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Everything posted by i0n0s

  1. That's true. The server admin still have to make sure that is a good addon. And this is c), and Yomas tool is a good solution. A CSS just remove the dependency for the server admin to create own signatures.
  2. @Cross: I think I finally understand the advantage of the CSS: It drops the private key. The current problem is that as soon as you add a key to your server, the owner of that key can sign other addons with that key. So the server admin has to trust the key owner that he won't sign other addons using the key. A work-around would be to create a server key where the admin signs every accepted addon. This makes sure that only allowed addons work, but the user has to get the signatures first. CSS by-pass this problem since it drops the private key. The addon creator can't sign a different addon with the same key since he isn't owner of the key any more. The server admin can simply add the public key to the key list. The level of trust is now reduced to the CSS server holder.
  3. I think you're mixing SQF with SQM since the 2D editor creates a SQM file. But step 6. is a good news, at least in reproducibility ;) Can you save the exported objects within RTE Capture and send me that file? Then I can reproduce the error and fix it. Thanks
  4. I need more details on this error: When exactly did he occur? Directly when exporting from RTE or when displaying it within RTE Capture. Are you able to save the XML file? If yes, please send it to me. If not: What kind of objects are you exporting? I need more details to locate the error. About modules: Please don't use them: RTE will synchronize later after the object creation, so the modules won't be connected and shouldn't be able to do anything.
  5. Can't just someone reply which uses the tool? For just saving use the project-management on the top right. For final saving use the export feature.
  6. i0n0s

    RTE Capture

    Let me ask what you're doing? You should create a multi player map as usual. Just the map has to be special.
  7. We just got notified by our provider that the linux server is spamming the internet with UDP tickets. It seems to send directly to, so to everyone. server.cfg: reportingIP = "arma2pc.master.gamespy.com"; arma2server: ${SERVER} >>${LOGFILE} 2>&1 -server -config=${CONFIG} -port=${PORT} -pid=${PIDFILE} If this is not an error from our configuration, then this error is major and should get fixed immediately! Can anyone monitor the network activity of their linux server for UDP packages? Edit: Last lines of log: 18:42:12 Player xxx disconnected. WATCHDOG (11775): [Mi 11. Nov 17:01:13 CET 2009] Starting server (port 2310)... Cannot register unknown string STR_USRACT_NETWORK_DS_INTERFACE Cannot register unknown string STR_ADDON_ACTIONS_INSTALL_CORE Cannot register unknown string STR_ADDON_ACTIONS_INSTALL_MOD Cannot register unknown string STR_ADDON_ACTIONS_PLAY_MISSION Cannot register unknown string STR_ADDON_ACTIONS_TRY_ENTITY Cannot register unknown string STR_ADDON_ACTIONS_TRY_WEAPON Cannot register unknown string STR_MSG_ADDON_NOT_FOUND Cannot register unknown string STR_MSG_ADDON_CANNOT_OPEN Cannot register unknown string STR_MSG_ADDON_UNKNOWN_PRODUCT 17:01:17 Dedicated host created. Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgCoreData.textureLine3D'. Warning Message: '/' is not a value 17:01:18 Host identity created. The server process created a segfault, but stayed active. The watch dog thought that the server is down and started a new one.
  8. i0n0s

    Pointer type

    a=[2]; is a new array and not a modification of the old one. Use the set-command.
  9. I've one question to those who are running the linux server: Did you manage to adjust the AI difficult? My adjustment to player.arma2profile seem to get ignored.
  10. The question is rhetorical or? :cool: But nice that it will be possible in 2.1. Oh wait: This could be bad since "someone" need to create a DAC-zone builder dialogue. */me tries to sneak off* :D
  11. I have a request for DAC 2.1: Please allow to create the user to create new zones even after the DACs init. That would allow to create new zones dynamically during gameplay and actions of the player.
  12. In the FSM editor terms: Condition has no time limit, InitCode have a limit. PreConditions propably too.
  13. Only for conditions, states are effected by the limit.
  14. i0n0s

    ArmA 2 Game Launcher

    And more on: This is a required behaviour since Windows Vista and 7. But you can think of a local or "USB stick" mode.
  15. @ghost: http://rte.jonasscholz.de/manual#How_to_use_ArmA_RTE http://rte.jonasscholz.de/manual#How_to_export and using the project button on the top right. @Himmelsfeuer & SuperRat I finally was able to reproduce it. I've spotted the code which causes this message. Now I need to find out why it does it... Edit: Found it. And it was *rataplan*: A missing private-statement. :rolleyes: Thanks to uiNameSpace some code was moved into another scope. And therefore the variables are uninitialized... And A2 doesn't report it, ignoring the fact that it should report. Please vote for the bug. Exporting as template should be possible again in the next update :) Edit2: New version out now: http://rte.jonasscholz.de/blog/2009/11/08/changelog-08-11-2009 Hopefully those bugs are history.
  16. This counts for every kind of fires. Even the fire of destroyed vehicles. Server log: Error during evaluation of expression _color[i] in SmallFireF Error during evaluation of expression _color[i] in SecondaryExp The first one is for fires, the second one was created by destroyed vehicles. Appears very often in the log.
  17. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Dialog_Control
  18. Can you give me a screen shot of RTE when exporting a template and a screen shot of the error message? Try also to activate the debug log in the options if it reports something. This is important for me, so that I can fix this bug. About the normal export: You use the following code: if (isServer) then { //makes sure that the script runs only on the server since the objects are created globally waitUntil{not isNil "ION_RTE_PreInit"}; //waits till the RTE is initialized ION_RTE_Setting_EditorMode = false; //enables movement for the AI [] execVM "template1.sqf"; //execute the script };
  19. What was the name of the template? The name has to be a valid file name, which limits the possible chars. And that could cause such a message. But was that the original message? In general: Templates are the same as object compositions. They are useful if you want to place the same structure at multiple places. But if you just don't have generic stuff, then you simple export and convert to SQF. The created SQF will create the placed units when you execute him. Be aware that you need to have RTE on the server and to set ION_RTE_Setting_EditorMode = false; before calling the scripts (otherwise they will be disabled and don't react). @Binesi: Have you got my mail?
  20. Some error when saving something into the XML file. Can you show me what you are trying to export? So does it contains e.g. waypoints, trigger, which kind of units etc?
  21. In the action menu on the bottom-right, you can select to add existing units to the RTE. But only catches units and vehicles, no buildings, marker or trigger.
  22. Nice work! Hope to find it in Biki soon
  23. Hi, my next plan would be to extend the RTE with compositions. So that you can place them as simple as an unit and that you can create them. It's basically a template, but I just need to modify RTE Capture to create a composition out of it. Binesi, if you're interested in helping, or if anyone is interested in helping, feel free to contact me. Myself is currently on ArmA Script, so I don't my full time for RTE. One note about RTE Capture: I just got note that the "Activate monitoring" feature is broken. This means that you have to create a profile within RTE Capture and check "Use RTE Capture DLL" for it. Then run this profile to use the RTE. I'm sorry, this is not a purpose, just a bug.
  24. allowDamage is used by RTE. So each time you select the unit, the RTE will set it and unset it. So all your changes are lost. @Aelin: What you mean with "normal" human? You should know what mod folders are. But that's a thing everyone should know. When it comes to export, you should know the basic of scripting.