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Everything posted by meyamoti

  1. meyamoti

    Armed Assault videos

    Exactly! And about the dynamic bridge effect,I'm almost sure its there now. While re-watching the video I noticed that in two of the earlier demonstrations of bridge collapsing that after the bridge driving section went out,the support went out as well. However it seems that the support was falling in one direction,but when it hit a falling segment of the bridge it shifted direction,turned and fell and continued turning a bit due to its momentum. On the second bridge collapse I saw a slightly similar thing,however when the falling bridge segment hit the already vaulting support,the support fell even faster,as if the bridge segment forced it down,afterwards it fell in the same po Ssition with no turning and the bridge segment stayed on it. Not only that but in the second demonstration one of the light posts are blown off,smacks into a part of the destroyed bridge and falls down and it forced back due to the momentum. Seems dynamic in terms of collision to me. At the end of the video a T-72 is flipped,however when it flips it rolls a bit until its balanced. Interesting. Still can't help but wonder what flipped it,as it shows no damaged parts or a impact particle.
  2. meyamoti

    Armed Assault videos

    As realistic as this may be,your thinking of trained soldiers,not idiots who sit behind the computer. People will do things just ti hinder and screw you over,be it team mate or not. This is moreso a good thing to do to prevent asshatery.
  3. meyamoti

    ArmA Photography

    Oh excellent! So very glad they improved that. Ah shit I typoed "those".
  4. meyamoti

    ArmA Photography

    Oh nice night images. Are htose tinkered with in any way or is that how it looks in the game? If thats how it looks I'm rather impressed by how they made things darker like they should be rather than grey.
  5. meyamoti

    Armed Assault videos

    Haha, was that actually an issue? I thought it was a "feature," to be honest. I always used it to my advantage to keep from getting disoriented in the commander chair. Being unable to move the turret in multiplayer because your driver was stupid enough to pop their head out gave a real big disadvantage. Now if they do so you don't have to worry about it them dieing as you won't be stuck like that. I might also be wrong on this or they may have changed it later,but I noticed that on one of spoock's videos,the overview of Sahrani. I noticed something odd at the part with the bridge. From earlier yet not too early,moreso latest images of the bridge,I noticed that the view of destruction found in the image do not match what is shown in the video at all. This may have been something that was simply changed or perhaps that part of the bridge is dynamic to some extent,atleast that its pieces do not always repeat the same pattern.
  6. meyamoti

    Armed Assault videos

    Woo! They fixed the issue of having a tanks turret always centered when the driver is turned out!
  7. meyamoti

    ArmA Photography

    Oh ya don't say? Thanks for the help though,kind of you. But yeah I am curious as to what role he plays. Fork122 gets a cookie.
  8. meyamoti

    3d clouds?

    I'm sure they will be included eventually Damn..only top of the line PC's will be able to run crysis
  9. meyamoti

    ArmA Photography

    Very nice screenshots,excellent of scenery and whatnot. I am curious though,mostly about the soldier in uniform in this image. You'll know the one I'm talking about. http://img205.imageshack.us/img205/9135/interiermi17qq3.jpg
  10. meyamoti

    ArmA Photography

    I remember a mod and developer saying there was a command in AA when it comes to taking images with the camera,a kind of "setfocus" and such.
  11. meyamoti

    ArmA Photography

    I was just about to say: where are the chicks? A tropical island with no chicks and a busload of bouncers! .... C'mon BIS! Thanks T 2000! .... Are there any police then like in OFP? EDIT: Oh yeah, nice massacre by the way! Mostly because people didn't want to see women being shot in the game,so I'll wait for the very first addon of women in bathing suits to come out with no females soldiers,then I'll just have a field day with the yelling. Seriously,its plain bullcrap that women can be in a game as nothing more than eye candy but they can't be soldiers.
  12. meyamoti

    To the people who are playing ArmA, how is it?

    Rofl! Grass not being cover! I wonder how many people think that bullets cannot go through grass. Just tackling this before anyone complains. "Why can they shoot through grass?! " because grass isn't solid,but then again bullets can shoot through metal and brick so what is cover?
  13. meyamoti

    Helicopters in AA

    No game is ever without small faults,no game has no bugs,no game has no hacks,no game has perfection.
  14. meyamoti

    Resistance side In ArmA

    For the record,the North Sahrani's are not Russian but instead soldiers of a communist government,not ever communist is a Russian,look at China,north Korea,etc. North and South Sahrani had been on bad terms from the beginning,the two sides not quite agreeing and whatnot,the north see's a chance to invade the south once the US has left and take it.
  15. meyamoti

    Helicopters in AA

    That would all be community type stuff.
  16. meyamoti

    ArmA Photography

    And all ya got to see of him is his ass really XD
  17. meyamoti

    ArmA Photography

    Nah your just senile Unfortunatly water effect is not something that can be demonstrated by imagery,it can only been really by video. I just hope they kept the waves like OFP:E,in terms of being effected by the weather anyway. I'm curious if the camera is forced under water or if you can put it under water by default,if so then that opens possibilites for under water addons,submarines having more use,plantlife,fish and so on.
  18. meyamoti

    Armed Assault videos

    Yeap...shame to die that way....and people please learn to identify your vehicles :\
  19. meyamoti

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    check the first page of this thread.
  20. meyamoti

    ArmA Photography

    What? They never said anything about that so don't get your hopes up.
  21. meyamoti

    ArmA Photography

    All in all the only texture type question i would like answered would have to be due to curiosity,why did they change the south sahrani uniform to chocolate chip rather than keeping the tri colored uniform?
  22. meyamoti

    ArmA Photography - Questions&Comments

    How is scrolling through a menu and initiating the climbing animation confusing...
  23. meyamoti

    Armed Assault videos

    Static fixed gun? Their shoulder moves with the recoil,only reason they put the finger animations in there was to probably please the the community. Three or so pages of bickering over it
  24. meyamoti

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    I believe Morphicon is all to do with the Germany release,505 has nothing to do with it.
  25. meyamoti

    Helicopters in AA

    Yeah its like comparing franze's apaches against the rhs hind,the movement and response time varies due to the weight and so on. I'd wait to try it myself before passing judgement.