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About muju

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal
  1. I need help with this script. After unit respawn i'm trying to load specific weapon loadout for players but it doesn't seem to work properly. Only muju.sqf works sometimes. Script is executed in onPlayerRespawn.sqf. All help is appreciated. Thank you in advance. OnPlayerRespawn.sqf waitUntil {!(isNull player)}; if (getPlayerUID player isEqualTo "111111111111111") then { player execvm "spedetloadout\muju.sqf"; }; if (getPlayerUID player isEqualTo "222222222222222") then { player execvm "spedetloadout\ipe.sqf"; }; if (getPlayerUID player isEqualTo "333333333333333") then { player execvm "spedetloadout\peh.sqf"; }; if (getPlayerUID player isEqualTo "444444444444444") then { player execvm "spedetloadout\jiihoo.sqf"; }; muju.sqf //comment "Exported from Arsenal by muju"; //comment "[!] UNIT MUST BE LOCAL [!]"; if (!local Player ) exitWith {}; //comment "Remove existing items"; removeAllWeapons Player ; removeAllItems Player ; removeAllAssignedItems Player ; removeUniform Player ; removeVest Player ; removeBackpack Player ; removeHeadgear Player ; removeGoggles Player ; //comment "Add weapons"; Player addWeapon "CUP_lmg_m249_SQuantoon"; Player addPrimaryWeaponItem "CUP_optic_CompM4"; Player addPrimaryWeaponItem "CUP_200Rnd_TE4_Red_Tracer_556x45_M249"; Player addWeapon "CUP_launch_MAAWS"; Player addSecondaryWeaponItem "CUP_optic_MAAWS_Scope"; Player addSecondaryWeaponItem "CUP_MAAWS_HEAT_M"; //comment "Add containers"; Player forceAddUniform "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam"; Player addVest "V_PlateCarrier1_rgr"; Player addBackpack "B_Bergen_mcamo_F"; //comment "Add binoculars"; Player addWeapon "Rangefinder"; //comment "Add items to containers"; Player addItemToUniform "FirstAidKit"; for "_i" from 1 to 3 do {Player addItemToUniform "CUP_HandGrenade_M67";}; for "_i" from 1 to 5 do {Player addItemToVest "HandGrenade";}; Player addItemToVest "SmokeShellGreen"; for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {Player addItemToVest "CUP_200Rnd_TE4_Red_Tracer_556x45_M249";}; Player addItemToVest "MiniGrenade"; for "_i" from 1 to 4 do {Player addItemToBackpack "FirstAidKit";}; //Player addItemToBackpack "NLAW_F"; for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {Player addItemToBackpack "HandGrenade";}; for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {Player addItemToBackpack "MiniGrenade";}; Player addItemToBackpack "3Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell"; for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {Player addItemToBackpack "20Rnd_762x51_Mag";}; for "_i" from 1 to 3 do {Player addItemToBackpack "CUP_MAAWS_HEAT_M";}; for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {Player addItemToBackpack "CUP_200Rnd_TE4_Red_Tracer_556x45_M249";}; Player addHeadgear "H_HelmetB_grass"; //comment "Add items"; Player linkItem "ItemMap"; Player linkItem "ItemCompass"; Player linkItem "ItemWatch"; Player linkItem "ItemRadio"; Player linkItem "ItemGPS"; Player linkItem "NVGoggles_OPFOR"; //comment "Set identity"; //[Player ,"WhiteHead_11","male11eng"] call BIS_fnc_setIdentity;
  2. I think, i solved the problem. Thanks anyway!
  3. Can someone help me with this enemy group tracks player group script? It worked perfectly in Arma 2 on dedicated server. if (isserver) then { _grp = _this select 0; _trg = _this select 1; _delay = (if (count _this > 2) then {_this select 2} else {10}); while { ({alive _x} count units _grp > 0) && ({alive _x} count units _trg > 0) } do { _grp move getpos leader _trg; sleep _delay; }; }; Now Arma 3 generates this error... https://ibb.co/x8F73qf Script is executed in init.sqf with line below... if (alive hunter1) then {nul=[huntgrp1,keke,10] execVM "scripts\trackdown.sqf";};
  4. Thanx snkman for fixing it and for a quick reply.
  5. @SNKMAN We keep getting this http://img197.imageshack.us/img197/9170/picbpy.jpg error almost every time we start a mission (any mission) when using Group link 4. Our team uses dedicated server. GL4 + CBA is loaded on dedicated computer and also on every client computers with default GL4 settings. No GL4 modules have been inserted in editor into any missions.
  6. muju

    FDF Mod 1.0 for ArmA

    Nice mod! Hopefully we'll see more of this. Keep up the good work guys! OOps and happy new year!
  7. muju

    SPON Core

    I get this error when staring ArmA... I'm using these mods... Addon Compilation for more realism and immersion error Any ideas ??
  8. Thank you for the answer. Sometimes this server side/client side stuff can be quite confusing.
  9. Hi, there! Nice work here with this compilation stuff The.D. One thing i'd like clarify... just to be sure. Does this mean that when addon tagged like above should only be loaded on dedicated server and not on client side computer at all ?
  10. muju

    Arma beta patch 1.09 - released

    I can confirm this... did same to me. I used this uninstaller... Uninstall_ARMAPatch_109beta.exe
  11. Nice work Göeth... as always. Now ArmA is much more fun to play.
  12. Yup, it's a pity that such a nice feature now have to be removed  from all mpmissions... damn! After new patch 1.08 was installed our team members began to suffer from CTD every time when mission contained "spectating script", missions without works nicely. Keg are you still alive ??
  13. Keg any chance for fixed version any time soon ??
  14. muju

    Weird graphics

    This just might be related to graphics card's MipMap settings... be sure that mipmap detail level is set to high quality control panel >> appearance and themes >> display >> settings >> advanced >> 3D >> custom >> MipMap detail level
  15. muju

    Weird graphics

    Have you tried omega drivers ? Ati Omega drivers