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Everything posted by i0n0s

  1. Ok, I'm going to create a 'noisy' dll which will report its status.
  2. I've Win 7 too, but UAC is active and I have only 4 GB ram. There are currently two possibilities: You have something running which disturbs the injection or my code is broken. To test this out: 1. Rename an application to arma2.exe, run it and "Activate monitoring". The application should now crash too. 2. Maybe try it with a bigger application. 3. Replace the InjectionLibrary with an empty library which does nothing. Then start ArmA 2 with activated DLL. If it still crashes, then I probably can't help. If it stops crashing with the empty DLL, I'll send you debug DLLs.
  3. @Killg0re The above was a feedback request. Without the feedback I have no idea what caused it.
  4. I've a small question about 1.1: Does it require to be installed on the clients if using it without the FX?
  5. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    Which controls are different? The basic should be the same. And they are customizable. Never happened to me. Minimum camera distance is 5, maximum is 300 by default.
  6. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    Missing manual? http://rte.jonasscholz.de/manual Its just outdated. The xml-file is an internal file for myself. RTE Capture can read it and create either a script or, which is better, can directly merge the content into an existing mission.sqm Simple load the xml-file, click on sqm and select the mission where it should be merged. Aside you're using Vista, but that's a Vista specific bug. The problem with the manual is simple: I don't have time to care for the manual and I'm the creator. So everything is implemented the 'easiest'/'obvious' way. I don't see the problems I create. So they won't be in the manual.
  7. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    ??? Your latest post was that it works.
  8. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    First, you don't need to be online. Then make sure ArmALib is running. It will have an additional loading dialogue before the disk check dialogue and the version will be 1.14.aLib. Be aware that it won't work with the latest RC since ArmALib is not yet adjusted for it. Complain at Kegety about this. Once you loaded ArmA with RTE, RTE Capture will show "Connected" in the status. About RTE not showing up: Please give a screenshot of your configuration. Settings with ArmALib: Settings without ArmAlib installed: The low-spec will slow down some actions like moving or opening the RTE. But it should work. Don't use an earlier version. The speed should be the same but it will be incompatible with the latest RTE Capture.
  9. /me find it useful. If I find some time, I'll add your format as export format of unit loadouts of the RTE. My format is just a little more complicated since I check that not more slots are used than allowed by the normal gear dialogue.
  10. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    Since you're using Armed Assault: Please use ArmALib by Kegety. Simple run Armed Assault with ArmALib and have RTE Capture being active in the background. That's it.
  11. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    You seem to have caught the ArmA II version. Make sure that you have set the paths for A1 and A2 correctly. Otherwise use the 7z file if the paths are set correctly.
  12. i0n0s

    What happened to 3D Editor?

    Just a small question: Have you tried the RTE? Which part is that bad, that you want to use the included 3D editor?
  13. http://rte.jonasscholz.de/bugs/view.php?id=129 That should solve your problem, at least if added. I'm currently working on RTE Capture, but only in cleaning up the code first. And this takes some time since it is really ugly code :( Hope to release a cleaned version this year.
  14. this DisableAI "Anim"; will prevent the AI to switch animations. "Move" will prevent the movement, but probably not the looking.
  15. doStop... Ok, I should add it only if it is really required :(
  16. This looks like a non RTE issue. At the start they all say "Good evening", so it looks like the "talk-system" is engaged. And therefore they all are looking to you since they're talking to you. At least this is my idea of the issue.
  17. Strange, especially since it is not a NULL exception. [evil] Can you try to rename a simple application to arma.exe and run it? Then activate monitoring and check if the application crashs. Be aware that a "hello world" is too simple and the application should read files ;) [/evil]
  18. @eyecon: If this happens to every exported data, have you tried different mission.sqm? Maybe the reason is inside the mission.sqm. That I expect something which doesn't exist. Can you take a look and mail me the mission.sqm which causes problems? At least if my theory is right ;) @Killg0re: That's also my combination. Have you tried to launch ArmA 2 from RTE Capture without having "use RTE Capture DLL" checked? This helps to identify if a path is set wrong. The DLL will get injected 1 second after the process was launched, so you should be able to see the process. The following image shows my settings: If the crash still happens: Do you have more details about the crash?
  19. Have you tried to start with the one unit, then add the others and finally at the group? This makes it a lot easier to find the part which creates the problem.
  20. You forgot to change side in the units config. The side in the faction just shows where the faction should be listened in the editor. Btw: For inheritance, you just need to import the class you want to inherit from: class USMC_Soldier; class A_SASR_1a : USMC_Soldier { ... You don't need all the classes the external class is inherited from!
  21. What do you mean with "big formation line"? The "doStop this;" will get added as soon as you move a unit. This makes sure that the unit will stay at its position and doesn't return to formation. The direction should work. Can you give me the xml-file and some screens? @Himmelsfeuer: Is this bug report from you? http://rte.jonasscholz.de/bugs/view.php?id=148 I'll take a look at those objects and the export and merging of them.
  22. :D This also gives the user the possibility to see if a server supports your tool which is create too.
  23. I've just talked to kju to get clearer about the concept. The following is an extract of it: The major problems with addons in MP are the following: A server admin should only allow 'good' addons. A player needs to know which addons are allowed on a server. Something like the ClanBase AAS Addon Pack solves those issues: Someone with trust checks which addons are good and which should be avoided. Then the server admin just copy the list and adds "CB pack" into the server name. Now the user knows which addons are allowed and can join with them. Add On Compilation for more Realism and Immersion was the same way in A1 times. And if the server admin doesn't like the CB pack, he can simple switch to another pack. ---------------------------- That solved our previous problems but creates new: Who should do this work? Or more in detail: What is complicated about that work? A check requires time. Each addon (pack) requires it own private key. This is required for e.g. select parts of zGuba's fixes. And it allows to block version with errors. Time is sadly something we can't solve, but we can solve the key part. Our CSS creates those keys for us :) Why do we need a CSS for it? I can handle it for myself! Yes, you can handle it for yourself. But why should you invest _time_ to create those keys if someone else already did it for their own pack? So the CSS will be gathering place for those signatures and allows an easy creation of them too. So if you want addon X to your collection, you simple ask the CSS if the keys already exists. If yes, you download them and everything is fine. If not, you need to create them. No, the CSS will create them. You just need to show him the addon e.g. by uploading. At that point it is also possible to talk with ~ArmAholic~, so that you just need to point the CSS to them and it will take it from there and will save you additional time :) ---------------------------- So for creation of those key packs, the CSS is a nice idea which spares a lot of time! And as a server admin you just take one of those key packs and synchronize your server with it. A player installs one of those pack and now can easily join server which allows those packs. And Yoma's tool can be used here too :)