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Posts posted by leondus

  1. What if someone is using DAC Zones for random contacts?

    I'm using CE2 v1.22 and dying to try something new :)

    Yes, the enemy squads require the same script to be run. This is so your own squads can report contact with them (and so the scripts can track them with markers). AI and scripted objectives will come later.

  2. I just tried old (first version?) of the Libyan Soldiers with dma_facetex1.pbo and they ended up like this,


    Within the config file I added this


    Init ="_this call (ECP_resources select 40); [_this select 0,0] exec ""\bd_grenadepack\AddNewUnit.sqs""; [_this select 0] exec ""\IRO_libya\scr\arab_faces.sqs""";

    fired = " if ( (_this select 1 in [{Throw},{JAM_AT4Launcher},{JAM_RPG7Launcher},{JAM_M72LAWLauncher}]) or (_this select 4 in [{JAM_MarkerGrenadeammo}]) ) then {_this exec {\JAM_Magazines\FX\firedEH.sqs}}";



    inside the scr folder, is arab_faces.sqs which reads

    [_this select 0] exec "\dma_facetex1\libface.sqs";


    Anyone help?

  3. After 4 years of using JAM, Ive never tried the HD men.

    What does the HD mean and what does it do?????

    I can't find the doc file that came with JAM3 :rolleyes:
