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Everything posted by meyamoti

  1. meyamoti

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Holy crap! I might have to get me some of them Track IR thingy's,definatly makes it feel more immersive than a mouse can,and the head movements are so smooth. To be honest,somehow the way things look make AA seem more realistic in appearence than most games I'v seen,the rest just look kinda painted up. Wait a sec..this is kinda odd...that video shows the 5Ton truck as the old OFP one,and yet in photos released in Williams blog we clearly see it redone. Which is also in the trailer. Just food for though (me and my useless point outs) Now no this is not nitpicking but moreso speculation of video date or perhaps that BIS is indeed hiding more than we know,considering the date in which the image appeared in William's blog, April 28th, 2006 To be honest if thats the final quality of the game for Track IR,then hell..its more or less perfect. Wait a tick... Hmm...I could be wrong but I think they made the possibility of Shadow LOD's being more complicated (more faces) possible...yeah..hard to say on the vehicles because I can't see them well,the camera always moves away when I can get a good look,but its definatly on the soldiers.
  2. meyamoti

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    Oh that makes me thing of a game bored people could play online,tis called 'hot grenade' Just think hot potatoe and were good (yes its a joke,not serious,lest possible,then don't get bored...)
  3. meyamoti

    William Porter's Blog

    I'v heard a few things about the ACU,some soldiers saying it was more comfortable and had more places to hold things and whatnot.
  4. meyamoti

    Latest screenshots available

    *gasp* How did you get those O.O Theres something thats bugging in terms of texture and I'm not sure if its just the pics or something gone wrong,but it seems in shadowy areas or something,the texture seems to 'gif.ify' and by that I mean the colors go into horrid appearence.
  5. meyamoti

    Rank system,good idea or bad idea?

    Try driving around in this: http://www.battlefront.com/products/t72/demo.html You have to shift, it does matter which gear you use, tank turret moves realistically slow, aiming while the tank is moving is hard (aiming at all is hard), etc. I'd like these things included into arma but i know that won't happen 100%... EDIT: Me personally, i don't want stat tracking, the losers come out of the woodwork to commence "ownage". @ martinovic Thanks,I'll make sure to try it out,though I'm not sure that tank turrets turn soslow these days,I'v seen a few videos of some modern tanks,and granted they don't turn as fast as in OFP,they do turn almost as fast. @ Chipper Heh..yeah..my friends tried to do the same with me,I told em its just a game and if they want to really impress me then go get a medal in real life,playing for 100 hours just to get a medal is EA's way of making you stay tied to the game and it seems effective but not generally good in the ways of teamwork. @ AUS_Twisted ROFL,thats good man,real good.
  6. meyamoti

    William Porter's Blog

    Had you been paying attention you would see soldiers in desert BDU and the North forces in Woodland type camo.
  7. meyamoti

    Rank system,good idea or bad idea?

    Yup,I'm ftoopeed. I knew you could lock vehicles but not lock them to certain characters,I'm still a newbie when it comes to learning about the deeper aspects I suppose you could say. @ ofpforum The thing about the tank,yes it is very easy to drive at the moment,but I'm not sure how they could make it harder,shifting? Vehicle sinking due to weak ground? I don't know much about tank driving,and as my friend used to say,ify ou do't know about something ask,be it asking a manual or person. A manual could explain,yes,but in terms of making it harder to drive for the game it wouldn't..(or would it?) So I'm curious to see what ideas you might have As per optional..what if say..there were two types of settings you could have,normal and realistic,you could also make servers defined by these,thus there wouldn't be much trouble in terms of finding the right servers or anything of that sort.
  8. meyamoti

    TOP1 for OFP

    Man,just when you think OFP can't get any better,somebody comes up with something
  9. meyamoti

    William Porter's Blog

    Camo is camo but its not always going to hide you with all of the gear and whatnot,unless the gear was colored the same which would probably cost even more.
  10. meyamoti

    Rank system,good idea or bad idea?

    I didn't know you could lock certain vehicles away from certain characters,thanks for the info Sanctuary .
  11. meyamoti

    Rank system,good idea or bad idea?

    I think people kind of misunderstood what I meant. There is bound to be a scoring system of some sort,usually is. But the thing is why not make the scoring worth something,this doesn't necessarily judge by whom you kill but how you perform and whatnot,mission status and thigns of that nature,I just think it might be rather silly to see a private get into a tank and then whine about only being able to drive or gun..actually I'm rather looking forward to hearing the whining.
  12. meyamoti

    Latest screenshots available

    Hey I remember Magnum,he wasn't really good in the video's,even shot a few of his own men,ah well. I do have to wonder if they will add blood decalls though,I'm guessing they will since in (I think..) OFP and (for certain) OFP:E,when soldiers die a puddle of blood soon forms where they lay. As bad as it may sound,the blood is nice,for one it distinguishes BIS from all the others who make war games with no spot of blood,and its realistic,sure its one of the perhaps brutal aspects but hey,who said war was fought with barbies and flowers?
  13. meyamoti

    Rank system,good idea or bad idea?

    True about the nerdyness and and true about the mission,the problem is in OFP our vehicles don't respawn,which is more realistic so thats not the problem,the problem is how people would go for or TK for a vehicle,having to have high ranks to enter certain vehicles would stop this (until alot of people got that rank).
  14. meyamoti

    Latest screenshots available

    Yeap,soon we won't have a life because of OFP but w'ell be happy. I just dont understand why people are griping about graphics..is it something about having this OMG UBER SHINY stuff or are they blind? In terms of graphics I think they have been looking at too many replacement mods that replace the original models with communit content,that they forgot what REAL OFP looks like. Be that the case,wheres mah beatin shoe.
  15. meyamoti

    Rank system,good idea or bad idea?

    True,and yes that is correct about the way a helicopter works,I can't lie,I love piloting the cobra,it can be either very effective or very unneffective depending on who you play with..but anyway. AUS_Twisted Had a point which I can't believe I missed, After saying how it would be bad to have the ranks,causing people to cheat simply to be higher,having it so vehicles were locked to rank would even cause more rucuss.
  16. meyamoti

    Armed Assault FAQ

    I know,the gunner would sit around the nose area of the turret and there is no hatch,problem with the gunner turning out is,well...people will want to mod the abrams to have the 50 call AND M240,thus causing a bit of conflict in that sense.
  17. meyamoti

    Latest screenshots available

    Ah yes I did this earlier,it wasn't there originally,originally if you got on any moving vehicle in bf2 you were instantly killed,i forget why they changed this...anyway its not really a good idea unless you can say..SIT on the back of the tank,but even then the turret shouldn't be able to move in a full circle because it would whack you in the head,seems like a rather useless thing to add really.
  18. meyamoti

    Latest screenshots available

    No you do have a point,the problem is many people in terms of gripes with movement and models,seem to think inside of the box,they only see AA in the images,not what it can be or what lies ahead,and by that I'm talking about community content,think about it,multiple gun positions and better physics give more reasons to make buildings and naval units. I highly believe that a unit can stay on a moving vehicle,and I found this out by accident in OFP:E once. I ran over a civilian car and it flipped up and threw the civy out,wellt he civilian landed on my tank and STAYED on my tank perfectly still while I moved,but when I stopped the corpse was thrown off.
  19. meyamoti

    Latest screenshots available

    Pertty too And water will change,I'm guessing from OFP:E representation and how clear the sky is,this is what water will look like when its clear weather. http://ofp.gamepark.cz/news/pics3/armaE3wwiiec6.jpg As I stated before in a seperate thread,on clear days theres next to no movement so you feel like your looking at a blue sheet,similiar to real life,depending on how the sun is reflecting of course. I also just noticed somethin on that particular image...anyone think its rather strange that these two images would have different crosshairs? One from above and this http://ofp.gamepark.cz/news/pics3/armaE3wwiiec5.jpg
  20. meyamoti

    ArmA Progress Updates

    I believe they didnt finished the engine changes on the mulitple gunners back then, it still had bug(s) in the last vid Good point,then perhaps the blackhawk image was simply to silence the communities speculation of that? Or maybe the video or gameplay given access to outdates that than what was truly happening? Hmm... I'm gonna review the video again,provided I have it x.x
  21. meyamoti

    Armed Assault FAQ

    No harm done I duno,I just find it intriguing that there is a soldier turned out in the commander position and where the loader would be,unless say tanks can hold 4 people now but like the M1A2SEP addon,where the fourth position is basicly a cargo seat,correct me if I'm wrong,but isn't the gunner able to turn out in the M1A2SEP? It may be the same thing..I don't know,its just interesting to theorize a bit as long as theres no OMFG THEY NEED TO FIX THAT WTF?! stuff going on.
  22. meyamoti

    Armed Assault FAQ

    Take a look at the yellow box,there are two people turned out,commander and loader position,more interesting rather than odd. Argh no you people use your eyes :P Look at the positions.
  23. meyamoti

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Thanks,who knows,there could be alot of things they aren't telling us,wouldn't be the first time I'm not sure but I don't remember BIS saying that there would be new shadow effects and normal maps and things of that nature. I'm willing to venture that image or video was out before or just after OFP:E,probably when they were first working on the abrams and only the turret had camo,let alone much else. Concidering that,if the wall does indeed have a physics attachment then either they did away with it,or they are simply hiding it from us,remember how they used to do that with the blackhawks? Carefully show us only one side until one day we got a head on shot that clearly showed both? Perhaps it may be the same thing,I suppose we'll never know when it comes to BIS,their good at secrecy.
  24. meyamoti

    Armed Assault FAQ

    I just noticed somethin odd while lookin through my screen shot archive,can't believe I didn't see it before.
  25. meyamoti

    Latest screenshots available

    Jeez what is with you people and the cruddy graphics issues? Are you mad that everythings not overly shiny or something? The shadows on the vehicles,I don't recall them doing that on OFP..and if they did then it must have been like OFP:E,in OFP:E you can drive under a tree and it will cast A shadow,but it will for the most part be like a box,not detaild like that is,further more I don't really see how you can call these- *digs in AA folder* http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/9881/0227cf.jpg http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/913/039oe.jpg http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/1664/089gq.jpg http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/8428/armahires062tz.jpg http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/7083/armed052me.jpg http://img384.imageshack.us/img384/2735/armed045aq.jpg Bad graphics,and furthermore I do believe AA MAY have reflections on glass,if you watch the trailer when it comes to the blackhawk,from this point http://img469.imageshack.us/img469/4751/armaavid45qp.jpg watch ALL of the glass,the door mostly and you can see a kind of moving reflection. Also if you really think AA has bad graphics,consider what BIS COULD have given vs what they MIGHT/WILL be giving,to give the best note of this I will use the vehicle I can see the most change in,the blackhawk. http://ofp.gamepark.cz/news/pics3/armans1.jpg http://img385.imageshack.us/img385/433/armaofpcde40xl.jpg As for the character movement I guess you just can't be pleased,I mean hell the animations are smooth now,sure the only possible issue may be how the head moves when running but hey not everyone runs the same,but BIS has done this when they could always just say screw it and leave it,I mean they have VBS1, and VBS2 on the way so they wouldn't really need Armed Assault,so yaknow,try to show alittle respect and concideration for their hard work.