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About joextod07

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  1. joextod07

    Isla Duala

    Are the units and vehicles for this island compatible with ACE?
  2. joextod07

    AA coverage

    200m up? Thats odd.
  3. Anyone know at what range the AI will engage an aircraft, using a shilka?
  4. Sorry I meant this stuff R3F Logistic Script, its got its own set of commands and stuff and when you use it with this script the due some of the same stuff but in diffrent ways.
  5. Been playing around with this using the Log stuff as well. I noticed it has overlaping commands to load into and out of the vehicle. Was wondering if its possible to make a version were it loads into the vehicle using the log system with its cargo, and have it still able to be paradropped. Also how do you add other vehicles to be able to use this script?
  6. Any one have a way of using this with a Airdrop able ability for stuff int he cargo of aircraft.
  7. Anyone figured out a script that will keep the gear of a unit when it respawns. Specifically the gear the unit starts with including rucks and any gear loaded into them.
  8. From a buddy of mine, hope this works. clearMagazineCargo (unitBackpack this); to empty it (unitBackpack this) addMagazineCargo ["Laserbatteries",1]; to add to it
  9. I know how to do custom loadouts with arma 2 but with the new backpacks im at a loss. I'm looking for a command that will allows you to place gear inside the backpack.
  10. So I've tried my hand at using the wizard and so far it makes making missions a dream, however I've had and issue with the AAS. I've started a small mission with three areas to capture, I wanted to test it out to make sure it worked out. I put the minimum players to 1, and set it to end when one side captures all the objectives. I've tried testing it out myself but even after capturing all the objectives the mission never ended. Do I need to have the mission on a dedicated server, or do I need to have opposition before it will end the mission? 2nd question, it seems to disable the map in the briefing window, is there a way to bring this back?