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Everything posted by karantan

  1. karantan

    New Civilians

    WOW WOW WOW, love those 'amazones'!!! It's a final version? There seems to a hooker on the right of the third pic, so if you're hungry for love ...
  2. Just put wavetolip(lip) files into the Sound folder, where  the sound(ogg) files are. They must have the same name as the apropriate ogg file. And that's it. Then in On Activation field of the waypoints insert <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> unitname say "filename" and it should work.
  3. karantan

    Font size

    Place <h2> infront and </h2> behind the words. For the rest of the text you must then define another-apropriate font (<h4> as I can see) ofcourse.
  4. karantan

    OUC 2.0

    I see. About the color; ok, the dark violet it is then.
  5. karantan

    OUC 2.0

    They were pinky on my monitor, and I have a good monitor; Sony G200 Trinitron Multiscan. I were that day out with my wife on the dinner, and I've drinked only two beers, I swear it . But what all I was doing with OFP all that time I have it, it would be no wonder if the settings or whatever are somewhat messed up (thou all other things looks quite ok). So, it'll be nice if some one else confirm the color of those ghosts (if this is important to you). One more thing; if I remember correctly, there were a telling inside the story that some intervention group had lately deal with those three woodcutters. Maybe you should change this; the player have a chance to kill them by himself.
  6. karantan

    OUC 2.0

    Just played The Forest, and thou I do not like any kind of horrors (I think it's stuff for kids) I did like it, did like it alot, and I really enjoyed playing it. You're helluva story teller, Mandoble! And your missions have that classical(BIS) 'smell', which I like it also. Now that I'm properly scared I can go to sleep, it's another working day tommorow. [He he he, pinky ghosts ...]
  7. karantan

    Fast Time

    Yes, there's such a command; setAccTime. For instance: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> setAccTime 10 will make time to go ten times faster, but also the units will move ten times faster, which hicks88 try to avoid.
  8. karantan

    Novajev Island Released

    Can also be a bit of 'complaining', yes? It always kind of shivers me, when I see an airport on such small peices of rocks like islands for ofp are (I know I know, a matter of versatility but still, where's there a realism please, also the airports are a deadly enemy for the realistical conflict scenarios), and this one have two of them! Also you've been not genorous with a wooden areas; I'm kind of sick off of those grassy steps ... And I miss an Intro anim (had been said already). But don't mind me; very good job otherwise, been waiting for this island to be finished quite some time. The idea of re-using a familiar landscape is great.
  9. karantan


    And then what? The dude stands up, shake off the dust, and ride off into the sunset? BHD, what is it? It is a movie? If it is, and a quote describing the scene from the movie, then this says enough for itself ...
  10. karantan

    Operation Urup campaign final release

    Reporting a bug in first mission, Mandoble; the BMP was in the sea, floating some 50-100 meters from the shore.
  11. karantan


    This is a joke, right mate? Grenade exploding near you should tear you to a thousand peices, not 'knock you over' (a man with a one solid blow on the chin can do this )! In such case an explosion shockwave if nothing else would kill you. Now here and here you're more on the money.
  12. Can some one refresh my memory and tell me how to activate-detonate a cam created satchel charge?
  13. karantan

    Cam created satchel

    Thanks for the additional help guys. Yes, I need the satchel to be activated e.g. that specific explosion, which is just perfect for this idea of mine. And in this specific case it can't be placed 'manually', it has to be camcreated, and timebomb is (for now) not the right solution. But I'll get there, one way or another; even if had to rework-change the whole scenario or to forget-scrap the whole idea. Thanks again to all of you.
  14. karantan

    formating text in briefing

    I'm afraid this is not possible.
  15. karantan

    Cam created satchel

    Thanks for the answers guys. I've been a bit afraid this is not possible; I've tried every damn thing it comed on my mind. And I've been so sure I've doned this before. Aparently not. Thaks for the tips Sanctuary and nindall, I already had both options marked as the alternative, but they're not suitable, at least not without some havy mission modifying e.g. changing. Thanks again, guys, I'll find some way around the problem.
  16. karantan

    Nature Pack 3 - Nordic

    Very nice, like new bushes and shrubs. Excellent job (as always), BergHoff.
  17. karantan

    Trigger assigned !

    You should call the script like [_mgunname, _triggername] exec "fire.sqs".
  18. karantan

    Kolgujev Conflict

    *sigh* Ah yes, the unberable easiness of mission making. Have you maybe played Abandoned Armies a lil to much, and now you think that makin' a similar mission is peice of cake? A job for thru the weekend maybe? But don't mind me dude, go for it ...
  19. karantan

    Some questions

    Here's a nice little shelling script, which is easy to use and to modify, I named it shelling. I think it will serve your needs nicely, -Soviet-. Script is called by: [_targetname, _areanumber, _bombnumber] exec "shelling.sqs". _targetname  -  the name of the target. It can be any object or unit. _areanumber  -  the size-radius of the area on which the shelling will be commenced. _bombnumber  -  the number of delivered shells. Exsample:  [object 12345, 250, 30] exec "shelling.sqs" <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ;Shelling script by karantan ;How to call: [_targetname, _areanumber, _bombnumber] exec "shelling.sqs" _target = _this select 0 _area = _this select 1 _bomb = _this select 2 #loop ~random 3 "shell120" camCreate [(getPos _target select 0) + (random _area - random _area), (getPos _target select 1) + (random _area - random _area), 0] _bomb = _bomb - 1 ? _bomb == 0 : exit goto "loop"
  20. karantan

    Some questions

    Ok, but later; now it's time for the soccer on TV hehe ... If you'll not receive some answer-solution from some one else ... then I'll be back.
  21. karantan

    Some questions

    Well, I've been strict and brief, as your question was ... But, sorry. Could you be more explicit, what do you want; what type of shelling you want and for which 'ocasion' for instance? Please?
  22. karantan

    Some questions

    Yes you can. You're welcome.
  23. karantan

    Operation Urup campaign final release

    He has been killed by explosion of destroyed tank. Also I'm reporting a bug which I forgot to mention: when that civilian driver in first mission is supose to help, he has standed up and then just spined on place, because that woman (his wife) is placed to close to him; I had to push her away, so he could carry on with his -sorry- absurd 'assigment'.
  24. karantan


    Yeah, I've been really strucked by the difference. So why's then all that fuss about? Just to have a final point? You win, happy now?
  25. karantan

    Operation Urup campaign final release

    Finally found some time to play ofp, so I decided to play your campaign, v1.1, hope I've played the latest version. Anyway, I've played first three missions (with ECP), and I think I need to report to you about my 'findings'. 1st Mission: In the Briefing you could remove "Return to the plan" link; the Objectives are not shown then, so you must click on the Plan tab to see them again, so ... In Gear selection player have 6 mags and 4 empty slots without any possible choosing options; a bit pointless, especially in comparition with the other squad members (they're normally equiped), and with the fact, that the player can rearm himself later in the boat. During the attack on the first island there's a bug; when the enemy is surrendering, the squad goes in hold fire and careless modes, but some of them are still 'engaging' the Resistance soldiers (which do not surrender btw) by-in the tower. Mission didn't ended; got black screen with a "Good Job Soldier" sign ... and had stayed that way. Mission end cheat didn't worked(??). Maked a cheat save, then aborted to the Main Manu, then resumed the mission, and then the mission has ended. Other 'sightings' of mine were more related to the mission designing process, which is a 'tabu' for me (if I can I do not interfere in it in any way - I hold it as a strictly authors' domain), but still: is there no a single LAW Launcher aboard on those Poseidons? - sure they are; in the second mission is plenty of them. I've already mentioned the 'surrendering pharadox' (Soviets are surrendering, Resistance-Terorists not - cowards, those Russians ). There're many things which I'd do differently; amoung the other things I didn't liked that 'Al Quaeda civil suicider' part one bit (and what that fuel truck is doing on the 200 x 200 meters small rock btw). But as I said, the mission designing is strictly authors domain, and I do respect that, and I do accept them as they are. But since this campaign is in a beta stage I've tooked here myself some extra liberty. 2nd mission: Possible bug: I have a feeling that my squad was not inserted (parashooted) properly; we've almost landed in enemy port base, not where the marker suggersting we should. Then when the base was seized, we've runed up to the designated place, but the enemy was already very close to that ruined town. And here I've 'discovered', how that enemy soldiers are dangerous; we've been outnumbered at least two to one, thankfully to that inacured deployment in worst tactical position than the enemy, but by skills it seems both sides are equally mached (where I mean the 'equality' between the Specs Ops and the Resistance, not Spetz Natz). I know, a matter of mission designing ... 3rd mission: The Intro of this mission didn't ended; the Spec Ops which the camera was following was killed, and there the intro 'freezed'. Otherwise I didn't encountered any bugs, all of my remarks regarding this mission are mission designing related, so they have no value, but I must say when after the refuling and after a few hundred of meters of driving our tanks have been lefted without a gas for a second time, I've stoped to play the mission. What can I say for the end ... Â Intros are fine, Briefings are as they should be, and the Overview Page is very nice, but regarding the missions (which personally interesting me most); there're many things, which don't seems (for me) to be logical, and-or well co-related, and-or well co-ordinated. IMHO and in my eyes this campaign (at least first few missions) needs some more work and above all some proper balancing. I hope this will help you to eliminate-improve some things, and I hope I haven't been to harsh; this was not my intention at all, I'm just honnest.