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Posts posted by meyamoti

  1. Indeed,one of OFP's best points was the not so clone wars that games have these days where everyone looks the same regardless. I also strongly agree with coderdfox,doing what he said would make no sense at all.

  2. Your last statement kind of causes me to raise an eyebrow. Arcade? Why would any of us want that? If its harder that just makes it so that you have to practice more and learn to understand the system than saying. "Oh theres a helicopter I'm gona go get alot of kills!" Aside from that,Armed Assault is supposed to be more realistic,an arcade flight model more than OFP would completely contradict that and piss off the community and I do not think that is what BIS wants. Ya loose the community,you loose everything. Unfortunatly big time companies have lost that saying..

  3. Definatly the best water I'v seen,so many properties,waves and not just normal mapswave correction on the direction of the island as well as shelving and breaking off as well as the water comming onto the shalowest parts o the island. I must say,it is the most realistic yet,excellent job BIS!

  4. Youre free to say things that you dont like but if its crap like its all scars work and whats the hype then you better put a sock in it...

    Anyway, back to some discussion about the addon itself.

    Alright,I take my comment of the version thing back.

    Yes I admit its great,I am curious as to why it took 2 years,thats about it. Probably the best hind I'v seen in any game but thats as far as my worshipping goes. This isn't the first addon to include these scripts.

  5. You seem to be expecting positive comments from everybody,that just doesn't happen. Yes I am sure you invested alot of time into it,we'v seen how long you have had it and I congragulate you on its release and all that but what I am getting at in terms of changes is this.

    When you jump from version to version then you would want to include a DETAILED list of what has changed would you not? Such as the Franze AH-64,or was it MAS...either way. My comment may seem very negative to you but it is how you took it,I never once said "This addon is a piece of shit." Far from it,its great but that is what I mean,what I mostly see is Scars work here,you didn't give alot of detail as to what the other stuff was so how should I know? Not to mention the scripts are possibly borrowed from other addons,this is not a crime but if so it would not hurt to credit them.

  6. This thing sure seems to be able to jam every missile...funny,I don't think there is any helicopter that can do that.

    Nice hind yada yada,great work I'll credit Scars for this mostly because it is mostly his work that is showing that I can see,and whats with the flash from behind the rocket pods,the alpha channel is screwed up and its too bright.

    Its all great but I can't really see a difference between this and what was in FFUR.

    I see ya didn't fix the incorrect lighting area's either.

  7. Plus when rolling your aim is going to be veeery screwed unless they make it so that you cannot fire while rolling with the punishment of not firing a few seconds once the rolling is complete,after which rolling your aim will still be a bit jumpy.

  8. i guess there's an extra line somewhere that says "remove weapon" or something like that. should be modabble smile_o.gif

    Nah,I hope its a thing of the player having to be smart and putting down their weapon by theirself since it is possible to do so. And maybe later animations could be made for shallow water so that soldiers can hold their rifles over their heads if their feet touch the ground and head is above water.

    For some reason my windows media player does not want to acquire the codec for the video when I paste this link. ftp://www.ofpr.info/ofpd/videos/ArmANightFight.wmv Anyone have it hosted on their website by chance?

  9. For game2 they currently have M1 or M2,stryker,avenger,T-90,BTR-90,F-35,Su-30,UH-1Y,possibly AH-1Z,Marine cargo truck,humvee.

    I think thats about it from what has been shown. And its US vs Russia,not USSR but Russia,look at the patch on the soldiers arm in second image.



















    And also a a soldier with a hand signal. http://img120.imageshack.us/img120/7398/fp2e3shot041ef0.jpg

    Two articles with some info that was in a magazine which caused a bit of bickering from the editors.



    And another page with info on Idea Games. http://img181.imageshack.us/img181/439/pcfmint1hi0.jpg

  10. Nah I thought you thought that it was in the game and were explaining that you have not seen it in the game so I was pointing out that it isn't in the game,I don't think the system will be in AA,Game2 perhaps or hopefully so, I don't think it is currently possible to make custom animations for vehicles and weapons.

  11. That the blackhawk with rockets is back? :P the flight dynamics seem so much smoother,I think they used a joystick for that but I do know its not possible to bank that far to an angle such as that in OFP or OFP:E.

    Not even the so called realistic bf2 choppers can do that without loosing a hell of alot of altitude and it will always try to change that by flipping.

  12. There is only one add I have seen in AA so far and that is a beer add on a billboard,now naturally this is used to simulate atmopshere in a civilian enviroment. If I can find the screen I'll post it. But nothing is wrong with this,why? It does not add spyware into your PC, (I can't think of BIS doing that in their right mind) And lets stop and think..when we see ingame avdertisements,what are they for? Patches,other games made by the same company. This however is not a game advertisement but moreso a natural billboard sign that you see whenever you drive along a highway or into a large town. That is immersion and the correct way to do things,that is realistic.

  13. Eeeeee! Who'da thought,actual swimming in Armed Assault and you can easily see under water,this gives so many new possibilities to designing underwater life for a reason since the water is also transparent but reflective. I don't think rolling was in OFP:E and the helicopter physics do indeed seem to be improved. Seems BIS has released a few of their big secrets,glad that the aim goes to hell when you roll too,that makes it so much better. All videos are great but its the swimming one that really makes me squee. notworthy.gif And I love the effect on the new calm water,though I'm going to be anxious to see the stormy water waves,they were great on OFP and they will be excellent here. I know BIS is more about gameplay than graphics but it looks like they are doing an excellent job of balancing the two.

  14. I have seen no evidence of any of this in any of the screenshots or videos thus far.

    Never said there was,I was saying how it would be a nice feature to make things more realistic,instead of infantry having an animation for a certain vehicle type for every vehicle type that falls into that category,each vehicle/weapon could have its own animation so to speak.
