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Posts posted by meyamoti

  1. This is the first screen that shows the commander MG in action I think. (kick me if im wrong)

    Gamestar Pic

    Your right and wrong,it was a video where they were probably testing it,but the flash was buggest so we can't say for certain if it works or not,but chances are that if its on the tank that it will work when the games released. I love the building too,looks enterable as well wink_o.gif

    And once more,those are some of the best looking soldier models and textures I'v seen yet. It also looks like they fixed the hand and fingers on the gun,or atleast that one,bet that took em awhile.

    I could be wrong but I believe I also see reflections on the structures windows,I'm fairly certani there are,there definatly is on helicopters. And it looks like shadows cast on glass too.

  2. Heck we should make a song for them,how many game companies actually release another game along with its tools and tutorials at the same time (or before) Just to help the community more?

    We luv you BIS inlove.gif

    There are so many things shown in these images,such as enterable buildings,take a look at image 1 and the bulding,notice doorways. Images two shows reflections in helicopter glass. And a damn sexy AH-1Z,even the TSS is a complicated model,definatly not what I was expecting. Image three shows a lovely lighting system and a beautiful image of the country side. Image four,wooo,guns ontop of tank turret yay.gif

    Its quite amazing this is all being done on the same engine.

    Ooooh so thats the full theme, I love it even more! ^^ *squee's*

  3. Oh yeah,I forgot about that,but how many times do ya have a vehicle around when doing infantry assaults? wink_o.gif

    Houses I figuire will probably work like OFP:E,they don't do much anything,they may add some things that will be 'destroyed',causing different pathways to be taken. I doubt we will se dynamic destruction until game2,afterall,it wasn't planned for AA.

  4. Yeah yeah,that was past OFP bug,not Armed Assault/OFP:E :P *baps ofpforum* Bad forum,its not hop over it but through it

    Yes there was a bug in OFP due to its bad collision detection,you could sprint and prone through many walls and become stuck in them as well,I can't remember how many times I walked into a house and got caught in a table and could never get out.

    Assuming that Armed Assault collision will be like OFP:E's,which is a very high possibility,this will no longer be possible. (trust me,I'v tried.)

  5. Of course its WIP :P But the release dates and the order of when the pictures appeared as to what they show just doesn't sum up.

    Which leads to the second question,why show them at different settings rather than at the same setting?

  6. Nah thats not a silly question,generally there is a gate or something to allow you to go through into the yard,otherwise you simply find a way arounnd the obstacle,they there might be a kind of "leap over obstacle" option which would be a menu option ONLY when an obstacle is present,to avoid the bunny hopping. This was mostly a community request but it may happen,otherwise we just find a way around the obstacle,no biggie.

    Glad your enjoying yourself,perhaps one day we may get to play together..actually I'm kind of hoping to join a clan of some sort,possibly yours but the problem is I don't have a microphone,the ones I'v tried don't seem to work,its like my computer hates them,then again I can't honestly say I'd like my voice to be heard due to........lets just say I prefer typing.

  7. He's been around for quite some time.

    True that jumping while firing is no longer in bf2 but you can still shoot upon barely landing,not to mention going prone instantly,which is why I like OFP. It takes a few seconds to go prone in which time you can do NOTHING and there is no such thing as jumping.

  8. Hey guys I just noticed something strange,in terms of shadows.

    http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/1829/839hz.jpg Look here,notice the shadows?

    http://img398.imageshack.us/img398/9791/land050a0227df.jpg Now look here,keep your eye on the building shadow.

    http://img69.imageshack.us/img69/6121/armademo58yj.jpg Same as above,it seems that buildings have soft shadows but not all objects.


    look at these two.


    http://img396.imageshack.us/img396/8769/armaofpcde23ol.jpg Sharp 3D shadows right?

    Now look at this.

    http://img53.imageshack.us/img53/7582/armed055vn.jpg Note how all of the shadows are soft.

    Now correct me if I am wrong,but the last photo was released prior to E3. Is this a bashing? No not at all,yet another curiosity strike,wondering why BIS would hide such things in the demo,unless the demo was made before that image and what we may see as the 'new' demo may actually be a few months old before 2006 E3.

    I can only sum up three possible explanations.

    1. Its the angle,however this is highly doubtful as the shadow from the BMP cannons would not be nearly as 'soft' as it appears.

    2. BIS is once more hiding things

    3. Our reviewers that got the demo didn't have their graphics high

    Its hard to say but I'm going with #2.

  9. They gave us an update not long ago,and correct me if I'm wrong but I think they said they have 3 months of development left icon_rolleyes.gif

    wasnt E3 may 9th 12 th ? when that vid came out close to 3 months ago or am i wrong?

    It has nothing to do with the video,it was a 3 month development anouncement that was spoken of lately,in one of the interviews or so,besides,all US citizens shouldn't get their hopes up upon AA release,Europe gets it first for a month or two wink_o.gif of course we can always try to.......wait..... no not the same money, banghead.gif
