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Posts posted by meyamoti

  1. Nobody knows,probably not even BIS or their publishers. Ah well..I don't mind waiting,afterall,its not like a good quality game can be made quickly,it takes time. I'm sure the developers have had to go through alot of patience too. But hey,in the demo's the soldiers were speaking english and so were the subtitles and those are in the Czech area right?

  2. Indeed,are you afraid of being stripped of your clothing in a professional enviroment with no means to sex or foreplay when your life is in danger or would you prefer to stay fully clothes and die?

    As for the discrimination,I'm guessing that was sarcasm.

    A soldier is a soldier,a target in a vehicle or uniform of the opposite side,I don't care about gender,be it male or female,if they have a weapon then I'm probably going to try to take them out. Unless they have armored support,then I'm going to run my ass off and look for cover.

  3. But you can make the decision to ignore them (if you have the control to do so) Lets take an example..say your on the highway and your instinct acts funny,something is telling you to not pull out but you do and wind up in a wreck. Not the best example. When it comes to war there is usually one main instinct,and that is to survive. If I had to choose between helping a friendly or killing an enemy at the same time I'd have to take the enemy and then try to help my friendly,it would be a waste to do so first and risk being killed while your friend would just bleed to death.

  4. Their usually not on the front lines,for some reason its as if the military (US in this case) will not let them be on the front lines much.

    smilie There are alot of medic soldiers that are females.

    That does not mean there are none. I'm still waitin to see a female general,seems that in history as time goes whenever female figures are mentioned in power they make the males look like wimps...anyway,getting back to topic.

  5. This sadly falls into the category of children,for some reason people tend to frown if they see woman and children able to be shot in a game. In all honesty I wouldn't mind shooting another woman in the head if it meant my life or hers,nor would any male get any mercy. This who gender difference is bull,we are all human,seeing a woman die is no worse than seeing a man die in my opinion.

    A child on the other hand...I'd rather not endure that which soldiers must see in reality. I doubt BIS would put them in there,after. Who in their right mind would want to kill child? A gown up,a soldier is an of course target but children? Eeeh..nah.

  6. Not sure what you mean by the hand thing,they both look the same to me other than one being closer to the camera and on the weapon rather than the other which is reached to be placed on the weapon or ground.

    And 10 times for the trailer? Pft! I'v watched 20+ now and turned my monitor off and then left the sound up while I clean the house,great music to listen to. Though I must admit it is hard to listen to it and not watch it,the soldier walking animations look ver life like,not only because of how their feet move but also the stride,the head moving a bit and the rear as well along with the arm moving a bit along with the rifles,BIS has done a stunning job thus far.

  7. O and the jets I hope there will be pilot models cause in the video you see normal soldier model that flies the jet.

    It would be better if we get heli pilots and jet pilots different loadouts wink_o.gif

    In the crash video with the AH-1Z on invex's video gallery it shows the pilot model. At first I was skeptical about the green tint,thinking maybe it was just the camera but I did see the helmet was very different and reflected light differently.

  8. BIS did say there would be more realistic bullet penetration,I'm gonna be scared to fight against an AK now since they can go through pretty much any civilian based cover...hm..civilians...hostages..I sense a CS mod possibility but done right.

  9. Wow that video was greate,felt like I was watching live footage really,the movements seem so natural and things just look so....real. Excellent video capturing too,I love the M1A1 passby's and UH-60's biggrin_o.gif,the timing with the music was great and the music itself was an excellent choice,a 10 is too low of a score to give this.
