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Everything posted by mamasan8

  1. mamasan8

    GPS is useless

    I assume the thing they are talking about is the one you get when you press CTRL+M, could be right-side CRTL at that.
  2. mamasan8

    Sniping in ArmA

    Just because you can't hit a target, doesn't mean that the rifle is innacurate. I can use the SPR from anywhere from 50m to 600/700m effectively. Have you ever looked at the crosshair and then looked at where the bullet actually lands? It is almost always to the left or right of the center of the crosshair. Normal M16 and M4 is more accurate. That must just be you, even if my crosshair is abov or below my target, due to how i know the rifles behaviour, I will almost always have my bullet land where I aimed. This morning for example, setting myself up on a 700m range, I took an SPR and 4 Magazines, 120 hits, Zero misses on the target. I tested SPR some more. It is accurate but I still cant aim with it =). I stand corrected. The crosshair sways too much, even when holding breath. I can aim for heads with M24 and M107 (stationary target) but not with SPR. .COMmunist: Go to page one of this topic, I pasted some stuff from patchrelease concerning crosshairs and the zeroing of them.
  3. mamasan8

    Sniping in ArmA

    Just because you can't hit a target, doesn't mean that the rifle is innacurate. I can use the SPR from anywhere from 50m to 600/700m effectively. Have you ever looked at the crosshair and then looked at where the bullet actually lands? It is almost always to the left or right of the center of the crosshair. Normal M16 and M4 is more accurate. *********************************** Optics/Ironsights leveling on distance: 50m > MP5, pistols 100m > AK74UN, M4/M16 with Aimpoint, ACOG sights or suppressor 120m-400m > M4SPR 200m > SVD, KSVK, AK74PSO 300m > AK74, AK74GL, AK74U, M16A2, M16GL, M16A4, M16A4GL, all G36, machineguns 500m > M107 ************************************* From patch 1.05, weapons.pbo http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Version_History
  4. mamasan8


    I would still enjoy Evolution since I love sniping but can't use that gun at start. The points system is like a sidegoal. Bigger guns with bigger points. This idea...I never thought it would be developed by BIS but by the community. And there could be an on/off switch to it too. No one would be forced to use it. But if you arent forced to use it and not many would like it, why make it in the first place? If there was even 1 server running something like this and it would be down like 50% of the time, I would love to play there.
  5. mamasan8

    Sniping in ArmA

    BIS actually released the specs on what the crosshair is zeroed at. The m107 (barrett) is 500 metres. Rest were 300 and less. SPR: I avoid SPR at all costs, it just isnt accurate, even 200 metres from target the shots end up +-1 metres from the target. M24: Bullet drops way too fast for me, anything above 500 metres just doesnt seem feasible with it. Can be done but I prefer Barrett for longer distance. M107 (Barrett): Great rifle, love it. Almost always 1 hit, 1 kill. Great at range, also seems the bullet travels faster than any other gun. Maybe it's just the deadliness of it. Moving targets isnt that hard to hit (except online, lag and warping), just takes practice. But I still don't hit them with 1st shot unless they run almost straight at me. Now, if they could just add a handgun with more punch, like a Desert Eagle or something I would be happy =)
  6. mamasan8

    ArmA is just ... disappointing

    AI seems to have no recoil whatsoever, they snipe with AK better than I snipe with sniperrifle (from 500 metres+). Short story: I shot at an AI in a town, AI ran away, I tried to find it, ran 200-300 metres after it in a town (Paraiso), found AI, started aiming...meanwhile AI stops, turns around and shoots me with 1 shot, all this within a second...how come the AI knew I was there...I just entered a corner too so its not like I wouldd have been in plain view for any amount of time. AI driving vehicles...they simply cant stick to road. In Sahrani, put AI to drive from airport to Corazol, they go via paraiso and the woods...only takes them 3-4 times longer than a human to drive to same place. No T-80, few choppers, planes. AI too accurate with RPG launcher and grenadelauncher towards human (infantry) targets. Grenade launcher isnt that easy to hit with, have to calculate distance and terrain but AI shoots you in the head every time with nadelauncher. To Thomas Ryan: Why on earth did you get a laptop? For the same amount of money you could have gotten a top-of-the-line stationary PC. And why compare with Stalker? It didnt even look good, looked 2-3 years old IMO. I can't up the shader details on my 3 years old computer but I tried once and it looked really good, I think a wall on a building even had text but Im running all blurry now to get frames. OFP required tons of computer power too, extreme drawdistance. It's only recently I been able to play OFP at high settings. That to me is preferred (gfx(graphics) scalable so modern comps cant even run it on highest), a reason to come back to an old game and a great one at that.
  7. I've dled a mission, cant find it either in mp games or single missions. The pbo is in arma games directory under mpmissions. Same with a bunch of homemade missions, doesnt matter if I save it as single or MP, I can't see it. Its on the harddrive but I cant see it in-game. Why? The older ones I've made I can see but nothing I've made like the past month. I've deleted a few old missions to see if I just have too many of them but no difference. So...the missions show up in docments settings/usrname folder (with foldername same as mission) and in mpmissions/missions but when I click multiplayer->new-> LAN or Internet( doesnt matter), the missions just arent there. Same if I choose Missions. Only the old ones show up and the "My missions" is totally empty. Could it be FDF sounds addon doing this? class Mission { addOns[]= { "sara", "cacharacters", "CAWheeled", "caweapons", "CABuildings", "camisc", "CAAir" }; addOnsAuto[]= { "cacharacters", "CAWheeled", "caweapons", "CABuildings", "camisc", "CAAir", "sara" }; Thats what it says in mission.sqm in the beginning, deleting that stuff is useless since as soon as I save again, it's back (deleting everything but sara addon from .sqm file). To add to the mystery:: The mission is called Air one in arma but what I saved it as is really Ortego. Air one is a totally different mission... Mystery solved:: For some reason briefing name in mission.sqm was Air One so obviosly I wasnt able to find it under its real name. How that happened, I have no clue.
  8. How do I use it? Syntax: map drawRectangle [center, a, b, angle, color, fill] What is map? Can I leave it out? Center? Center of what? And what are accepted inputs for color? Red or its RGB-code? Im trying to do what some guy did in some mission. Area has red rectangle over it when enemy is there and otherwise green. Can't remember mission name or I would dl it and check how he did. EDIT:: I used setMarkerColor instead but would be nice to know how draw works anyway. The way I did it was set a trigger (switch type). Type in the on activation field: "Markername" (in this case "zone1") setMarkerColor "ColorRedAlpha" and in the deactivation field: "zone1" setMarkerColor "ColorGreenAlpha" trigger and marker is the same size, placed on top of each other. Trigger triggers when opfor present, repeatedly. I have a slight delay in it too, dont know how that really affects anything (timeout 5 secs) http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setMarkerColor
  9. mamasan8

    Infantry, prepare to be amazed

    I loved the video, great improvement. Now its actually worth using ironsight instead of "crosshair" close-up. SAW has very little recoil compared to PK for example (in-game).
  10. mamasan8


    I've been driving the ammo trucks and the like,a car, a humvee and I like the diffferent feel to them all. A truck feels big, slow and hard to steer just like it should be.
  11. mamasan8

    All-time best missions list

    One shot, One kill, singleplay mission. ITS GREAT!!! The music rocks and its FUN!!!