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Everything posted by m21man

  1. m21man

    I'v got a problem!

    Windows XP will do. Or, you could buy a copy of Longhorn from the software "pirates" who just acquired a copy of it . As much as you can afford . A good first goal would be about 300Mb of RAM, but after that I'd work up to 500 Mb or so.
  2. m21man

    Artillery scripting

    @Dinger - Can you create a barrage effect with that technique?
  3. m21man

    Unscripted war: vietnam pack

    When you make a jungle island, you can either make it look good and have everyone with a mediocre computer whine at you, or you can make crappy foliage that plays well and then have everyone with a powerful computer complaining that it looks like crap (And it would ). If TYS makes great looking plants for his island, please respect his hard work and don't complain because it's laggy. Jungle islands are laggy by their very nature. I hope that one day people understand this and stop making demands which are often absurd ("I want it to look great, and I want it to play well on a minimum spec computer" ).
  4. m21man

    Artillery scripting

    Making an artillery script execute from the radio is quick and simple. Make a trigger, and set it to be activated by a radio signal (For example, Radio Alpha). In the On Activation field, put: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[conditions] exec "artillery.sqs" Change conditions to whatever conditions the script takes, and change artillery.sqs to the artillery script's name. Now in the player's init field put: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">1 setradiomsg "Artillery - Start" Edit - To use the provided script, all you'd need to execute the script would be: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[] exec "artillery.sqs" You also need a marker named artmarker to designate the area that the artillery would strike at.
  5. m21man

    Artillery scripting

    You make random artillery barrages by camcreating shells over an area. An example snippet of a script: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_mkrpos = getmarkerpos "artmarker" _power = "heat125" _mx = _mkrpos select 0 _my = _mkrpos select 1 _mz = _mkrpos select 2 #Setup _i = 0 _b = 0 #Randomize _dir = random 360 _rx = (sin _dir) + 50 _ry = (cos _dir) + 50 #Boom _shell = _power camcreate [_mx + _rx, _my + _ry, _mz + 50] _i = _i + 1 ?(_i == 6): goto "check" ~1 goto "randomize" #Check _b = _b + 1 ?(_b == 3): exit ~8 goto "randomize" The trig isn't guaranteed .
  6. m21man

    Resistance problems

    Are you using 1.94?
  7. m21man

    Resistance problems

    Are you using 1.94?
  8. m21man

    Can someone translate this into cezch

    Here's a nice simple phrase, "translated" from English to English. What I put in: What I got out:
  9. m21man

    Resistance ending

    What's wrong with the end?!? It's supposed to be complete chaos as Guba makes one last attempt to seize the island. Gastovski is just a special forces soldier, he's not Superman. Then you're very optimistic .
  10. m21man

    Joint eu military

    Then the E.U. had better have one standardized language for the military, otherwise chaos will ensue. Imagine what would happen if most of your infantrymen spoke English, your tankers mostly spoke German, your artillerymen mostly spoke French, and meanwhile most of your scouts spoke Spanish.
  11. m21man

    Joint eu military

    The U.S.S.R. held the U.S. in check because both were ready to nuke each other. I hope that you don't want us to go into another Cold War.
  12. m21man

    Resistance requirements?

    I had 384Mb of RAM on the old comp, it worked OK.
  13. m21man

    Animated trees

    Would performance be any better if you made a forest section that used one looping animation to make all of the trees in it move?
  14. "_x in chopper1" foreach (units groupname) Syntax not guaranteed.
  15. m21man

    Resistance requirements?

    If you've got the necessary disk space, then it will install .
  16. m21man

    Resistance requirements?

    I used to play OFP with virtually the same system, and Resistance's performance was fairly good. However, if you went near either of the big cities (Lipany or Petrovice) when there was a battle going, there was definite system slowdown.
  17. m21man

    Frag in tank

    Lobbing a hand grenade from ground level into a tank would be virtually impossible. What would be more likely is someone hiding in a multi-story building and dropping a grenade straight down into the open hatch.
  18. m21man

    Tweaking ofp

    In Flashpoint Preferences, go into the Advanced section. Adjust the Total Memory slider to use about 3/4 of your total RAM. In the Textures subcategory, change Landscape to 512x512, which does virtually nothing to visual quality as there aren't many textures larger than 512x512 in most maps. Changing this seems to speed up texture intensive maps like Tonal.
  19. m21man


    We really need a getpitch/setpitch command.
  20. m21man


    What version of OFP do you have?
  21. m21man


    A tale of two PETAs : The First PETA The Second PETA
  22. If you're using 1.94, then you need to use FLASHPOINTBETA.exe instead of FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.exe. Also, I think the folder that the hi-sky mod installs into is called "hisky".
  23. m21man

    Low fps with geforece 4 ti4400??

    Say no more. Turn it down to medium or low for greatly improved performance.
  24. Don't you mean: BIS is not including Kegety's hi-sky mod in any patch, and I don't think that any upgrade (Except maybe 1.75) has effected the skies.