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Posts posted by meyamoti

  1. Exactly! When I look at the water in Armed Assault I see more than a flat plane model piece with a texture and shader on it,I see a vast model piece which is not flat,has waves,waves that vary with weather. Also are different color the farther you get from the mainland,if there is land in random parts of the water,not to mention its ability to reflect and so on. It makes me quite eager to see naval units in Armed Assault.

    When I look at animations I see the most realistic I'v seen in any game,I'm ecstatic that they kept the "gun on back" animation rather than having your weapon out all the time. Not to mention the "no jumping" option remains as well as the "insta-prone". Helicopter phsyics look great if you ask me,they bank more to turn,the farther you bank you begin to loose altitiude due to the direction your rotor or rotors are pointing as in reality. Tail rotor failures that cause the helicpoter to not only go static and turn but to go haywire entirerly,looks impossible to control.

    A Gorgeus island,when I think of mods and I look at parts of that island,Jurassic Park is just screamed into my ears.

    When I see finger trigger animation I think of how relentless and (rather useless feature) foolish the community was,yet the game designers listened and implimented this feature.

    When I hear the variables of sounds such as soldiers walking,crawling on that same surface and going from prone to standing,causing their boot to scrape against the surface,I am suprised. When I hear a sound behind an object become "dim",it makes me feel even moreso there.

    When I hear the radio I think that it sounds much clearer and voices have more feeling to them,so some parts don't quite go together,woopdy doo.

    When I look at the wound textures I wonder if they actually took somebody out and shot them (not litterally of course).

    When I look at the camera I am so glad that they kept it the way it was and even made it better,instead of always having your view focussed infront and your gun always pointed in that direction.

    When I saw a video of the Stryker having interior for the driver AND gunner I was even more happy.

    When I was community videos I wonder why do they keep teamkilling,and then I smile when an AI team mate gives them what they deserve.

    The list goes on,but then again,I am one of the appreciative people,I would thank the developers for the game for their effort and work,not to mention ears to the community,rather than 24/7 point out bugs and insult them.

    So even though I do not currently possess the game,thank you BIS for all the work you have done thus far.

  2. Well you understood my point smile_o.gif

    Basicly lately it seems most of the people that have it are always posting about the negative,yes never complaining doesn't solve anything but the complaining has gotten out of hand,not to mention deconstructive words will eventually get you and make you become demotivated to work.

  3. If your going to thank FFUR then you should thank the addon makers whose addons are used in the mod,its not all FFUR yaknow.

    Oh well, i don't really care anyway, im just making a point.

    What a way to make it dryzr5.gif

    There are eight helicopters,more than what OFP had. The rush is due to BIS probably wanting to get it out,who is to blame for the rush? Well in honesty I believe the people are,we could always say "no its their fault its rushed!" But god forbid anyone take responsibility for never silencing their tounge of their gripes.

    People will say FFUR is better than AA because A. They have not experienced Armed Assault, B. Because it is a community project that has taken a good while and for most vehicles and infantry,already had community addons to use. C. Radio effects and whatnot such as ECP and so on.

    Armed Assault is one thing entirerly made by the company,FFUR is a compilation of things made by the entire community,and there is more community than BIS so of course we'll have more.

    The games not been out long,its almost as if several people went LOOKING for bugs.

  4. Seems i´ve got to make another video showing proper keyboard flying in ArmA.

    Don´t get me wrong, i´m still far from perfect but it´s getting better day by day. At first teh handling seemed wrong but after all it´s a good decesion by BIS because it prevents the OFP-disease of players being alround rambos, e.g. AT-Sniper-Helo-Tanker-BlackOp´s rofl.gif

    Eh, its not even fun to fly anymore.

    Why does the key for pivoting the helicopter switch to banking it after you reach a certain speed? biggest load of BS i've ever seen.

    Ive done that SP mission with the AH1 and the convoy countless times, never even getting close to suceeding.

    Very bad move IMO, they've ruined the fun of the helicopters.

    But make that video if you can, I'd love to see how I can improve on this broken model.

    No heavy offense meant here but if you played the original OFP mission with the convoys and could not acheive the mission..then flying isn't reall your thing.

    Personally I look forward to this,will make piloting much more challenging and require practice,I am quite eager to see how challenging it will be to do with my joystick.

  5. * Glass in jeeps/trucks now seems to be bulletproof, you cant

    walk up and kill a driver and steal his car half as easily as

    you used to.

    Ähm ?

    Glas broken

    But this looks like it's not bulletproof (?)

    It's chopper mate... he mentioned jeeps and trucks wink_o.gif

    Only bulletproof glass i found is on HMMWV...

    That would kind of work,considering some HMMWV's today have ballistic glass.

  6. I'm almost 100% there are american female soldiers solely doing combat duty.

    Btw improortant qestion - when arma naked mod if we to have teh women in arma game!?1 yay.gifyay.gifyay.gif

    when speaking of sexist bikini focus.

    Typical,that is not an important question. If you want women in bikini's in a game then go buy or rent dead or alive extreme volleyball or whatever that crap is. We all know that when it comes to seeing women in bikni's that its usually people wanting see them naked or with some skin,we don't need that filth here.

  7. beach boys look great but a little out of place when far from the beach...

    I guess this games AI is really great. They all wanna be at the beach knowing in summertime they could have some nice females to look at.

    To bad they dont know there is none right now, maybe with the release of 505 it will be updated with a couple, till than.........

    Lots of missions called "A day at the beach".

    It would be rather bs if they released women with bikini's and whatnot but no female soldiers.

  8. mentioning OFP and ArmA in a sentence with Battlefield and Ghost Recon is heresy ! crazy_o.gif

    I guess Balschoiws critics are justified , but i think i have an explanation. Usermade content takes a lot more time and devotion. BIS can't be expert for everthing. Also , the sheer amount of content in ArmA is not comparable to most usermade mods.(in a one year timeframe)

    I trust BIS to hammer out the bugs and perfect the unfinished content. The game has far too much potential to get such low ratings because of annoying bugs.

    PS : pleeeaaaaase , release some modding tools wink_o.gif

    The startoff tools are already out,if we make models in advance and might have to rename something we can do it afterwards. We can make textures in advance because only after compression is it decided what detail is lost. Normal map texturing is also able to be done in advance.

  9. How can a scope that has a dot in the center but no zoom,is not meant to zoom,has no zoom in reality but only a scope with a dot to help targetting,that is shown like that ingame,with only the dot,no zoom but only the dot,be fake?

    If you ask me,the game is still groundbreaking. All games that I'v seen that are not RTS style cannot support the amount of solders and vehicles I'v seen in some of these battles,usually there is the rare occurance of twelve vehicles on a special map. Squad play still beats the amount of soldiers you can carry in a squad,in bf2 its only six,in other games I'v seen its four but still not compareable. Other games..AI is dumb as hell regardless of anything. AI in other games have no roads to follow and unless in a cutscene never have a reason to be on them whatsoever,so the AI having to find the path of the road is still an OFP/AA only thing. When windows are shot in other games other than say half life 2 or CSS,they don't have any bullet holes or anything in them that stays and makes the class actually look damaged.

    I haven't seen another recent game that has the ability to damage enemy car tires to render them inoperable,tank cannons being able to be put out of service,their treads,or anything of that sort. At max I'v seen certain areas but that is always front vs back of tank unless on something like say Steel Beasts probably. Vehicle wrecks stay there,in most games I'v seen the vehicle wreck just blows up and thats it,not to mention they respawn which AA's don't. Jumping is still not in (thank goodness). I haven't seen another game outside of a sim where helicopters have rotor and engine failures,the communtiy can do so much more with it than other game communities can do with theirs. Yes they have the flashy graphics but the vehicles feel the same,just a different shell color as they have little to no uniqueness. AA may not be as ground breaking as OFP was but its still a good jump. But right now should be moreso the time to work on ironing out bugs and such rather than add new things.
