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Posts posted by meyamoti

  1. Try piloting in OFP without a joystick and then try it with a keyboard,unless they changed it to be like the usual these days,mouse and keyboard combined,mouse being control and keyboard being used to turn and ascend and descend,the handling will be different.

    Hmm..lets see..I have an enemy helicopter flying around me but not really doing anything,then I have an enemy tank infront of me,I don't know about you but I value my life a bit more than that,I'd wait till the enemy tank is out of action and then maybe open fire once my driver has hidden the tank,either way,armor is usually fodder for AH's.

  2. @ viper2588

    You get the jpeg and if you want an easier time,get the one with wireframe and add the color mapping,then modify it to get your face in there,ask nicely for somebody to test it whala,you could do it in OFP too,just have to name the jpeg "face" and then go to the custom head in the character profile menu.

  3. I'm not faulting bf2 for its flight model,its great and all but my true dislike with it is the one thing that can ruin a game the most,the people that play it,I see people porting over than want to do nothing more than "pwn" (I hate that word with a passion) others so they rather miss the insight .

  4. After watching the Battle scene with the civilian (from the videos on armedassault.eu), I was surprised that the tanks didn't attack the helicopters in the air with their Commanders MG's. That's what they are there for right? confused_o.gif

    I did love watching the AI fly the Helicopters above the battle though, they were a lot more elegant than the user controlled one in the other video's (but I guess it's all to do with getting used to the new flight model).

    Well lets consider this,you are a tank commander and find yourself in a fight with enemy tanks and helicopter buzzing around and not minding you. Would you pop out and take a shot at them when you know the enemy tank could just aim up,pop off some of its MG rounds and kill you that quick or would you prefer to wait until the tank is destroyed and then maybe attack the helicopter?

  5. Consider this,the US and South Sahrani forces mostly stay in South Sahrani,south Sahrani climate is tropical and barren,northen section is more european,full of dense forests and vast grasslands.

    Would a ghillie suit really help you in a desert enviroment? Storyline following,the US wasn't really expecting the north to raid,they were just there for training sessions.

  6. I'm not sure if military structure works as this but in a way we could have different levels of command,first comes the regular squad member,then squad leaders,afterwards a person in charge of two or so squads,then another perhaps the commander who communicates with those soldiers. Its heavy on multitasking for sure and will definatly test your ability to command. But I get the suspicious feeilng only a few would be up to it.

  7. notice the green tag! arf arf arf!!!!

    ARF! banghead.gifbanghead.gif

    That is just cadet mode like in OFP AFAIK. icon_rolleyes.gif

    the subject was:

    we could see the tag in cadete mode but remember that soldier is behind that fence. so it shouldnt appear. it will be a cheat mode while using cadete mode.

    im sure you will be able to track enemys (while leader) behind fences.

    anyway: im glad that options can be disabled as the pic proved. smile_o.gif

    Oh that,well if they made it so you could only see friendly tags up close that would solve that real quick.

    Provided its even needed,I don't know about you guys but I like playing without tags,learning to recognize the enemy and allied vehicles and soldiers by visuals and knowledge of appearence rather than having its name tagged.

    Infact I'm so into it that I personally train myself ofline to identify friend from foe from a distance incase I find myself in a helicopter or tank,I like to engage in distance,not up close. Its great because sometimes they think your hacking if they can't see you right infront of them.

  8. If you were going for less money in their pockets wouldn't amazon.com be a better option? Then again they could have always just bought it instead of bid..unless he doesn't have it set to bid..which rather answers the question. Ah well,I don't care,its not my money thats goin gone,though I will laugh if the person responds back with a complain of not being able to read it. rofl.gif

    reason being is that the seller posted a warning the game is in Czech.

  9. Wow,that looks really good..realistic and very well done,and to think I was wondering if this type was really a better improvement over OFP's original head texture assignment.

    Of course the image above looks realistic too,all of AA at high settings looks realistic thumbs-up.gif

  10. I'm not sure why people think its possible for a bugless game to exist,there is no such thing...besides,patches aren't bad as long as they don't mess up the gameplay with stupid things like what eh..a certain war game franchise did with their patches lately,not saying any names. *shifty eyes*

    So no humpy sheep for Red Kite eh? Aw what a shame...hey when the game is out (and much more of the community has it) I'm sure the community will be into making things such as foxes and whatnot as well,of course we probably won't see the big pretty stuff like what OFP had for some time due to the advancements,I'd hate to load up one single addon and have it have 10 textures alone,all the normal and speculiar maps...oh man....I think it may be safe to say that addons like Scars hind wouldn't be best for AA,of course nobody is stopping others from staying with OFP,in all honesty due to the more high quality texture possibilities due to the ability to use more with less,I think that some of the community will stay with OFP for that reason.

    Anyway enough of my off topicness.

  11. I don't know about bf2 flight model but I hope that they DID NOT use what bf2 did for attack helicopters,pilots should have no weaponry unless alone,if a gunner is there,they should let the gunner do their job and the pilots focus on their own job.

    In BF2 pilot controls only unguided rockets which makes sense case he is the one who can aim it. Gunner controls canon and guided rockets. To be hones heli flying was the best made feature in BF2

    (not too much arcade) in my opinion i spend lots of hours in the air with my Bro onboard ( and on coms) wink_o.gif .

    And the problem with that is that,and this is definatly evident in special forces,that it killed teamwork for most pilot and gunner interaction,these days if you hope to get proper use of the two you have to fly with a friend. Otherwise most pilots just try to "whore" the kills for themselves.
