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Posts posted by meyamoti

  1. Same with ricochet.

    I'm wondering if its still going to have that whole shades of grey thing,dulling down colors unlike dxdll did,made it so if you get in light you can see all of the original colors of the unit but otherwise it was dark,much like real life.

  2. To be honest I've pretty much forgotten about Game 2. That's too far in the future. Instead I am drooling over the modding possibilities for ArmA... wink_o.gif

    Glad somebody is,it seems like most have just been seeing what they see in the screens and not visualizing what is possible with the modding ability of AA.

    As for game2,I wouldn't expect it too soon,the rpg system their workin on and who knows what is probably pretty difficult,their trying to make the voices work better and make i more than a 2 or 3 answer thing,atleast thats what I saw in the image.

  3. Quote[/b] ]dispite the engine's revamp, its still lagging well behind the big boys

    "The big boys"?? confused_o.gif ? I though OPF was the only "big boy" out there and other games were just midgets, i dont understand whats not to like about Arma graphicaly speaking, everything looks extremely detailed confused_o.gif .

    Graphics are always compared to the best in the genre (FPS, one could say that ArmA is a milsim, but its still a FPS), and ArmA compared to crysis... Well, its not as nice as crysis for obvious reasons which we all know and not going to be repeated again. But fact is that its not as nice as crysis wink_o.gif

    Good preview anyways smile_o.gif

    True but then again what is Crysis other than Crysis itself? wink_o.gif

    Its a damn shame that most gamers look to graphics these days...oh well...keep the little kids and graphic people with their graphics,I'd rather take the less graphicated games in which people believe in gameplay and teamwork.

  4. You might have a point there..but I wouldn't think too much on it,but it is possible...screenshots have become more in quantity than before,I mean when the v2 of Armed Assault was anounced we didn't see more new screens for a few months or so,now their just popping up every other day...Hmm..

  5. Game 2 is quite a mystery,anounced at the same time as Armed Assault,or atleast the images released,early beta of course,however we have seen some video footage showing foilage,a vehicle (UH-1Y) and a soldier model bending and whatnot,a beach with rocks and some other things,yet not much is known,the game is a mystery and I can't help but wonder why we hear so much about AA when we don't on game2?

    We did hear a bit about game2's more rpg aspects,such as being able to piss off a fellow soldier,even AI,I saw an image and I'm not sure if their going to be using a typed answer or the multiple answer choice option.

    Either they are not working on Game2 all that much or they are being very careful that we get little info about it,which isn't really such a bad thing.

  6. Oh another questions, one time a friend of mine and i tried to use the laser designator and a A-10 on a RTS game way back when OPF was still on gamespy but no matter what we did the A-10 wouldnt get any target reticul from the laser , anyone can shed some light on that?

    I think the laser only works for the AI rather than for other players.

    Also, lets get back on track with the 'Latest updates' thing...

    Do we have any?

    Yeah its called FN100 which isn't old,yeesh,what do you want an update every single day or something? How bout a free foot massage?

  7. Yeah I was thinking about something else when I thought of it,I wanted to say BRDM (four wheels) but my mind wound up saying BTR (eight wheels)

    As for the vehicles,I don't think they will be providing screenshots of all vehicles,atleast until its released perhaps.

    The Mi-24 that was in older videos was the OFP one,and I am certain they will make it less boxy this time around,it would look rather silly if it was as compared to everything else.

  8. Also, I would like to see that if your punk butt helicopter gets hit with my Abrams magazine your dead. No two shot kills. That was my speciality. pistols.gif

    I would like to see you stop using that emoticon so much. There is also a 'peeking' ability,you can look around corners while standing or crouched,they said it was going to be in AA,it was in OFP:E,theres no reason it shouldn't be.

    As for the lag,yes OFP is old,it doesn't run too well with modern systems,not many games do,however AA will be optimized and it also depends on your system specs and what you push them to do.

    The problem with cheaters is simple,they do it to get a better score,getting rid of a rank system gets rid of that problem.

  9. Hmm...well we can't really get much info from the demo holders,the things I'm wondering. The FN100 images had anti alaising,why go back? Another thing would be that issue with the soldiers M16A2 in picture 5,the 'gif' appearence,this was seen in the demo,trailer,demo videos and other earlier images,yet on the FN100 there is no sign of this problem.

    I can't say for sure if the Mi-17 is the same,in the other image with it the lighting doesn't match up so its hard to tell if the normal map or the rivets are there.

  10. Interesting and yet confusiong,some of the images have anti alaising on and others don't,I'm only using this as a thing to get a speculative idea,I might be wrong,but I would say some of these are older than than the rest,then again,when you keep working on stuff,it all becomes older right? tounge2.gif

  11. It probably wasn't much of an idea,at first OFP:E was probably going to be like OFP itself,but with all the things they added,it would a shame not to make it for PC,but they took it a step further. And what exactly does this have to do with the over priced ps3? This is PC,not console.

    Many claim that its basicly a mix,and to an extent is true,with some game2 added content,the problem is some of the people that claim that don't really know what lies in the mix,OFP:E is a bigger upgrade than most people think,in some of the biggest areas that needed fixing,such as solid collision,no more sinking through objects and more,but I'm not going to state that here,too many things to state.

    As for the release dates,they kept moving back because BIS had no publisher,but instead of letting the game sit as it was when it was basicly ready and waiting,they decided to continue working on it and look what they have turned it into,something much better. We are not certain yet if they have gotten a publisher now or not,chances are we'll have to wait for some info about the game convention thing in Germany. But its understandable,and BIS is not the only company that pushes release dates back,they say it "may" be this date,while other companies say "it will be" this date and push it back and back and back.

  12. Indeed,thes so called 'booster packs' and 'patches' just screw things up worse,to be honest I think EA added those little awards just to keep people playing it,I'v heard many say that had it not been for the awards,they wouldn't be playing it,problem is people seem to do anything for the awards,and we don't need desperate people in armed assault willing to kill a few team mates just to steal a vehicle,likewise we don't need people who ignore their team mates,ignoring a fellow soldier in bf2 because they want a ride is rude but not nearly as big as it would be in Armed Assault,hell that alone might get you shot by your own team because you didn't help them,so why should they help you.

    Its like a gunfight,you and a few soldiers come into combat and you need somebody to cover you,depending on how much of a kind person is,they may or may not help you,chances are if you help them,they will help you,if you leave them to rot,then so will they you.

    Ranks and awards are the worst things that can really be introduced in AA,people strive to get the higher score yes but they usually leave their team mates behind for it. Unless there was a rank system or something of a nature that would give you a higher score if your team WON a round,not by how many kills you get. Thats alittle idea I had with vehicles,it seems a bit silly to see a private piloting a helicopter. So basicly you would have to work to unlock these vehicles,but it would be by completing missions online,so for one you get enough experience on the ground first and two you learn how to work with your team and IDENTIFY THEM so you don't kill them with a vehicle by accident. Some of these bf2 players are blind to uniforms it seems,I'm really dreading them comming over,that and if I hear somebody talking in their little internet lingo called leetspeak or some bs I'd loose it,not to mention all the corrections.

    "you wanna fly or gun?"

    'its pilot! Its pilot or co pilot! THis isn't bf2 get your terms right please!'

    Yes I'm a bastard at that and I admit it,but in a game like OFP you have to be specific of a target and whatnot,you can't just say tank,its usually best to specify the tank. I mean,is it a M2A3 ,M1A2,T-72,T-80,M60A1/3,BMP-2. Yaknow? (Thank goodness for the OFP text message that identifys them for us,otherwise we'd be screwed in alot of situations.)

    I duno,maybe I'm just too strict,I probably take OFP too seriously,but I believe teamwork is vital in the game,more than in any other game,and I have seen too many instances of people failing to show this figure,not to mention check their team mates uniform or their targets.
