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Posts posted by meyamoti

  1. I still dont see how the graphics are bad,I think their just blind or something,seriously.

    Just compare them to crisis, then the world looks empty and ugly wink_o.gif

    I know i know, the scale of ArmA beats the hell out of crysis, and ArmA doesnt kill your PC, but try to hammer that into the heads of Non-ofpers wink_o.gif

    And how many games can really be on par with Crisis?

    And yeah..its kinda sad these days how people look mostly at graphics over gameplay and things you can do really...

    Eye on appearence comment,I must say that AA has the sexiest blackhawk I'v seen yet,both model and textures,its not bland really.

    Problem in terms of graphics and some such is that the community seem sto be thinking,once more gonna say it,inside the box,what they see and not what lies ahead. Water has moving waves and is semi transparent,more depending on the weather,waves also depend on weather,so perhaps water will be more editable,rivers MAY BE POSSIBLE due to static water being able to be animated. (OFP:E reference) And with sound effects. And I believe BIS said they would release tutorials when or before the game comes out along with the tools,perhaps a hint showing that they want the community to do what they want?

  2. Thanks for your replies guys, appreciate each and everyone of them. I would quote some but this is a different kind of forum as I'm used to so I'll let it be for now tounge2.gif

    Well, bunnyhopping IS present in BF2, it's the best way to escape splash damage like that of APC's. Dolpindiving in BF2, please don't get me started on that smile_o.gif All in all, there's just SO many elements about BF2 that make me laugh and cry at the same time...

    Lately, we've been playing a mod called Project Reality (www.realitymod.com) for BF2 which was created by very talented ex-military guys. 1 shot = 1 kill mostly, bleeding = death, cooperation = win ... so we MAY be prepared for some "reality" tounge2.gif

    A lot of concern for BF2 players are graphics as well. Seeing the latest renders I must say I'm VERY impressed! Look for instance at the Abrams:



    ArmA 1 - BF2 0 biggrin_o.gif

    The weather is impressive as well! Interactive Wildlife? WoW is all I can say!

    What about the textures though. Buildings, towns, etc. Most SSs are from 2005 aren't they? Some seem a bit fuzzy, like shot on a low resolution PC with no AA?

    On a scale from "1" to "10", we mostly run grade "6" PCs. How will ArmA look and play for us? pistols.gif

    Yeah..most people here don't much like bf2 but generally when compared to AA,but nobodies gonna say "omfg you play bf2 you lameass!" either smile_o.gif Oh and welcome ^^

    Laugh and cry,oh yeah..I know what you mean..

    Project reality eh? Might have to try that sometime

    Yeah,sadly it seems many bf2 players mostly went for graphics,and yes the Abrams render is impressing,but it is not the final result either wink_o.gif The render released lately are rather old,either that or BIS decided not to show normal mapping in the render.

    There is one thing that many people seem to worry about,well not really..the OFP community can get model happy,we have models with 7000-8000 or so faces,faces being polygons...there is a count difference but I can't remember how marginal it was.

    By the way,I thank you for not comming here and asking a release date and raming the game of graphics and whatnot,generally thats the type the community doesn't much like x.x,and you'v given me some hope that there are more mature BF2 players than I thought.

  3. OFP is slow as compared to bf2 yes,you don't just run and shoot somebody,there is no bunny hopping or dolphin diving,any possibility of shooting while diving is but a thought,as it takes a few seconds rather than instant prone,during which you can do NOthing. you are given more time to plan an attack or defense,you have a much MUCH wider area,vehicles (unless scripted to do so) do not respawn,once you loose it its gone. People (once more,unless scripted) do not respawn. OFP has a campaign,bf2 does not. OFP is much easier to change as against bf2,instead of making a mod to have a vehicle or two,you can make them as addons and use as many as you want together. O2 is much easier to use than 3Dmax,keep in mind you don't have any beveling effects and things of that nature,no fancy shmancy renders as O2 was designed solely for OFP models and nothing else. You have to watch your back in OFP because it takes but a few shots to kill or be killed,5 sometimes if your lucky.

    Current largest problems with it though is,No JIP and bad collision detection,both solved in Armed Assault.

  4. All images appeared before the 'latest' video showing the M1A1 with the bugged commander machine gun,render being the oldest before normal maps existed on vehicles in AA,don't worry,I doubt they would give an M1A1 a machine gun on the turret for the commander and then leave the T-72 without one,remember the thing about BIS,they don't show everything and they don't tend to show the newest wink_o.gif

  5. Thas one method of normal mapping,another method is to take your current texture (once done) and do the steps above,probably the easiest and least time consuming way.

    Naturally you may want to add a part or two of bump maps where there is no texture,but thats all up to the texturer.

    Oops,was using the wrong link but its fixed now.

  6. Please note the 'If that were the case,then would the bush not be casting a shadow?' Used to give evidence of an ingame screenshots,meaning "If this was a render,then the bush would be casting a shadow." Or something along those lines.

    Remember in some pics of AA back then,bushes had trouble and wouldn't cast shadows? Mostly used that example,if it had been a render then everything would be perfect to fool you,like many mods or companies do ><

    And thanks Scrub smile_o.gif

    Making normal maps isn't all that hard,given you have photoshop or something of that nature,here is a tutorial website. the actual texture,you apply the filter and do what is needed and erase the parts not needed to be 'bumped'


    However my curioisity is as to 'how' we apply them,I'm hoping it will be an option in O2,like we load textures and apply them,so will we do with normal maps,atleast thats what I hope,unless BIS had created another tool used to texture.

  7. Nah,with the optimizing and more possibilities,we get more things to do,possible if needed,higher face counts due to optimizing,and normal maps to make textures look 3D without the use of models,and all objects now cast shadows,such as helicopter engines on the helicopter body. Harder to make high quality addons? I highly doubt that smile_o.gif

    (PS,I think that was sarcasm Ti0n3r,mostly due to the whislting tounge2.gif )

    Stepping aside from the 'looks',BIS also said there is mroe possibilties with scripting and one of them being multiple guns,naval units in OFP may become bigger now,with improved collision buildings are more important so more urban maps are possibilities. And it MAY Be POSSIBLE to be able to stand on moving objects. Why? In OFP:E I had an incident of running over a civy car,the driver was flung out and onto my tank but was not thrown off until I stopped my tank,from that time he stayed perfectly on the tank. So are you thinking in or out of the box? Stop looking at the images and thinking thats exactly it people,think of what lies beyond,the possibilities ahead,thats what got OFP to what it is today is it not?

  8. Written on PC Format Blog:
    Quote[/b] ]Hopefully tomorrow we'll post one showing off the lateral leaning and zooming that's possible with the Track IR 4 or Vector expansion pack for Track IR 3.

    What's that? wow_o.gif Leaning? But arma doesn't support x and y translation and someone said, that leaning is not what tir should do...

    Leaning will probably have to be done via keyboard but you can probably still use TrackIR to look around once you are leaning.

  9. Yeap,I'm looking into them as well..they seem to work very well.

    And before any fuss is started over the renders,they are early versions,why do I say this? Take a look for yourself.

    Here we see one of the earliest images of AA released,before normal maps existed for anything but land. http://img126.imageshack.us/img126/9796/796la.jpg

    Here we have the image of the 'latest' render.


    And here we have an image that was posted in Williams blog,the blackhawk ingame. http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/2349/038ql.jpg

    Want more proof?  

    Alright,lets take the T-72,render.


    Ingame 1  http://img126.imageshack.us/img126/6899/451pd.jpg Another somewhat early image,one of the first that started off the 'new' AA,note the appearence of normal maps.

    And who can forget the beautifully taken image of the two T-72's and BMP-2?

    http://img464.imageshack.us/img464/9228/armahires060tr.jpg Could this be a render in a model program and not ingame? If that were the case,then woul the bush not be casting a shadow?

    What I am starting to believe is that BIS is showing us past work on purpose,perhaps one of the suprises they have for us is what we will see,they show us the past work so that we can then see just how far they have truly progressed with the game.  And before anyone asks,I think the vehicles in the render look sexy enough.  And I am glad that BIS is not released uber prettified renders to lead us flasley,but I am also sure they know we care not for such things.

    And one more thing,I LOVE the new 3D model launchers on the sides of the M1A1 turret. ^^

    So go ahead,take a look at these and say BIS has been lazy and hasn't progressed,I dare ya,but before you do,open your eyes,research what has been done from now and then,and before you say that is has OFP graphics,uninstall your mods and play OFP how it ORIGINALLY was,for those of you I have but two images to show.



    That concludes my speech. *turns around,starts walking and falls off the stage*

    Removed hotlink to image. No need to drag the post an forum that out of proportions. Shadow

  10. In the game I think a C-130 is the way to go. The range and speed of the aircraft won't matter because the terrain in ArmA is very small even for the Hercules.

    Yeah! From a gaming point of view for sure the C-130 would be a great asset. Short landing and takeoffs and great for airdrops for both machines and troops! It's also fun to fly slow and low, just right for ArmA! wink_o.gif

    You might use it in single player but in multiplayer, especially on CTI maps, aircrafts are an easy target. They don't stand a chance against AA or Shilka/Vulcan.

    I prefer to use choppers...many of them...at once.. crazy_o.gif


    (lower right corner)

    Oh boy..I sure hope all those helicopters aren't AI that have to get in formation,they seem to love ramming eachother,unless they fixed that in AA,in which,yay biggrin_o.gif

  11. Yup,I missed that painful looking finger snap when I saw the video,as for the humvee,their both the same,its just difference in locations of how the suns light reflects off it.

    Yeah the nit picking it old,but I haven't seen any. "omfg BIS you NEED to change this!" flaming going on,so I agree with Scrub,generally most 'problems' are pointed out with some curtousy,not a handful of insults,so theres not much harm done.

    I am relieved of another thing in that video,in the past screens I noticed that the texture seemed to 'gif.ify' and the colors would become smudges,didn't see that in the video so I'm guessing it may have been an issue fixed,I duno,but I'm glad they did.

  12. Yup,hmm..to be honest,as odd as it souns,ACU doesn't really work all that bad,I dont mean the bright gray prototypes,I mean the ones that have desert tone and whatnot,I'v seen some images where they seem to blend in a bit better,splatter like marks vs pixelated marks,I duno,maybe I'm on crack without knowing.

    So NS wears woodlandlike BDU,SS forces wear early 'war in iraq' (or does it predate that?) desert DBU and US forces wear digital camo..to be honest I don't really see anything to bitch about here.

  13. True,I'm just saying its painted up,hmm...easiest way to sum it up,overly prettified.

    I don't mind OFP the way it is,which is one of the things that gets me about AA...why people say it has bad graphics befuddles me. But I'm moreso looking forward to the abilities,sadly though alot of people are thinking inside the box,looking at what the game is now rather than what it can be in the future,was it the same way for OFP? I don't think so,if it was then I have a strong suspicion the game wouldn't have 'revolutionized' the way it has.

  14. Holy crap! I might have to get me some of them Track IR thingy's,definatly makes it feel more immersive than a mouse can,and the head movements are so smooth. thumbs-up.gif

    To be honest,somehow the way things look make AA seem more realistic in appearence than most games I'v seen,the rest just look kinda painted up.

    Wait a sec..this is kinda odd...that video shows the 5Ton truck as the old OFP one,and yet in photos released in Williams blog we clearly see it redone. 027qy.jpg Which is also in the trailer.

    Just food for though (me and my useless point outs) Now no this is not nitpicking but moreso speculation of video date or perhaps that BIS is indeed hiding more than we know,considering the date in which the image appeared in William's blog, April 28th, 2006

    To be honest if thats the final quality of the game for Track IR,then hell..its more or less perfect.

    Wait a tick... Hmm...I could be wrong but I think they made the possibility of Shadow LOD's being more complicated (more faces) possible...yeah..hard to say on the vehicles because I can't see them well,the camera always moves away when I can get a good look,but its definatly on the soldiers.
