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Everything posted by karantan

  1. karantan

    School shooting "phenomenom"

    My post was not meant for you (directly) mate, but more for that discussion and comparition which jman started about the weapons and cars and forks ,,, but while we're already here... Well, while I'm driving a car I am afraid all the time that someone might get hurt because of me, concentrating or not concentrating on the road have nothing to do with it, it's about the awareness that many of devices can also hurt and kill. But we don't rising our voices against them, that they should/must be banned e.g. wannish from our daily lifes. Why? From a pure selfish reasons (to suit our commodity), we humans are full of such a hipocricy. And you're right, you cannot compare the death rates of cars and guns. In any country the death rate caused by cars is multiple times greater from that caused from a firearms, the difference is sometimes so great that those numbers are almost incomparable. And there're no alarms ringing, there're no campaigns against the cars ,,, and the cars are 'killing' us all all the time, they're all the time choking the Earth with their exhaust gases ... Sadly this is very true, and this police 'problem' is by my opinion a global thing. Everyone with a little brain can see that the Police is not doing their job properly. I have a friend which is a policeman, and on some summer evening a few years ago, while we seat on some pub's garden sipping a cold bear we had a conversation (joke him) about the 'police doing nothing'. You know what he said? He said something like this: "I will not expose myself and risk my head to rumble with some criminals. I'll write some traffic ticket and that's it, that's my career, I'm not stupid, I don't give a fart about the rest, being someone in distress, needing our protection from the attackers and all that shit. We usually came when is all over, didn't you noticed that we're always late?" "But that's your job, your obligation to help and to protect and to serve!" we said. "Screw that, I do not serve to nobody and my job and obligation is to reach my pension. Ask any cop this, not some freshy, still enthusiastic greenhorn, and you'll get such an answer." was his answer. And this was in one of the calmest (so far) europian countries. So much about giving the arms (only) in hands of public servers (Police) to protect us, and it was such a police 'dedication' also on work in that last school shooting?
  2. karantan

    School shooting "phenomenom"

    I completely agree with your post Xawery, and there're many things that could be addded on, but I'll only like to add that the human resourcefulness when it comes down to a killing knows no limits or boundaries, and it must be never underastimated, so I think the lack (prohibition) of guns would not change much the overall killed victims ratio. Like all such debates this is like a spelled circle and by the time/pages as is evident they more or less loose their meaning; the (true and correct and core btw) fidings/statements like have already been stated right at the beginning of this debate. The 'reason' I'm participating in this is also because I'm finding kinda hypocritical that some which are playing a computer simulation where is all about the war and the killing, have such an 'attitude' and the 'relationship' towards the weapons; a man would expect that the weapons would rather be their fetish.
  3. karantan

    School shooting "phenomenom"

    Cars are maded for transportation, guns are maded for killing. So? Any device have and serve to some purpose. Have you ever been afraid that one day you'll kill someone with your car? Or that you, your wife, your kids you're driving behind one day can be killed in/by the car? Have you? I have some of those fears almost every day when I'm behind the wheel. Is this the reason to be against the cars? No. Is this a reason not to use a car? It could be, but it isn't. Is the reason that the guns are maded for a killing enough to be against the weapons? As I see it, NO. In my eyes to be against the weapons is just a pose, a fashion. No real and effective reason is behind it. And I doubt it will ever be. Sadly the weapons are part of us, part of our culture. As they're the transportation units.
  4. karantan

    School shooting "phenomenom"

    We could be at page 34652 but our intellectual capacities cannot minimize the probability that a single less mosquito would evolve from a larvae. You must go 'out' and to act, to 'do something about it'. Let's theorise a bit more: if another or one more gun that day would be present at that high school (in the hands of a security guard? ), the number of casualties could be lowered, halved, maybe reduced even more from that. I am not a gun lover, I am a realist. If I personally evaluate that I personally need a weapon to increase my personal safety I will not refuse the reality just to feel so academic and to be 'above all that'. Personally I'm refusing to be a helpless victim which despite a 'danger indicators' didn't done anything to protect himself. The reality is cruel and at all times it requires a personal choices, which some time in the future can bring (positive or negative) personal consequences. The compromises are happening and are done more or less on a personal levels, you can't do a compromise with something so abstract as society, which along with that is going in wrong direction. If you're not ready this/such society will eat you raw and then devour you; you're a (beaten, robbed, raped, killed, bancrupt, homeless,,,you choose) victim of it. Thank you too.
  5. karantan

    School shooting "phenomenom"

    If some one decides to get a gun, then I can't think of any better (and sain enough) reason. Which would be your reason(s) to own a gun then? 'Can'. This 'can' do anybody, but the real question here is HOW you'll deal with such a situation. For you can be that you'll 'deal' with it like giving all away to the robber/burglar, and to shit your pants during the process. Sorry mate, but with revious discussion on this theme you didn't convinced me at all that you're capable to handle properly in such tense situation, but who am I to care, you're old enough. Yes that's right, "just in case". If I want to arm myself, why would arm myself AFTER something bad happens to me or my family, when is too late, there's no logic in this. Any and all kind of dangers are lurking on us on any place and at any time, in our carelessness and in our cocoons of our cozy lifes we just don't see it anymore; our instincts for it are gone. Until ,,, it touches us; until something bad happens to us or to our loved ones. But until then those dangers doesen't exist for us, doesen't 'apply' on us. So here's no one a coward, not those who choosed to arm themselves nor those who choosed not to, this is just a way how an individual is participating and valuating the surounding in which he's living. The cowards are those which don't resist even when they can or could, and above all when they must, but they're too afraid to. Of course there's also a few people with so high moral standards about this, that any kind of violence is unthinkable to them, but we're not one of them, aren't we. Well, good for you if you had such a peaceful life so far, and I mean it. And I'm trying to understand you and what you're saying, but sorry, I can't, you're too much contradicting to yourself in your statements, and you're changing them too rapidly to understand you completely. Here's an exsample: Only a couple of posts behind you've wroted that they can take a car, a wallet, a furniture from you, that you won't bother fighting against a burglar, you would rather left the police to do that. Maybe if some one rob you naked isn't enough of reason for you to resist or to defend yourself, but beleive me that with me the person is in quite big danger if he stops me on a street asking me if he can use my cell phone. Why? Because we all know that in this days even a poorest bump have a cell phone, not one but few of them, probably all stollen. And about that burglar thingy; most of the burglars (let's say 90% of them or even more) don't carry a weapon with them, they don't expect to have a contact with the 'victim', and mostly they run away at the slightest sound or when they realise that the residents are at home (by day) or that the residents are been waken up (by night). That's why is quite on place and 'safe' to confront the burglar even with a bare hands. With robbers, rapists, murderers and similar scum is of course a bit different story, and sometimes more strong mesures (a gun?) are required to defend yourself. EDIT: Please Baddo don't take this as a some sort of attack on you, that would be the last thing on my mind.
  6. karantan

    School shooting "phenomenom"

    No, what makes you a whinie is that you'll allow some one to take everything from you, your car, your wallet, your furniture,,, this has (now I'm going with bold) nothing to do with usage or not usege of a gun, but yes, you being a coward. But you can't take it if some one on some forum is making some joke on your expences (here we were alike -but not anymore- so I do understand you). Well, you're ,,, inconsistent in your thouths or beleifes if you want. The bottom line is; if I would be in a situation that I have to use a gun, or an axe or a knife or a pile of a dry shit to defend myself, my property and my family, then I would do it. You will not, these are your own words, not mine. In my book this is a pure chicken cowardness, in your book it can be whatever you want or like. No, this discussion is about School shooting "phenomenon". But nevermind. What you would do if he would try to 'take' your women instead of your stereos? Would you still calculate with the posibility ending you in prison if you'll go and split up his scull? And before the police will arive ,,, *picture in your head here what it would happen with you women in the meantime* As I said, this are just some childlish immature jokes I am making, so don't take them so seriously, rather yourself make some joke on my expences (I'm already used to it here on this forum). Â Â And when just talking about the wolf: That's the spirit, baddo! Oh, you're so kind.
  7. karantan

    Video of Colin McRea Dirt using the Neon Engine

    No but from retarded ArmaA's AI. Â I think every thing can be optimised, EVEN this graphic engine. As I said, I just can't see that Codemasters will allow themselves to shit a stick here.
  8. karantan

    Video of Colin McRea Dirt using the Neon Engine

    Why it could not handle the open space and lots of units, is this only in BIS's and their graphic engine domain? Yea, a better car handling (give every soldier his armed humvee and wroooom ratatatata   ), and we can be pretty certain a better AI.
  9. karantan

    School shooting "phenomenom"

    What a whinie ... Â Â If everybody would thinking and acting like you baddo, it would be a burgler's and robber's heavens on earth, and don't tell me we have a Police for that; you know, sometimes even almighty Police is late, don't act and things like that, just look how they've 'acted' in case for which this topic is created for. You're too pacifistic even for my taste, and don't tell me that your thinking is from a healthy sense. I certainly would, will and do defend my property and my dearest. Not every punk which want to steal your car or get into your house will have a bazooka with him, so a swift kick in the ass (but rather in the head) can solve a problem, before those lazy policemens move their lazy buts and came on a crime scene. Question for you, baddo; have a wife or a girlfriend? If you have, would you just look how some burglar would break into your house or apartment, and then go to rape your wife or girlfriend? Would you act, or you'll just tell him go ahaed, take my wife as you've taken my car, my wallet, my furniture, and then you'll play a pacifistic voyeur (as you would played it during (your own) robbery)? You see, there're situations where is really not healthy to act or intervene, but there're also the situations which one must to intervene or to act, even if he risking his own life. This is a healthy sense, not your (too)pacifisticly inactive -- senseless philosophy. Heck, peoples (firemans) recently risked their own lifes to save some horse from a muddy pit! And don't tell me this is their job, or that's a job of a policeman to risk his own life to save your cowardly ass.
  10. karantan

    Can't ALT+TAB from editor

    I also lost ability to alt+tab out of the game. Of course I had it before, and I'm sure I lost it because I've so polluted a game with all that mods and enhacements and addons, so maybe this is also your problem. One more thing; I just tried what Staos is suggesting and I've discovered that I can't change even an OFP resolution anymore; the moment I try to change it it CTD. Â Time for a thorough spring cleaning ...
  11. karantan

    Ask a moderator about the forum and the rules

    This has been explained via PM. This indeed has been 'explained' ( ), but not solved, not solved at all. Just for you all to know; something very fishy is going on here, it stinks to Pluto and back ,,, I can even smell my banning ,,,
  12. karantan

    Ask a moderator about the forum and the rules

    Why did I received a warning for a flamebiting, but the one who started with flamebiting didn't? I did report his post to you admin, but nothing has happened, and now when after your thumbs twidling I reacted/responded I got a warning. Nice ... Once you have the enough of them you can play LEGO Â ...
  13. karantan

    2 scripts 2 major problems

    As I said AgentJonathan, forget about it, it's all past now. Sorry but I still don't understand how you make the place in player's weapons loadout for those new magazines and weapons? Are you doing it in/with some other script or something? EDIT: And don't worry about The-Architect. Sometimes he have such an erratic outbursts towards me, but don't blame him, he's not guilty if he was bornad that way, as tardo and not being fit for the outside world, and with 26 years still dependent on mama's breasts milk.
  14. karantan

    2 scripts 2 major problems

    I were sorry? For what?
  15. karantan

    2 scripts 2 major problems

    It's ok, a misunderstanding then. But next time try to articulate your thouths more properly so the possible future misunderstandings can be avoided.
  16. karantan

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    Yes, my second and my first hope. We just should wait for it (thou it doesn't hurts a little to debate, the question is only if this is a right site for it ), and hope it for the best. Personally I don't think CM would and could affort themselves to have a blunder; I think it's a matter of 'honour' now.
  17. Here you go, my setings: - dxdll: http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=6811 - BergHoff's Nature Pack 3 (Nordic): http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=9270 - MODUL SKY v0.85: http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=9589 - and last but not least; ECP Mod: http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=8705
  18. Here you go, my setings: - dxdll: http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=6811 - BergHoff's Nature Pack 3 (Nordic): http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=9270 - MODUL SKY v0.85: http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=9589 - and last but not least; ECP Mod: http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=8705
  19. karantan

    Sound Folder Error

    Nice this is solved. To be honnest I expected for you to have much more troubles with it; description files can be a real pain; one tiny, unoticable mistake cause a CTDs, and with some really big file you're like doomed. But yours is not big, isn't it? As expected you have texts in triggers, so there's no need for those brackets after titles; there's nothing to put in/between them. But I'm suggesting you to keep them; for the next time, that you'll know what/how to do it when you'll need them.
  20. No, I think there's no method to transfer mission data into the outro. The solution? 'Transfer' the outro scene inside the mission.
  21. karantan

    2 scripts 2 major problems

    That's what one gets if he spend his free time on some 13 years old kiddo. Lesson learned.
  22. karantan

    Sound Folder Error

    Didn't checked it thouroughly, so many things can be wrong or missing here, this depends and vary from the mission designing, but as it seems your main problem is that you're missing a titles. Where do you have those titles, do you have them as strings in .csv file? Are they in triggers maybe? On that pic they're looking like radio messages, which (as strings) don't go along with the sounds configuration ,,, Anyways, try and add this <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">titles[] = behind the sound, so it will looks like this <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">  class Theory1  {   name = "voiceover";   sound[] = {\sounds\voiceover.ogg, db+30, 1.0};   titles[] =  }; and see what happens. I think you also missing another  };  at the end of the file (to completely close it). And your last link is leading directly to the Photobucket's main page, so we can't see what's wrong now.
  23. karantan

    Will you still play ArmA?

    Chill out Albert, or I'll start to think you're on BIS's payroll. As already has been multiple times stated I don't give a fart from whom's the game is and if OFP 2 will be better than ArmA then hell absolutelly yes.
  24. karantan

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    Anyways, as I said, we all should stop making preasumptions and just wait and see ...
  25. karantan

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    Sorry, but don't quite get it ,,, Why? Just because's from Codemasters? If ArmA would be a Codemasters' product I'm sure you all would tear the game (and the company) to shreads, not just to be a moderately critical -you're more dissapointed than critical really- as you're now. Don't you want a new (potentially great) game from this gengre? Indeed, the competition is a good thing, remember, competition raising the quality (and sometimes lowering the prices), so give them a break, and above all the chance, you'll had plenty of time and the oportunity to spit on them later if they fail Â