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Posts posted by jens198

  1. Hi guys,

    as Americas Army is based on the Unreal engine and as far as I know there are also mod tools for the Unreal engine, my question is smiple: Is there even the slightest chance, to use the models or animations from AA in OFP?


    P.S: ...and yes, i know of copyright issues. It's just a question.

  2. How do you guys feel shooting at the militia women who came with the new bas island? well, as they shoot at me i don't feel much different as i feel when i drop their male troopers. but it's not the same.

    anyway it's just a game and nobody get's hurt


  3. eh, yes should've been a little bit more precisely. With the Hummves came two M113s which had animated backdoors.

    What I want to know is the anim-command to lower the doors by script or init.


    P.S. Anyone know any other M113 capable of opening/lowering the doors?

  4. Hi,

    follow Yamato's orders step by step. I had problems by myself. Got it with the instructions below.

    Hope I could help you.



    Let's say that Buldozer is in C:\Buldozer.

    put all de-pbo'd folders onto Buldozer dir.






    make a .bat file, which says


    subst Z: "C:\buldozer"

    then save it as.... I don't know, "prepareOFPE.bat" or something like that.

    then execute the bat file. There should be a "Z:\" directory with C:\Buldozer being the root.

    the rest is easy.

    Load Visitor, goto system preference,

    set basic directory to Z:\

    tex to Z:\

    everything else to Z:\

    If you want to use tex from O.pbo, make sure the Texture directory is set to


    I think you can use texture only from 1 pbo.

    Now when you try to load an object, the list should be like:



    data3d\ker trs travy.p3d




    The tough part is replacing the existing objects with the new same file with different subdirectory.

    Oh, if you were just starting to make an island, be happy. It won't be such an onerous task.

    Now, if you have more than 100 types of objects used, it's time for you to groan and start working on the freakin' task of replacing all 100 new files, which took me an entire day, pretty much. But it's worth the effort.

  5. hm,

    I found a hint by Col Klink:

    "Custom objects made by other addon makers will have to be unpbo'd using unpbo.exe and the subsequent addon folder (created by unpbo.exe) will have to be placed on the same drive as your unpboed O, Data3d, Eden, Cain, etc folders.. See my short explanation on this page.http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....9;st=30"

    Changed my Settings for Natural, Artifical Objetcs and Forests from c:\bulldozer\Data3d to c:\bulldozer\

    Now I can add Objetcs from all other unpbo'ed files in the tool settnigs, but they don't show up in bulldozer. BTW all other objects already set with the old settungs (c:\bulldozer\Data3d) are vanished from the map.

    So, my question is: What's the proper way to add objetcs from other pbos to a existing map with the settings above?


  6. Hm, no luck so far. Here's my directory settings

    Textures: C:\buldozer\ty1

    Worlds: C:\buldozer\ty1

    I save the finished wrp-file into C:\buldozer\ty1 and pbo whole thing (paa's and tga's can be moved from the directory before pbo-ing the whole thing? Or mustn't they?

    Ah, I wish someone would make a faq or something on Visitor.


  7. If I start OFP I get an error message (see picture)


    But I can't find any faults in the config.cpp

    Any ideas?



    #define TEast 0

    #define TWest 1

    #define TGuerrila 2

    #define TCivilian 3

    #define TSideUnknown 4

    #define TEnemy 5

    #define TFriendly 6

    #define TLogic 7

    #define true 1

    #define false 0

    // type scope

    #define private 0

    #define protected 1

    #define public 2

    class CfgPatches


      class TutIsland{units[]={};weapons[]={};requiredVersion = 1.40;};


    class CfgWorldList {

      class TutIsland {};


    class CfgEnvSounds {};

    class CfgWorlds


      class DefaultWorld {};

      class Eden: DefaultWorld {};  

      class TutIsland: Eden {};



         description="Visitor Tutorial";




         class Names





