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Everything posted by meyamoti

  1. meyamoti

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Don't forget that the way bump maps show heavily depends on the location,in a place like that with alot of shadows I would imagine little bump maps,generally they don't appear in shadowy areas. I wonder if they got rid of the cones on the lights,so far we haven't seen anything about that.
  2. meyamoti

    looking around

    Thanks ^^. Hmm..that looks kinda freaky..I'd rather wear a monocle like sensor like on the IHADSS helmets,better FOV and one eye...I like complicated stuff but thats just me.
  3. meyamoti

    William Porter's Blog

    Yeah but this bends bf2 over and spanks it like an abusive nanny that got into a car wreck and then lost her computer and then found out the other person didnt have insurance only to get home and find the house a complete wreck with bugs and angry moths with scalpels and hornets with little uzi's. -.o. In bf2 you have a limited place,very limited,extremely when compared to OFP,there are no get in animations,just the sudden "poof",then of course its EA and then the "patches" that become further graphics demanding,bunny hopping,dolphin diving..its a big mess..OFP by itself,let alone Armed Assault beats bf2 by a longshot.
  4. meyamoti

    the character models

    Where was it stated that body armor woudln't affect a soldier?(ingame) I wonder if it would be possible to make a model with and without,and one would be slower..The Russians and US soldiers wer wearing them so I figure they would have SOME efect,what I'm more curious about is,digital camo or current desert camo? As for the models..I must say..they really have learned alot since OFP,the new ones are very realistic..man I sure hope the crouching thing stays like OFP,taking a moment or two to crouch in which you cannot fire,same with crawling,no firing while crawling..don't need it to be like bf2 But I'm sure BIS wouldn't be that foolish
  5. meyamoti

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Thats actually old news. Actually this is also in Elite, even staring at lights from cars or other lightsource will damage your eyesight. Or the windows in OFP:E at the wright agnel X.x I was in one of the misions which I forget the name ironicly...anyway it was one with the...oh yeah,Clean Sweep,they really changed em both. anyway...in the first mission if you approach one of the houses right the sun will be reflecting to a point that the window looks pure white X.X. so I highly doubt lighting is an issue,hmm..looks like they have graphics and sounds covered,gameplay...well thats a given . I wonder how far the physics go..I remember in OFP:E the mission where Hammer in his M60 knocks down something..on PC it was a tent,in OFP:E its a stack of barrels that are knocked over...I was thinking this was a cutscene special..but later in one of the resistance levels I remember stealing a BMP and I apparently hit a fuel barrel..it started rolling around without anyone doing anything,and even more,it was on fire while rolling. So I think we have a LOT to look forward to,but to each their own.
  6. meyamoti

    Latest screenshots available

    Quality dulled way down to fit,is 4.27 over 100kb? Kinda out of it.. Looks realistic to me,one of those cloudy days where sun only appears in certain spots,I see that alot here...eithers its bright n sunny or dark and cloudy,usually means rain..oh I hope they keep the ability to change weather. [im]http://img137.imageshack.us/img137/6540/01220zr.jpg[/img]>100kb
  7. meyamoti

    The battlefield map need to be changed!

    You people are arguing over a map...ffs the one in OFP works well enough,it gives you what you need and gets you where you need to go,it doesn't have to be high tech and in pretty colors like a MFD's would be,I mean hell,doesnt the army still use paper for most of their maps and the computers for the high tech navigation and gps system? Sahrani is obviously a bit behind "modern",the military is in there yes but judging by its size and the small force there I would tend to believe they would use "simple" maps,of course I could be wrong,this is just a speculation. But arguing over a map isn't worth any headaches
  8. meyamoti

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Indeed.... FiringSquad:When the time came to start work on Armed Assault, what were the development team's main goals? Paul R. Statham:One of the main goals was to retain the fundamental gameplay of Flashpoint, the impact the game had for those who played it due to its many levels of immersion and scope. The next goal after core gameplay is really about how we can look at creating an interface and command system which allows the player to concentrate on fighting with the enemy, not fighting with the UI or menus, we have to look at ways that we retain a deep level of command and involvement with the game world but doing so in a way which was as streamlined as possible. Further areas we wanted to look at improving were the layers of realism the game offered. Of course it's a game, not a military simulator, but because we're developing a game doesn't mean we have to develop it for chimps, so we worked hard to increase the level of realism by adding and tweaking features such as: accurately simulated recoil, ricocheting bullets, ambient wildlife, HDR lighting, bullet kinetic energy, multiple gunners etc. et O.O awesome
  9. meyamoti

    Latest screenshots available

    The new screenshots in Williams blog...its just...*gasp* soldiers that arent super shiny,vehicles super shine gone..sky no longer uber blue X.x heart weak...too excited..must use bathroom.... da UH-60's are shmexy,glad they went with the more realistic slightly saggy blades ^^. Just noticed that one blackhawk has the ESSS equipped with the fuel tanks and the other one with ESSS doesn't...hm..wonder if it will be possible to add hellfire missiles to the ESSS. But those pics from the Firing Squad interview look great too ^^ yay,happy. Its funny to read the comments,some people bitching bright sky..anyone who has actually stepped outside knows that skies can be cloudly,midtone,dark or bright.
  10. meyamoti

    Latest screenshots available

    For crying out loud people examine the details of how old the footage is before thinking this will be the final result,yeesh.
  11. meyamoti


    Sorry if I mispelled it,my english not so good. Anyway...One of the things of some of the greatest modern day engines would be physics.. And I'm wondering how well defined Game2's will be,you can walk around in vehicles and whatnot,yes I can understand that,but what about things such as objects? If we run into an object will it move by itself? Say I run into a barrel and knock it would,would I be able to roll it around or would it stay put? Thats the kind of stuff I mean,graphics and sound are great and all but physics can really make a huge difference. I just came out of playing far cry,again,now I agree that at times the running of people over and they go flying about 50ft in the air isn't correct,a large portion was,or sort of,I noticed that when I ran into shelvs or tables and so on that objects would fall off,computer monitors on a table could be pushed off and the table could even be tilted and lean is done right. I'm guessing there may be a bit of it because I noticed in one of the earliest "game2" pictures that there was a humvee tire "standing' up..*gets pic* http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/8240/91462320050519screen0141qi.jpg At the angle of that tire I would figure it would be rolling around but I could be wrong,anything on this such as ideas n whatnot? O.o
  12. meyamoti

    PCFormat feature full shots

    Hm,metinks I'd have to take a humvee out there and camp the night out and watch the sun set if they keep such great lookin forests
  13. meyamoti

    Latest screenshots available

    Maybe the AI is kinda like the animations,one of hte last htings to be replaced,havent seen the video yet,waiting for it to download....download faster damn you pc! Can't say much about the rotor blades,I remember in OFP at certain angles I guess due to loading more things,the rotors would turn rotate slower or faster. Hmm..locked aim..crap,just like OFP:E,I sure hope thats changeable,one of the things I liked about OFP was its not so arcade like "center style shooting". I however would tend to think quite a bit has changed,do note the soldier models,mostly OFP:E place holders,the soldier in the leaning scene,OFP:E US Specops,look at the soldiers running around,OFP:E soldiers. Judging from the information that the recent pictures have provided,I would have to guess this footage is quite old but gives some insight. Thank you for gettin it. Hands look great,even though they might not go around the gun,ah well,not a big issue to bitch about really. Aside from the town fights which I like (Sure hope to see a map with a large city with skyscrapers n whatnot and a all out war going on there...*sigh*..one can only dream of war in a big city...anyway) and I see they added one of the things I loved about OFP:E,the liveliness of the natural enviroment Glad they give a display of the collision,I'm sure we all remember bumper cars in OFP,hit eachother and bounce all over the place..or hit a pole and keep going like ya hit nothin..unless your in a car,then 70% of the time you were dead. But theres more to the picture of possibilities for OFP than what is shown,with better collision detection there would be extremely rare instances of going through walls and objects if ever. With this ability we could also create indoor combat,underground possibly,biggest thing we'd have to do is make a custom make with a big gap,the building having a ladder or stairs and of course setting the ground contact correctly. And shaders and bump maps would only add to it,I wonder what about lighting...ah wel,if not then no biggie..hmm...metinks...I bet the addon makers will be all over it,the possibilities given to us through this update.....okay time to shut the hell up. We'll just have to wait and see what comes and what happens,so glad they did a remix of sorts of the main OFP theme,yaknow the one,when the East invades Nogova,and..so on,like an OFP musical trade mark...alright I'm done ranting for now.
  14. meyamoti

    Faun Franziska SLT56 v3.0

    18-24 megs when the usual hard drive these days is atleast 8 gigs -.o; Great addon,glad it has been updated and the properties of the cargo and sliding have been made better ^^
  15. meyamoti

    WIP M4's Pack v0.9 Released

    Nice,hm,must be an M4 fetish going on,so many.
  16. meyamoti

    looking around

    But if your head moves then your kinda looking away,do you mean it tracks eye movement and adjusts the scren according to the eye movement or? I don't get it,and I bet its pretty damn expensive.
  17. meyamoti

    looking around

    True..it all depends on how you use your hands,some people have on hand on the keys or their joystick,and the mouse waay off to the side,wonder how left handed people play..hm...maybe I should try some time. 2 hours later- Just tried it,if you are right handed do not attempt x.x *picks bullets out of rear* It works pretty well for joysticks though,that is given they have enough stuff for it,mine I have this little directional thingie,kinda like the cross off a nintendo controller,only round..anyway all I do is click it in the directions I want it to go and poof. I can understand what you mean on the bf2 looking but at the same time I'd not suggest it,in OFP when looking around you can still move the plane/helicopter,in bf2 if your the pilot you cant do diddly squat while looking around. Might have to try the * key,never liked using that because when I was on foot my commander view camera would get stuck at certain angles and it pissed me off >.>;
  18. meyamoti


    My suggestion is that since its on the website itself,that you should search though the "air" addons. which include helicopters and planes.
  19. meyamoti

    looking around

    numberpad here,quick,easy,and convenient.
  20. meyamoti

    ArmA Progress Updates

    I'm not Codarl, but.. Elite has some pretty nice soundwave simulation so it will be in ArmA too. That it does..I remember on the mission to sneak out of the russian camp at night (resistance I believe) and when I had that darn hind chasing me I could notice from my home theatre that sounds would change when I would look in certain directions,all imersive and what not,so I decided to test the theory and trot around,avoiding the ruskies that outnumbered me by the hundreds or so,I have to admit its things like that that make the game so great,also seeing the trees blow in the wind from the chinook was great too,not to mention the flares causing the area to light up in the color of the flare or the lights on the towers doin similar. It was all good ^^. Though the AI still had their moments,on the mission where Armstrong gets onto..eh..I cant remember I think its...Malden? The chapter with all the armored strikes and what not. Anyway,the first mission of guard duty, I remember them saying they were sending in a special forces team...so here comes this UH-60 and I'm watching it,and I see this one specops guy jump out,go flying and slam into the hill and die...sadly funny But the game has immensly improved and I'm sure sound for AA is something a few people are forgetting about. Such as hearing insects in bushes,ambience,and so on and so forth,blah blah. I'm betting the waves will also be dependant on weather ,if its like OFP:E anyway,to give an example...set the editor to have sunny or clear weather,the sunniest,the water will for the most part be calm and still,set it to middle and the water will have some movement,however set the weather to stormy and the water will have waves splashing back and forth,the most active water level. Another thing I think is wind..I messed with the weather a bit and the scripted blowupable gas station that would cause smoke to be released when destroyed...anyway I noticed that upon different weather setting the smoke would rise higher AND would change direction,the height I am certain of but the direction,I could be wrong,best tto get somebody to test it as well.
  21. meyamoti

    Carrying abilities

    hmm..I figure these ideas would most likely be in game2 since it seems to be more of a soldier sim,what with the AI responses a nd all. In terms of healing it would be kinda neat if there was something like MGS3,you would need certain tools for certain injuries like if you were shot in the arm and bleeding you could bandage it up,I just don't want to see some medic running around. "First aid here! *throws a stupid kit and soldier picks it up and is instantly healed*" stuff..I liked the OFP healing because it didn't take forever but it was kinda mroe realistic,you couldn't move or anything in that sence and the medic looked like they were doing something. So pretty much I mean that shots in some places would be savable but not every shot could be "healed".
  22. meyamoti

    Latest screenshots available

    Not to mention some of the desert camo the soldiers are wearing are still the Desert Storm chocolate chip scheme.http://www.serviceofsupply.com/images/OriginalSale/Desert_Camo_Cover00.JPG I think the soldiers look great o.o I don't see whats so bad about em. Unless your referring to the old ones which are the ones in OFP:E,in which case,they still don't look bad >.>
  23. meyamoti

    Latest screenshots available

    I doubt it will always look like that woodland camo,they might include it,if not then I'm sure the community would find a way to that when the tools are released.
  24. meyamoti

    An Observation

    You guys make me laugh..nitpicking about the rotor blur...try this,lets take a look at the picture again. http://armedassault.org/web2/gallery/images/Armed%20Assault/57814.jpg Mmhmm..okay...the blur if THIN,take a look at these. http://ofp.gamepark.cz/news/pics3/armaofpcde9.jpg http://ofp.gamepark.cz/news/pics3/ArmA_hires_02.jpg See. Thin rotor blades,the helicopter is just at an even level or pulled back a bit.In OFP if you get the camera at the right angle it will seem as if there is no rotors or rotor blur at that,some addons have thin rotor blurs which are about the size of the blades themselves,then others have larger more expanded blurs. Jumping out of helicotpers...hmm...if that would be a case then I would tend to hope theres a command for jumping out of planes and helicopters and not a jump button in general,we don't need bunny hoppers...not that their aim would be any good,try runnin sideways in OFP and shooting.
  25. meyamoti

    An Observation

    Could be but I doubt BIS would be stupid enough to show two guns and have one one working.