on OFP:E just enough I'd spin worse,then I found an angle where I could kind of fight the spin but I was leaning alot.

    As for the barrel rolling in aircraft,you can already do that in OFP IF you have a joystick,having a joystick makes aircraft so much more maneuverable and so on,the handling is much better,like helicopters,though you get no auto hover unless you tap a keyboard key.

  16. you go boom if you hit it too hard. I believe AA will have the tail rotor failure effect. I know in OFP:E in one of the later missions with the blackhawk I hit a tree and suddenly the helicopter started spinning alot,somehow I managed to finish that mission with the busted tail rotor. Another example would be when I dipped a CH-47 too deep in the water,the tail rotor slowed down enough that it was below the speed needed to get the rotor blur effect goin,so it spun but with the model piece. The Chinook was also spinning around too.

    And DERRICKLBECK is such not so intellectual gamer lingo needed? confused_o.gif *Sigh* I'm going to kill somebody one day for saying that stupid stuff on this game online.

  17. Hmm...you do have a point..and I won't go any further. crazy_o.gif

    Seems the texturing tools used in AA are much more efficient than curent OFP tools,like comparing the 3dmax conversion of tga texture files or even jpeg to current OFP tools,I hope it is better at keeping its colors and details without smudging them as much.

    I could be wrong but I think even the fingernail is a bit more reflective than the hand in that pic,if so sweet,if not sweet. The fact that they got that much hand detail as compared to other games who use the simple 'glove' is great.

  18. Told ya guys there was a new pilot,but why they are wearing armor the NS is wearing looks kinda odd but oh well. Nice that they tell a bit of what the AH-1Z has in terms of weaponry in technical terms. Not just,'rockets and missiles' and so on like most games. And that 50cal view looks great,I just hope the weapon and view move up together,not like the addons were in OFP,there were great to be assured but you couldn't hit a helicopter or infantry above you too well. Glad to see more black soldiers now,in OFP there was a chance of about one in your squad out of 6 or so whites,helps with those that get the discrimantion idea.

    Or maybe thats another player,who knows. But their standing without weapon animation is better.
