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Everything posted by i0n0s

  1. i0n0s

    Arma Crows

    Nice one
  2. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    Ok, I hope to get the next revision out in two weeks.
  3. i0n0s

    Red's Fix v1.2

    Seems to have problems with replacements: When having Red's Fix and some replacements installed I'm able to reproduce a critical exception in ArmA.
  4. i0n0s


    Keep up the work!
  5. Extracted from SLA Desert Troops with permission by Rellikki. Required addon: SLA Redux Packs by Rellikki (SLA Desert Troops) All credits go to Rellikki. Download: rel_dssla_veh.7z Mirror: Armaholic ePrison.de Replacement: rel_dsslaveh_replacement.7z Please notice: The classnames were changed to avoid conflict with RLK-tag. The new classnames are listed in the readme. Also make sure to have version 1.3.1 (version number in readme).
  6. i0n0s


    fixed range nightvision  Is there a way to change the keys?
  7. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_object setVariable ["ION_RTE_OBJECT_POS", _pos]; _object setPos _pos; if (ION_RTE_Setting_NewSetPos) then { Â Â _mTw = _object modelToWorld [0,0,0]; Â Â _vct = [_mTw, _pos] call ION_RTE_fVectorTo; Â Â _vct set [2, 0]; Â Â _pos = [_pos, _vct] call ION_RTE_fVectorAdd; Â Â _object setPos _pos; }; With ION_RTE_Setting_NewSetPos = false: True: The circle is around the position used with setPos. So you see the effect and it's working nice
  8. i0n0s

    bad serial after win reinstall

    If you have saved the previous registry, that would be possible. Just rename your current ArmA folder and install ArmA. Then replace the installed folder with the previous one and you don't have to install the patches.
  9. The ?-code is wrong because that code will give you the absolute difference between the positions. But you need the difference with signs. So just use: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> DifferenceOfX = _WTMPosX - TempObjectPosX; DifferenceOfY = _WTMPosY - TempObjectPosY; DifferenceOfZ = _WTMPosZ - TempObjectPosZ; If this moves the objects in the wrong direction switch WTMPos and TempObject.
  10. i0n0s

    My Dialog??

  11. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    This don't work. If you have placed a helicopter on ground with special = "NONE", and then change it to "FLY", I can't set him 50 meters in the air because his engine is still of and he would fall like a brick. To have his engine working, I need to create him with "FLY". But I think recreating won't be a problem. @MehMeh: If you like to create some IEDs, since the projects I found are abandoned and the bomb creates a crash when using in a sqm-file, I would be really happy
  12. i0n0s

    Avgani v1.1

    About that waterhole: It has the same error as Schmalfelden had: If you do some damage to it, the water will flip.
  13. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    The blue spinner will move up in the air too. I may add the line to the object which is under the mouse. About that bug: Since I don't recreate units when you edit them, switching between Flying and not Flying don't work. I may consider recreating the units.
  14. That is how you start the first script? <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[_vehicle] execVM ""scripts\salvage.sqf"";} nearestObjects expect a position and not an vehicle. And it get worser: Since you launch this code in an event handler, _vehicle is undefined, so you provide 0 elements where 3 are required Use the provided elements from the event handler to retrieve the vehicle.
  15. You can take modelToWorld [0,0,0] to get its real center. Then get the difference between pos and modelToWorld and add it to pos. When you now set the object to its new position, it will be centered to the previous position you like. The only problem is that you have a new position you have to handle.
  16. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    New update thanks to Spooner: you can see the unit marker when selecting a flying unit (See the shadow, it is truly a unit moved in the air). Ok, bad joke, but I fixed that too, even it is obsolete . You no longer have to click on the ground, it is simple enough to move the mouse over the object Thanks to Spooner and it's LOS.
  17. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    Since I took a look into your code, I'm using preprocessFileLineNumbers And I'm starting to dislike dead people... About the intersect: My tries to get this functional failed, so I will annoy you with it soon Â
  18. i0n0s

    SLA Desert Vehicles

    I've added a replacement to the first post. The file contains two replacements, one for users with Red Fix, another one for user without that fix.
  19. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    I didn't knew that bug. But killed Units are currently a problem, they don't leave their group, they don't have a group any more etc. If you let a group join another group while they have a waypoint, the same error should occur. Seems like I have some bugs in front of me. So, prepare for battle
  20. i0n0s

    SLA Desert Vehicles

    Hmm, seems like I haven't express myself good enough: All work was done by Rellikki! He made them a while ago. But with his update to his SLA Redux Pack, the old pack got lost. So those vehicles are all reskinned by Rellikki and I only packed them to a new pack and updated the crew to match the new SLA Redux Pack and made them reavailable. So please all credits to Rellikki.
  21. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    "Merge in SQM"-function. The map itself: Map created with 4 persons in multiplayer. It works nice, but you are limited in modifying your own objects only. Currently I have problems killed/death units because they were exported as objects and imported as vehicles which ArmA dislikes. Nevertheless it works and you should be able to build missions in 3D. And finally an east air attack squad while standing on the hotel roof:
  22. @DMarkwick: Start updating your extended eventhandlers. They are outdated and are causing that problem.
  23. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    If you don't want to have them dynamic created, it works. To help you, since you haven't found out the new thing on the last image: That's how it looks like when someone clicks "Preview" So anyone have a idea about that new feature?
  24. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    Playable in mp don't work until they are in the sqm-file. Playable during editing is possible but not implemented.