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About jono_retard

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal
  1. jono_retard

    Domination - Active again?

    I'm not sure if this thread will last long, but I think for people like xeno, who dedicate their time beyond expectation to produce a quality free addon, sometimes taking a break from it all is absolutely necessary. It seems he received some rather unpleasant feedback (maybe not publically) at a time when it was not needed. I'm sure he will return when it suits him, as it should be. However, the generosity of the members of this forum is clear in the JSRS thread, ie. people care. I'm sure a simple donation based system where maybe if the dedicated server files cost say USD$5 then there would be some monetary motivation to continue development. Just a thought.
  2. Just had an idea about this (Insugency/red orchestra style scope) .What if you had a *camera* script that displays in the scope. It would just be like another screen but with the camera (zoomed image) being displayed where the scope is. That way the game only has to render things once. *EDIT Just read the chopper crew camera thread, sounds like it is not possible o well
  3. jono_retard

    31st Normandy mod -WW2

    Remember that this mod has be created in super fast time and released relativly on time, sure there are problems and issues but I'm sure theses will be sorted in due time. All I can say is great work, maybe focus on the texture and quality of the addons, It's great having lots of toys to play with, just take some more time maybe on existing models to perfect them before starting new ones.
  4. jono_retard

    ArmA photography - Questions&Comments

    Blue_flight where are those addons from, they look great
  5. jono_retard

    31st Normandy mod -WW2

    Looking great, keep up the good work
  6. jono_retard

    Improved unit editor

    Thats the best idea i have read in a long time, would be very pleased if BIS could add this to the game
  7. jono_retard

    ArmA 2 Press Coverage

    Thanks for that clarification Ohara, nice to see some official input now and then. I do like the look of that aircraft interior, guessing osprey?
  8. jono_retard

    ArmA 2 Press Coverage

    Hmmm, i guess its still very early wip (I hope) so maybe those character models will just be placeholders and the general look will change in due time. I mean BI havnt released anything official so this may or may not be final.
  9. jono_retard


    Hmm personally i use and would recommend Oblivion lost 2 Skyace skygraphics mod 2 stalker weather overhauled 2 check them out on filefront, none of these should conflict and overall you are left with a fun,pretty yet challenging game. Right now im on my 4th time through the game and still loving it.
  10. jono_retard

    Arma feedback thread - based on 1.14

    I also get the texture issue chaos and others have. I thought it was just arma being arma and didnt think much of it. Now it appears that others are having the same issue. maybe the devs could have a look at it and make a hotfix
  11. Any chance we could get a mirror for the video as I have tried to download twice but have got a crc error both times. Other than that looks fab great stuff lads.
  12. jono_retard


    as a nz arma player (SCu) i have got to say having NZ stuff to play with is great. Makes arma have a more 'personal' touch. Great stuff, extremly looking forward to that hercles, it would go well with the seasprite as well. All we need now is some apc's and you have the entire NZ army squeezed into <100mb mod
  13. jono_retard

    ArmA photography - Questions&Comments

    may i ask where you got that nice an225 from mr burns?
  14. jono_retard

    Arma feedback thread - based on 1.12

    running a VERY similar system to you pauld yet even with the update diretx i still get stuttering and most deffinatly dont get over 50fps on very high. Could you provide your graphics driver number as well as exact in-game sttings. thanks
  15. jono_retard

    Schmalfelden, Germany Map

    Lived around that part of Germany for 5 years and i have got to say that looks darn authentic. You have captured the aesthetics just right, good work man keep it up.