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Everything posted by i0n0s

  1. @Himmelsfeuer: Make sure to have checked "Use RTE Capture DLL" within the profile section of RTE Capture. The status should switch to "active" as soon as ArmA will get launched and it will switch to "connected" when ArmA is loaded. @Rasa-be: Within RTE Capture, the wall is aligned well: Didn't tested the sqm, but the two setPos are there on purpose. The engine will create the object on the position, then move it a little to minimise collisions. Those two setPos are there to set it to the origin position. But they should still align since setPos is aligning....
  2. Hmm, looks all right. Seems to be Vista or Windows 7 issue :( In game master mode, only the game master needs the RTE.
  3. hendrix, please show me the [ArmA] and [ArmA2] sections from %APPDATA%\RTE Capture\Options.ini
  4. Can you make images so that I can reproduce it?
  5. Have you looked under factions? There are two non named factions containing mines and sounds (which shouldn't be visible :x ), then USMC etc. and Others. You can find the empty objects in those factions. So obstacles in Others, a HMMW in USMC...
  6. The first script was more than simple since it was already called from an event handler. So I just needed to replace the spawn with call and make sure that no sleep or waitUntil is within. The second one was more tricky: the script requires to run every frame but triggers will get checked every half a second, so way to slow. Xeno brought the solution: FSM. Their conditions will get checked every frame, so I simple run the script from the condition.
  7. Solved the second one. Seems like the third one isn't blocking that much. At least I can handle the four squads again. And all of those three scripts are active again :) To speak with the words of a red car: "Yeah, I am Speed!" Hope that others can report the same :) To update the RTE simply run an manual update in RTE Capture.
  8. Those two are a little more complex but may be a solution for controlling an enemy group: ION_RTE_pSwitchToUnit: http://pastebin.jonasscholz.de/216 ION_RTE_pRestoreToPlayer: http://pastebin.jonasscholz.de/217
  9. *err* No :o My script is a little more complicated ;) @ Gladius: It would work, but they will join the side of the game master.
  10. One small update: One of the three scripts is under control. I could place down four squads with only a small fps drop. So two to go.
  11. *Checked mails* *Checked PMs* There was only one request in my thread, but screenToWorld solves this problem very easily since it returns the world position. The rest is simple math: Getting the difference between the old and the new position and you have the movement of the object. The only really different thing is the object selection. But this is not required for simple placement, and this is one of the three scripts which are slowing down the RTE.
  12. About those lagging: Sadly appears with >~10 units, at least on my system. The scripts are mostly identified, but: They are the same as in Armed Assault. So the question is: Why are those slower in ArmA II? And I don't have an answer on this... What's that scripts for: Marking the units and their group membership Keeping the units on their position (e.g. in the air when lifting) Getting the unit on the cursor position Each list iterates over the number of units. Therefore it will get slower with the count of units increasing.
  13. Just got a reply on this thread :) Seems fixed.
  14. I got the same request on my bug tracker. The problem is: I use localize. So it will get displayed in ArmA II's language. I could leave out e.g. German and it should get displayed in English. But: What happens to people which want to have German captions? So I would need to add a handling for those stringtables. And I need to test what happens if I use a stringtable.xml and do localize with a missing language. Really don't know. I hope that BIS implements the possibility to choose the language in 1.04. Btw: Weapon dialogue for units is fixed and the pitch & bank dialogue too.
  15. Can you send me your Options.ini? Those directory should get created...
  16. The wizard will check if Armed Assault and ArmA II are installed and will ask for settings for both. Just open the RTE, open the settings, there you can specify the paths to your Armed Assault and ArmA II installations. Just check if they are correct: http://www.jonasscholz.de/gallery2/download/1213-1/snap1048.png
  17. @Deadfast: Can confirm that Pitch & Bank need some rework too :( @Gear-Za Aside of the ArmA-section pointing to ArmA 2, everything looks fine ... Can you send me an e-mail? I want to investigate this future but need to do some checks first. You can find my address in the "Impressum" (imprint) of my page. @froggyluv: The "Hooked" message is deprecated. When using RTE Capture to start ArmA (II), make sure you have checked the "Use RTE Capture DLL". Then you don't need to press "Activate monitoring".
  18. This code should work on a structured text type. Are you sure you have one?
  19. @Gear-Za: The Wizard for installing RTE only occurs when 'LastUpdate' is not set. Open the Options.ini from %APPDATA%\RTE Capture (path works in explorer). If it is not a valid directory, then the Options.ini will be find where you installed RTECapture.exe. In the ini you should find: [update] .. LastUpdate=06.09.2009 16:08:07 If this is missing add it to the file and make sure that you have write access to the file. This value normally will get written after finishing the wizard. Only exception is if you exited the wizard with Cancel. About using RTE Capture with another Starter: If the other Starter runs RTE Capture and ArmA, then you still has to click "Activate monitoring". But this will works. For future releases I'm going to add a start up parameter for RTE Capture which will "active monitoring" on start up. This helps when using other Starter.
  20. @gunterlund: This is one profile, you can launch every thing from there ;) I was talking about those settings. About the MP usage: I wrote the entry: http://rte.jonasscholz.de/blog/2009/09/06/rte-multiplayer-usage Should contain every information needed :) @Deadfast: After NVG comes FLIR, so maybe you switched to FLIR instead of switching the NVG off ;) Sadly switching from FLIR to normal will take some time thanks to HDR. Moving the camera forces directly the change.
  21. Offline installer: Setup.1.34.483.441.exe is outdated, please don't use! @gunterlund21: Start RTE Capture, then Options -> Settings, is the path to ArmA II set correctly? Sounds like you mixed Armed Assault and ArmA II. @MP usage: I'll made a blog entry about this later the day. I'll put a link down here when done.
  22. /me too. Subscription is to instant but I haven't got any mail a while. Also not in the spam filter.
  23. @IceBreakr: Import into Visitor? Wrong project, you're talking about the 3DE from mapfact. I can only export into SQM and SQF. And yes, this stayed the same. About MP: Everyone has to export it and send it to the leader. @TheHandsy: http://rte.jonasscholz.de/manual#How_to_export and
  24. :( You're right with the weapon dialogue. Seems to be broken. About the groups: The lag occurs since you've selected a lot of units. If you unselect them, it will be fast again.
  25. New features in RTEV: gSCRhSOK3-0 Editing of unit's weapon: Some for vehicles weapon cargo: Loadouts also can get saved to easy switch between them: