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About jj29

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. jj29

    Breath Holding?

    I am always shooting with my air gun,but i have never shot a real rifle.I am sure that i am not a poor shooter,and i know that the weapon movement is mainly caused by the sway of my hand but not my breath.Instead of holding your breath you can just breath slowly and softly while aiming a target. I didn't say that holding breath is useless.It's very important to snipers and sharpshooters if they want to hit a target very far away.but it isn't so useful to normal shooters. In cod2,while you are holding breath,the weapon sway disapears.that's imposssible.I hope BIS won't make the same mistake.
  2. jj29

    Breath Holding?

    Some people think that weapon sway will disapear if they hold their breath.That's not true.Holding breath can help you aim better,but it's not very useful to a normal riflemen.your hand still sways when you hold your breath. Sharp shooters' weapon sway is mainly caused by breathing.so they hold their breath to take a deadly shot.But most riflemen are not sharp shooters.Their weapon sway is mainly caused by the sway of their hand.That's why i think holding breath isn't very useful to normal riflemen.
  3. I have some questions.will there be some  trenches or bunkers in AmA?Will soldiers in ama  take trees ,houses,sandbags as cover when they are attacked?
  4. jj29

    AIs behaviour/improvement

    The ai in opf was far better than such games as delta force 2 or 3 which were released around 2001.So let's believe that the ai in ama will also be good enough for a game released in 2006
  5. jj29

    about weapon sway

    Thank you very much.i will have a try
  6. jj29

    about weapon sway

    Is there somebody who knows how to edit config.bin to increase the weapon sway in opf?If you know ,would you please tell me?(hope it won't be too complex)
  7. jj29

    about weapon sway

    i know there is weapon sway in opf and it will be in arma.I am just wondering if the weapon sway will be heavier.In opf the weapon sway is toooo light making it toooo easy to hit any target.so tactics become less important. i hope weapon sway will be much heavier in arma,espacially when you are standing or crouching.Many people think that weapon sway should be light because it is only caused by breathing.this is not right!Your weapon still sways even if you hold your breath.In fact ordinary soldiers' weapon sway is heavy,that's why an ordinary soldier seldom hits any target more than 200 meters away. I know the weapon sway will  be in arma.i am just worring that it won't be heavy enough!
  8. jj29

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    i hope there will be weapon sway in ama.So playing it will be something more than only shooting.If we can't hit our target easily,we will have to use tactics and the game will be more interesting.I have heard that there is already weapon sway in ama.Is that true?
  9. jj29

    Armed Assault FAQ

    So there is weapon sway in arma.i am glad to hear that.
  10. jj29

    Armed Assault FAQ

    Will there be any weapon sway in AmA?if you know,please tell me!
  11. jj29

    weapon sway

    Do you think that there should be weapon sway in ama?in opf,players' hands are still,and it's easy to hit any target even it is 200 meters away.That's not realistic.Players' hands should sway while we are standing or crouching.so if we want to hit a target very far away,we must go prone.While we are prone,our weapon sway is lighter,but it is harder to move our weapon(mouse)quickly.so if we find an enemy very close ,we had better to stand up and shoot. Do you agree?