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Everything posted by meyamoti

  1. meyamoti

    LSR Addons

    Probably in a few weeks or a month or so,why is it everytime people see somethin its always "when is it released?' aka "when do I get my hands on it?!" if the author includes a release date thats good and all,if they don't then don't ask and eventually you will get the addon.
  2. meyamoti

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    Yes it is the best,but you'll never see it in any replacement pack,why? People think their too good for it,they would rather use the incorrectly modelled BIS apache with the much less detailed interior,its their own loss though.
  3. meyamoti

    Far Cry directx10 gfx video.

    Didnt halopc also have the sunrays?I remember looking through some trees and I saw some of those effects,or something similar...
  4. meyamoti

    Far Cry directx10 gfx video.

    yet directx10 runs those graphics which was what I was mostly talkin about so I was still on topic
  5. meyamoti

    Armed Assault - Self Publish?

    Codemasters over ea...pplleeease dun let it be ea.....
  6. meyamoti


    woohoo,super new pocket laptop lol.
  7. meyamoti

    Far Cry directx10 gfx video.

    I mean the graphics in general,not the game,I have far cry but the story doesn't make much sense..your on a boat,your a photogropher,next thing your on an island,guys hunting you then you get a gun and somehow your character is good with a gun,then you get a transmission from a guy you dont know nor does he know you,it just doesnt seem right.
  8. meyamoti

    Star Wars mod

    Oh looks great,I see the eye hatches are a seperate piece,I'm guessin they may be open and closeable? I do have a few suggestions though. Before anybody thinks this is a "only whats wrong with it" reply its not,just some suggestions on makin it more true http://www.vegatransports.com.au/2001/atst.jpg First you have the secondary laser and the grenade launcher (parts on the "head") on the wrong sides,second I would suggest a bix more...curved eye parts,like shown in the picture,I'm not sure if thats part of the box in the "chin" section but theres supposed to be a gap there,mostly so the laser could aim up and such. heres a blueprint thing http://www.drfreund.net/bigfiles/images/gallery_blueprint/at_st.jpg OT- http://www.goldengategarrison.com/gallery/dragoncon2005/IMG_0113 riiight. B-O-T anyway I understands its WIP so I'll let ya work on the model some more before I point out more things,good luck http://www.sith.nl/multimedia/characters/at-st/at-stdrv.jpg http://www.sith.nl/multimedia/characters/at-st/atdrvrs.jpg http://www.sith.nl/multimedia/characters/at-st/scoutpi.jpg crews anyway back to the walker.
  9. meyamoti

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    And I'm guessing with all these nice replacements we are STILL giong to have the same old dull "apache" right Replaced by Hfk one. The what one? not sure I'v heard of that one. any pics or anythin?
  10. meyamoti

    Armed assoult joystiks

    Hehhe yeah,I remember trying the F-16 addon,barely tilted my stick and suddenly went into a barrel roll,next thing I know I'm a wreck on the ground.
  11. meyamoti

    Armed Assault - Self Publish?

    As long as its not EA,then we'll have some third in team fighting and they'll make 20 shots or more to kill a person and vehicles get damaged simply a bump,imagine trying to weave through a forest in one of those (I think their willis jeeps...) and you tap a tree,either 2/3 of that vehicles armor is gone or BOOM your dead,weee. I just hope its not EA.
  12. meyamoti

    Far Cry directx10 gfx video.

    some of thats not a video of a game,its a video of real life ,no seriously that looks real dang realistic,I love it,if OFP2..or 3 whatever they want to call it,has graphics like that especially the destrucible buildings then everyones going to want it,hell you'd be crazy NOT to want it,it suits the graphics whores,the phsyics whores and the realistic or semi-realistic...oooo if it had that I wonder what walking around in a lightning storm with a dark dark sky would look
  13. meyamoti

    My small weapon pack

    Oh ok,didnt know much about that rifle.
  14. meyamoti

    My small weapon pack

    I don't see a difference between that and normal? And is the front of the rifle recoiling?
  15. meyamoti

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    And I'm guessing with all these nice replacements we are STILL giong to have the same old dull "apache" right
  16. meyamoti

    Do we need female soldier?

    I can't vote,I say yes to there being women but not necessarily to make the battlefield more colorful. that idea of OFP sex better be a joke,who the hell relates a war game with sex,if your serious then people like you should stay off these things,these games are made for war and killing not love and sex. male,female,I don't care,if its an adult and an enemy (unless civilian) then I'd kill em in a heart beat.
  17. meyamoti

    New exclusive Screenshots

    Don't forget that textures and such these days don't necessarily take 5 minutes to produce,netiher do the models.
  18. meyamoti

    LSR US Helicopter Pilots 1.00

    No need to be offensive,their mostly giving suggestions and such,usually thats a good thing to make the addon even better.
  19. meyamoti

    New exclusive Screenshots

    I just hope to heck that they don't add jumping,otherwise were gonna have bunny hoppers from hell...
  20. meyamoti

    LSR US Helicopter Pilots 1.00

    Indeed,they look great,funny to see people in marine cobra's using the army's helmets though OT,Whats with the abrams with the whitish parts? in your signature Franze?
  21. meyamoti

    LSR US Helicopter Pilots 1.00

    Their just discussing the differences about it.
  22. meyamoti

    New exclusive Screenshots

    Yeah,I played BF2 and it rather pushes lighter PC's away,for instance to get any of the shaders and such your lighting has to be set to high,wonder why theres a medium then? Sure BF2 was advertised alot but the only thing that saves its arse is the shaders and such.
  23. meyamoti

    New exclusive Screenshots

    There are ups and downs to not giving info,for instance the less people know about the more they don't know when they buy it (till they read the box) so they wait eagerly after the install and get blown away by the suprises. Although knowing everything is kind of good it also takes out suprises.
  24. meyamoti

    LSR US Helicopter Pilots 1.00

    Kind of looks like this http://www.strangedangers.com/images/content/8939.jpg
  25. meyamoti

    Couple of new addons

    Whoa dang I was waaay off it seems.