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Posts posted by kavoven

  1. Before you go around screaming about the sky falling, take a look at this article and the links/sources provided.



    Also, this. http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/crux/2012/09/21/under-controlled-why-the-new-gmo-panic-is-more-sensational-than-sense/

    I have to quote this post because I'm feeling like its being ignored or maybe people dont want to read the links...

    I don't know anything about biology or genetics, but you don't need to. You just need a basic understanding of statistics to see that this study is a typical case of the so called "publication bias". Only those studies that report a significant result (and this one is ridiculus! Just look at the group sizes and the the analytical method they used) are being published in magazines.

    Lets say we take the standard significance level of .05 (5%) and asume on the other hand that out of 100 studies no study looks at a "real" difference between the experimental groups (though this is only pseudo experimental because there is neither randomisation nor represantation nor a real control group) YOU STILL GET 5 studies that actually WILL report a significant difference.


    Ah and for those people saying "but cancer and allergies are increasing"

    There is a real simple explanation for this effect. People have bad genes. People always had bad genes. But 100 years people either didn't become old enough to develope cancer OR people died early enough so that they couldn't pass their bad genes. (+ the OH MY GOD THERE COULD BE BACTERIA ON THAT DOORHANDLE, I'M NOT GONNA TOUCH IT AND USE MY WHOLE BATTERY OF ANTI-BACTERIA CHEMICAL BULLSHIT ON IT BEFORE MY BABY TOUCHES IT)

  2. I wish they would make such space sims today, complete with newtonian physics. But I guess that would be to complicated for the casual crowd...

    You'd be suprised how hard it is to navigate manually through space in a realistic system! Just take a look at todays aircrafts. Todays pilots would literally not be able to navigate and fly a modern aircraft from... lets say Frankfurt to Melbourne without making everybody sick or using much much more fuel. The human mind is not capable of supplying that much attention over such a long time to that many systems.

    Its quite easy to say "I want to have a realistic game". You'd need years and years of training for anything nearly realistic.

    On Topic

    I would be happy with a Freelancer 2 :)


    Yeah can't wait.Keep an eye here http://robertsspaceindustries.com/start/

    Nice catch!

  3. In the pure space combat department there had not been anything better than Idependence war II: Edge of Chaos. Its the only Space sim where you can maually fly on pure newtonian ship behavior and it incorporates believable subsystem failures.

    but its quite old by now

    Haha, I can remember that one... The game always lost me when I had to go through hyperspace.

    (Interesting sidenote: The thing with the 3D orientation in space is still a matter of research today! Like "how can I show the pilot in which direction the spacecraft is pointing, in which direction he is flying")

  4. So you think someone who uses Steam has a low budget? Would you be interested in seeing my budget?

    The only reason I've got steam is because of my low budget. All the games I bought during the last 2 years came via steam. Most of them during Christmas Sales and those Summer-Sales.

    Edit: I just saw that Skyrim is (again) for sale for 30 Euros. Still thinking about buying it but I'm going to wait for it to reach 20 Euros. :)

  5. Though you're right with many of your points (especially the missing sources of error) - you are on the other side of the extreme. As long as those people invest their own money into some crazy science, I don't see a problem. Actually we NEED this science, because our well known physics won't allow dramatic advances of technology anymore.

    And if there is the slightest possibility of some unknown physical process causing cold fusion (or whatever) I think its worth researching, considering the huge potential outcome. :)

    (I'd rather cut costs on many other stupid projects, but thats another story...)

  6. SpaceX will also launch a lunar mission in 2013 for Astrobotic Technology who hope to win the Google Lunar X Prize.

    Cant find SpaceX on the list. And traveling to LEO ISS is quite different from traveling to the moon and landing a vehicle on it that can go 500 meters.

    They won't achieve that by 2015.

    Edit -

    Ah there is a footnote at the end... Can't access the article but anyway, they didn't enter the competition.

  7. This is a nice one . . . watch and enjoy.

    I never thought I'd say that - but please read the Youtube comments. Its just propaganda from people who actually are stupid enough to think that the breaking of the Euro would be a good thing. In some way, they're like those who keep on making debts - they don't look in the future.

  8. Following every step of them. These companies are going to make ne next big step in space exploration and not the NASA, ESA, ROSKOSMOS or anything else. They're innovative and have enough money to employ the best people.
