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About jptheron

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  1. THANKS CHARLIE IT WORks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. THanks again I got it working now BUT... I cant seem to get the soldiers to be in casual positions they keep returning to there formations despite setting them all to safe with setBehaviour and inserting them with "none"in the formation selection box. Please help I AM SO CLOSE LOL
  3. No Thanks you have been a great help. I am new to this (never had OFP). I just think I am doing things the long way round but I am getting there by trial and error. I am making a group of missions. The first one is basically where a delta force team (are there any delta force units available somewhere) has to insert behind enemy lines. On the way your pilot has to recon enemy positions but a major battle erupts. Your gunship escorts engage but your copter gets shot up and your pilot manages to get you to your initial point. Once there you have to navigate by night and get to the enemy supply base and destroy 3 shilkas there in prep for a morning gunship attack. You may over hear a conversation of an officer talking about a resupply convoy and AA specialist guards. You may choose to complete these missions too. The convoy only moves of in daylight however. I went to a lot of trouble to make the mission seem dynamic with lots of civilian traffic and troop movements and patrols. Including roadblocks and rapid response teams should you be detected. If detected the whole base goes up with flares firing and jeep patrols looking for you. I just need to get these small little things sorted and it will be ready. Also I will need voice actors!!!!! PLEASE
  4. Thanks, I think I'm being dumb about the whole thing... What I have is somke crew mstanding around doing nothing. No way points and not belonging to a goup. The when the alarm goes off the crew move to individual waypoints and GetIn and AssignAs into the empty vehicle. The problem is I dont know how to get the truck to move from then. I was thinking of using the MoveTo command. But I think I am making it far to complicated. Someone else asked a similar question to get pilots/gunners to move into empty choppers and fly off but his question wasn't answered adequately. But so far thanks I will mess around with what you suggested.
  5. Hi, let me first introduce myself - Jean-Paul from South Africa. I have started building my first mission and its going well esp with all the help on the Wikis. I have one problem I have been unable to find a fix for though... I am working on a mission where an alarm goes off when enemy is detected. What I can't get to work is to get tank and helicopter crews to to get in empty vehicles and then move off to engage the enemy. I have used the getin commands and the soldiers get in and the vehicles start etc. But once that has occurred how would you get them to move off via waypoints? Also I will be needing american voice actors for several lines if possible. Jay