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Everything posted by mikro

  1. So why arnt we getting pistols for just the normal old operation fashpoint? why is resistance getting al the attention? i mean come on why isnt there pistols and BRIDGES for normal flashpoint? thats what the old damand was. for knifs and pistols. i wish that you get these soon for operation fashpoint so that us old schoolers dont have to buy a new game for stuff that sould have been added a long time ago to the normal old game! please reply so we can show what we want. i would like to here your comment on this subject so that i can decide wether i have your support to fight the big legue.
  2. mikro

    So.....whats with the updates, whats going on?

    there the producers if they cant even change the codes they put in there stupid.....and i live in utah not in the republic of californa.....i say we give cal back to mexico
  3. mikro

    So.....whats with the updates, whats going on?

    listen in america i have to pay importation fees especally because im near the west coast
  4. mikro

    So.....whats with the updates, whats going on?

    so your saying that its a better idea to buy some expanstion for pistols and 5 new addons? 30$ for 5 addons and 12 new wepons? well if thats what you want then you've got problems.
  5. mikro

    So.....whats with the updates, whats going on?

    the origonall copy would sell faster tho if the add ons would just come in an origional download people want to download addons.......not buy them. the damand for games that you dont have to buy updates is in and for those of us in the U.S.A. know that
  6. mikro

    Sea Combat

  7. mikro

    Sea Combat

    i want sea battles too if a game bisness(Cornerd Rat Studeios) can build a ship and are building battle ships codemasters can too. i mean these people C.R.S. started a year-a-go. therte new and the have a world in 1/3 skell (www.wwiionline.com) these people codmasters have only built P.T. bouts that are usless. no lacks sreams rivers lagoons swamps. in a magraty raiting almast all operation flashpoint players want rivers lacks streams creeks and swamps! now operation flashpoint mackers we want rivers, battle ships, destroyers, subs, frog men, lacks, creeks, swamps and streams........if any one else wants a this say I.......I
  8. mikro


    and nice little swiming pools behind houses so we could drown lol.
  9. where do they go? i have a funney one of an airplane speed goinr 1450 miles an hour.
  10. oh yah wheres the clip bored?
  11. i'll tell you how to get an air plane going so fast..... get to 600 speed and then go up up up up every once and a while you cant go up so pic up speed and when you please and your at 20000 alt DRRRRRROOOOOOOPPPPP and keep going till you reach 500s then pull up or you can crash into the oceon thanx