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Posts posted by meyamoti

  1. A small company that has...I'm wanting to say about three buildings or facilities in seperate locations,two or three. I don't remember which. But they are doing an excellent job,I can't really agree with the troll on this one. BIS is different in the fact that they aren't releasing the stuff as soon as its possible to be released. Alright lets look at one of the worlds if not worlds largest video gaming company,EA. Thousands of workers,usually overworked without compensation. Now they do great jobs in their fields to be sure,my dislike for EA is not everyone in the company,but the ones that think they run it,aka the higher ups. The programmers and designers are just doing their jobs,while the other tell them what to do or fuck up. But anyway...lots of games have been released from them,alot of sports...damn sports man,one after another,an improve in graphics and thats about it. $50 for each sports game when one is just a simple advancement over the other? (either that or we are overcharged here). I saw alot of games have mods for them on their community,and afterwards but a few days later,an expansion popped out of nowhere,many times over and over. BIS could have used this method,but instead they have not attempted to make any expansions to contradict community made addons,they encourage modding whereas others seem to discourage it.

  2. Oh we could have bf2 style dustheads rofl.gif

    But yeah,I hope they leave the blood in,it was one of the things many liked about OFP,plus it would set itself aside from other games by having it,other games have blood and gore yes but have you seen a 'real life' war game that has any lately... banghead.gif

  3. You seem to have misinterpretted the meaning of my post Ukraineboy. I was moreso bashing the voting system in general,not somebody voting for or against AA,thats their choice,they have their opinion as I have mine.

    But in terms of the voting system I meant moreso for things like image shack and what other websites of that sort,but enough of the off topicness from me.

  4. Hmm...good point,guess I was too close minded to see that,thanks guys. I guess I wrong,I wasn't thinking in the same sense of images in terms of newer to older,it was mostly something else. Can't really argue with your points,seeing the older images rather than newer of AA due to nonvoting system would be rather bad,not to mention bad for publicity.

  5. Nothin wrong with that,each person has their own preference which is good,otherwise everyone would be the same,world with people being the same...boring world that would be..

    Nothing wrong with giving opinions,its a good thing to do,but in the end you must follow your own...or is it you will follow your own...ah hell this thing fell apart.

  6. @meyamoti

    I don't really get your point. We have introduced rating on all our screenshots on our site, and I find it very usefull. And so do our visitors, since you can see the screenies that have the best votes, also get most visits.

    All people visiting the site have the ability to vote, not just registered users, so I don't think it's biased.

    But maybe you can explain a little more, what you meant?

    True. It's not biased,just at times uselss,there have been more than one ocassion where people will vote for a screenshot that was 'worse' than another. I'v always been of the opinon of,do not take somebody elses word for it,check it out yourself. Its like a game. People can tell you its good and great,but in the end it is you that decides if it will come onto your computer to be played,what somebody thinks is great is not what another person thinks.

    I suppose what I am trying to say is it is better to look at everything,not just take somebody elses word for what looks great and what doesn't. Sorry,I was a bit vague at first.

  7. Any flat parts should have sharp edges. "U",round should have smooth,"I".

    Some methods can be selecting the entire model and pressing U,then go back and select two points,usually side by side is best,and press I for what needs to be round,by doing so you can have sharp flat surfaces with smooth round surfaces just sabove,but without effecting the sharp surface. As such,having sharp surfaces where they need to with a smooth surface as well will effect the smooth surface in terms of how light works on it,overall,these two methods can make an addon look great or good or below. The way lighting in OFP hits any object is extremely important. And if it doesn't show too well ingame,it will when people take images and apply a photoshop filter of some sort.

  8. A HMMWV does fit inside a Chinook.

    check this

    Thats alot to swallow. rofl.gif

    As for the vehicle,yes,in movement you run the risk of that. I remember me and a few friends trying it with the C-130's,I would either be ejected out..or...ejected out...But with fixed collision this runs a lesser factor and more possibilities.

    Only thing is that it may not be possible to stand still in the moving vehicle,or atleast not easily or efficiently,guess we'll wait to see.

  9. Well I have to hand it to BIS,their doin even better than before,the draw distance looks superb as well as the detail what you can see,I'm sure we all remember the quilt forests'. I haven't seen that in any of the newer screenshots.

    The AT launcher and the way the soldier holds it looks stunning,the fingers fit so perfectly around it. And the dynamic shadows are really beautiful,very smooth.

    Northern Sahrani looks great,as does that BMP2,less shiny than I remember from earlier images,looks like the camo is darker toned now. The first statement I made was from this image as well.

    I am curious as to why a soldier is still in the position in which the loader would be,perhaps they made room for a fourth in tanks? Curious as to why their still using the same soldier models in every vehicle,but I figure that will change when they are ready.

    I'd have to say my favorite would be the very last image,looks quite realistic. The darker camoflauge on the blackhawk and its chainguns being pointed down when not in use.

    The reflection ability is bluntly shown here,which I love. And the shadows...well...I have played other games without shadows,Armed Assault will be a MUST,I'm upgrading my PC just for it and only it.

    And the soldiers arms don't look dislocated now,all in all,I have to say...excellent work.

  10. That really depends on how the model and its geometry are made. you see you can in a way 'cheat' it.

    Say its a CH-47,when it comes to geometry,you model it with a hole for the inside,so its not a solid object. By doing so you will be able to walk inside of it,and collision detection is better so your not going to go through the outside of it....to be honest I wonder why nobody has tried that on OFP. I think its because of geometry limit or somethin. I could be wrong and probably am but by using that method I think it would be possible.

  11. Yup,its as if when you walk the soldiers fingers wrap tighter around the weapon,atleast that one,kind of misses the old OFP touch however,no movement in arm,yaknow,the forward and backward..but it was shown with the M4 so I figure its still there,hopefully. OFP wouldn't be OFP if the characters body never moved in first person,aka painted on appearing.

  12. And to answer the person earlier around page 4 or so.

    If the AH-64 is a greenish brown tint with textures not used on the BIS Apache's and the model just generally looks different,its Franze's AH-64. He did the model,Nodunit did the texture,though their working on a better one currently,I can't give any details or Nod will maul my arm off sad_o.gif....that guy needs a muzzle...

    NVM,that is their Longbow,saw it in that image of the Spanish one.

  13. This may have been asked before but I went a few pages back and saw nothing of it. So I'll just ask it. Will the Scars/RHS Mi-24 be released seperatly or is it exclusive to FFUR. Yes I can download the mod and chances are I will later,but right now I'v got other things to do and I'm just wondering,as great as a mod is I don't get much time in OFP and I'd rather not wait an hour or two while trying to obtain one vehicle. A selfish point of view yes but I am sure many other people are also pondering the same question.

  14. Lol? Whats so funny about that?

    Game 2 is the supposed true OFP sequal,being worked on by Bohemia Interactive but at the same time,a seperate team that is not working on Armed Assault. It is more of a deeper infantry sim,with possible rpg elements and more things we have yet to hear of,I don't want to give any false info so I will stop there as we do not know much about it,just hopes.

    Armed Assault was supposed to be OFP:E on PC,but due to unable to find a publisher BIS began to work on it some more and it became what it is today,which is much better. It sports new abilities that were not availible in OFP such as multiple gunner positions and various new scripts (I don't deal in coding so I can't tell you what it all does.) Aside from that the game is supposed to be able to handle more than OFP itself in terms of model detail,or atleast work with it better. Texturers will get the ability to add normal maps to their model which can make 2D texture pieces appear 3D which save alot in faces/polygons. It also has things such as dynamic shadows which is a large plus on the graphic scale,nothing is better than seeing an object cast a shadow on itself and others.

    Aside from that the weather system is more dynamic,it support IR tracker and has smoother animations and much more.

    VBS1 is military training software developed by BIS (Austrailia I believe),very similiar to OFP atleast in appearence. It is pretty expensive but isn't supposed to be something that you just go out and buy at the store. I can't give any real details on it as I have not played it so I don't know what it is capable of,its pluses or minuses.

    OFP2 is the 'sequal' to OFP that is apparently being developped by Codemasters,though details are still sketchy at best,its supposedly vietnam based but nobody knows for sure,there were some images of "OFP2" released that bore the BI insignia in the corners so we have no idea if its true or false,game 2 exists,OFP2 is still speculative.

    But either way,game2 will be OFP2 to OFP fans because BI made it.

  15. Then you got the good ole jolly rogers,I'm wondering if there will be a ghost ship as supposedly seen in real life,an eerie ship with a crew,the ship in a somewhat worng state,doomed to sail the earth forever and bring death to most of those whom see it. For whoever sees it,lies a horrible death.

    Or thats how the story goes,to be honest I would love to see if the rumors are true,the idea of seeing a ghost ship in real life is quite intriguing,though I can't say I'm much for the death part.

    If not I was going to ask permission if I may modify one of the ships to create a very old ghost ship,holes in the hull sides (or atleast one) with torn sails.

  16. In terms of close quarter combat I can agree with a 'lower velocity' type grenade system,the current on in OFP is great for large fields,it just takes a bit of practice to use. (Yes this means you actually have to take time out of the game to learn how to use it,omg you have to use your brain to play a game. icon_rolleyes.gif similar to the command menu,supposedly 'user unfriendly',bs,it just takes time to practice and people are getting to the point where they think its a crime if they have to think to play a game,I would rather have an advanced and techincal and somewhat difficult/challenging command system that lets me choose and tell specific soldiers what to do and how to do it,back to topic. )

    However when it came to indoor combat you had less than a 50/50 chance of correctly throwing a grenade AND living. Of course such things were not really important because due to OFP's faulty collision detection,indoor combat was a rather bad idea,clipping through objects and what have you.

    Knives...Mmmm...well..I think you have been playing a bit too much bf2 or far cry and such,bayonets could be helpful to an extent,but in the end most players will prefer the bullet.

    Fists and Feet..I think that would be a better idea for a mod,a rifle butt smack if you are out of ammo would make some sense,but I'd rather beat somebodies skull with a rifle butt or the rifle itself rather than my softer fist,I'd want to give them a concusion or possibly kill them rather than knock them out.

    As for the corner issue,they have already implimented leaning into the game so thats not an issue really.

  17. Everything has its goods and bads,yes people have ways to kind of ruin the experience but custom faces is one of OFP's biggest features,because with it,unlike other games,everyone does not look like a clone of another,I get tired of looking and people and think..."Hey,did't I just see that guy five yard back? Oh look siamese twins!" Its better to have it than not.

  18. I would be guessing that almost every image or so released is a month or two old by the time we actually see it,the strange thing is that some of the older 'modern' screenshots don't match up to the E3 press build,why do you suppose that is?

  19. Err, did anyone notice the moving clouds? Pretty sure I haven't seen that before.

    Edit: Birds also disappear behind the cloud. So we can assume that cloud will obscure the ground from high flying aircraft.

    They look 2D but even if that is the case I can live with it.

    Yeah but I wasn't going to mention anything,thought cloud movement was in OFP.

    I think the clouds look alright,I mean its not like clouds look an exact specific way,depends on many conditions,looks better than some clouds I'v seen in many games. Besides,its easily changeable,to an extent.

    As for the birds,nope,that one got completely past me.

    Lee your late on the gun shadow effect :P

  20. Vegetation is beautiful,and there is definatly some kind of extra feeling of immersion given by the ability to move ones head freely without moving the weapon,something that even the most 'realistic' fps's will never have without this feature (then again this isn't a run of the mill fps) . And the shadows were just wonderful.

    The grass is mixed with weeds,not just grass,I can see 3 types of grass type things there in part of the movie in the same area,much better than the usual 'nothin but grass'. The leaves on the tree's look great,the smooth moving of the soldiers is much better,definatly better than OFP:E,an example would be the leaning,its pretty much a quick tap and your leaning at the speed or light or so,whereas this

    it takes a few seconds it seems. I also love how you can lean a bit or alot.

    The soldier shadows appear like they can now hold more detail than OFP can,a great plus if so. The dynamic shadows are nothing short of beautiful. The terrain is much detailed than in any image I'v seen,atleast of that type. The landscape looks realistic as well,not overly prettified but the plants look natural as well.

    The tree's casting shadows on itself is an amazing advancement,some may think its just another shadow thing,well that is true. But one day while I was driving down the road, (I live in an area with lots of forest),I was looking at the trees,and I thought to myself. The lining of OFP's trees are great,but they just don't have that extra touch...but its not OFP's fault,because the extra touch is the tree casting its shadow on another tree,trust me,its a big difference.

    I am a bit curious about the part at 01:59,is that a painted backround or is the draw distance that far and you can actually see details THAT far.

    Dynamic shadow casting was shown in OFP:E but not to this extent,if you got or drove under a tree the shadow would be blocky,not nearly as detailed as it is in the video. Which is another thing,are those smooth shadows for EVERYTHING?

    To be honest,I think this video shows quite alot in terms of achievement,things we haven't been shown before,such as the vegetation and other subtle but not so subtle things. And because of how the landscape got closer as the soldier moved (in the end) I think thats draw distance and the details you can see in them.

    The part around 01:40 shows the detail of the vegetation,all in all I would have to say this video is a great insight.
