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Everything posted by m21man

  1. The new Ia Drang valley map, damn it looks nice! Maybe I should become a member of the Unsung Mod so I can get my paws on it .
  2. m21man

    Unscripted war: vietnam pack

    How big is the island? How are the plant/ground textures when compared with Tonal?
  3. m21man

    Unscripted war: vietnam pack

    Curses! How did you get a copy of the island?!?
  4. m21man

    Iaf's new f-16/i's

    That would lead to some interesting scenarios...
  5. m21man

    Gun control debate thread

    I know people who've been in potentially lethal situations and simply used their gun as a tool to intimidate and drive off potential attackers, rather than firing. It gives you the ability to defend yourself. Or would you prefer it that I whacked off a muggers leg with a katana? If you are in a potentially lethal solution, (I'll use a "home invasion" as an example), those are your only feasible choices. You could call the police, but now you have to: A. Wait for the police, in the meantime it is likely that you will be assaulted/murdered. B. Employ the "Snivel like a Hippie" technique. It might work, but the invader will probably attack you and/or your family. He didn't talk about any weapon in particular, he was just talking about the right to defend yourself. Guns are simply the most easy way to defend yourself, though a chainsaw or baseball bat will work in close quarters.
  6. m21man

    Gun control debate thread

    As a side note, here are some quotes from dangerous, ultra neo-conservative, fascist pro-gun nutcases: "If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun." ~ The Dalai Lama, (May 15, 2001, The Seattle Times) "Where the choice is between only violence and cowardice, I would advise violence." ~ Mohatma Gandhi "Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the act of depriving a whole nation of arms, as the blackest."  ~ Mahatma Gandhi, Gandhi, An Autobiography, M. K. Gandhi, page 446. "Though defensive violence will always be 'a sad necessity' in the eyes of men of principle, it would be still more unfortunate if wrongdoers should dominate just men." -St. Augustine A.D. 354-430
  7. m21man

    Gun control debate thread

    If the criminal decided not to get a gun, then he probably wasn't determined enough to kill someone in the first place. On the contrary, if someone wants to murder, then they will be able to find a gun. They may need to find an illegal vendor to get the gun from, but they'll be able to find one. However, if their target had a gun himself he (the target) would at least have a chance of defending himself.
  8. m21man

    Sea demon mig29 v2.02

    What? Did you mean: Just wondering... Looks good, I'll give it a try when I get home. Finally, I'll have a good-looking plane that can splash one of Hudson's F/A-18s !
  9. m21man

    Gun control debate thread

    I don't think so, it just reported on the number of crimes committed by criminals who'd strangely disobeyed the gun laws and continued packing heat. Who do these people think they are, criminals?!?
  10. m21man

    Gun control debate thread

    Damn, I never knew that the U.K. was that small. Sorry about that.
  11. m21man

    Gun control debate thread

    Sigh...If only the U.S. would be ban guns and be more like Britain. Then we could get rid of our pesky lowering crime rate and get more good, wholesome muggers and rapists onto our streets.
  12. m21man

    Best helicopters

    Check out DKM Mod for the RAH-66 and Mi-28 gunships.
  13. m21man

    Realistic explosion mod  v1.1

    For whatever reason, my computer got horribly laggy during the end cutscene of Resistance. Don't know why, it's probably not the system specs :
  14. m21man

    Your opinions of the campaigns.

    Resistance was my favorite campaign, though CWC with the improved trees and textures can give Resistance a run for its money. Red Hammer is mainly a good source for getting Russian-sounding radio transmissions. I would agree that the mission quality is usually poor/mediocre in RH, and the scripting is...*VOMITS ONTO FLOOR* .
  15. m21man

    Ofp is the most incredible game

    If you've got a fairly good system, you can download a set of improved CWC Islands from this thread. Installation is very easy, just make some back-ups of the original islands and then copy the included abel.wrp, cain.wrp, and eden.wrp into your OperationFlashpoint/Worlds folder. The improved look of the islands really spices up CWC .
  16. m21man

    Easter eggs

    I'll just sit on my front porch eating out of an enormous tub of Skittles while alternately playing OFP and zapping impressionable little children with a Tesla coil (No, I'm not joking here ). Damn, I didn't know about that easter egg. I'll have to try it out when I get home.
  17. m21man

    Is my addon folders too big?

    Let's say you want to make a mod folder and put all of your DKM units in it. Make a folder in your OperationFlashpoint directory and name it whatever you want (I'll call it dkm_units ). In the dkm_units folder, make a folder called addons. In this folder put all of your DKM addons. Now make a new shortcut for OFP, and modify the Target field to something like this: "C:\Program Files\Codemasters\OperationFlashpoint\FLASHPOINTBETA.EXE" -mod=dkm_units If you want multiple mod folders in one shortcut, use a semi-colon: "C:\Program Files\Codemasters\OperationFlashpoint\FLASHPOINTBETA.EXE" -mod=dkm_units;hisky;misc_addons;DRG_betas
  18. m21man

    Man killed by teen video gamers

    That would be an interesting world . The problem is that the kind of idiots who would file these lawsuits would then sue for "defamation" of their mental abilities .
  19. m21man

    Man killed by teen video gamers

    But Fubar, the parents don't have enough money to quench these peoples' greed for cash. Instead, these idiots will sue anyone who is even remotely connected to the incidents, as long as they have lots of cash. First it's Take2 and Rockstar, then it's Walmart for selling these games, then it's gun companies, then it's Valve for creating Half-Life and starting the violent FPS craze, then it's Sony for selling the PS2, etc... There's a huge amount of sueable companies for them, and all the idiots need are effective lawyers and stupid juries. I am another member of the group that has played GTA III, enjoyed it, and not felt the urge to grab one of many available guns and go on a rampage. Basically, the dumber/younger you are, the more the media affects you. As long as you're semi-mature or are fairly smart, you'll realize that games are fantasies, not realities.
  20. m21man

    Bas tonal-tango pack

    A good quick fix is to use mod folders. Among the many mod folders I have, I have a "BAS_Isle" and a "BAS_Units" folder. Now create a seperate shortcut that only uses these two mod folders, and if you want to play a regular OFP mission, just launch the unaltered 1.94 .
  21. m21man

    Bas tonal-tango pack

    It's in the northwest sector of the island. Coordinates on Tonal can be deceiving, as they will suddenly switch values when you zoom out enough. Somebody did post the coordinates a while back in this thread, so search for them.
  22. m21man

    Who dares wins

    It's supposed to make it mysterious...
  23. m21man

    Bas tonal-tango pack

    Also, where are these climable trees I've heard about? I've played around in the jungles and never been able to climb one. Maybe it's a glitch, or maybe I'm just stupid .
  24. m21man

    Bas tonal-tango pack

    The old BRDM could be used like a car in GTA III, since its combination of armor and speed made it capable of running down soldiers while keeping the driver alive. That's how I beat the "Rage" mission.
  25. m21man

    A sad day - ofp:goty - �7.99 bargin bin

    I've already got a couple discs with all of the best addons available on them. FDF Mod, I44 Mod Demo, H&P F/A-18s, etc. My OperationFlashpoint directory is about 2.3 GBs at the moment.