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Everything posted by i0n0s

  1. Why should they want to rename the binary?
  2. I know that the question is stupid since the answer is probably no, but it may help in the future: Does a backup of the repository exist?
  3. Stop using the RTE Capture DLL, use ArmA2Lib instead.
  4. Export is currently broken. That part of the code wasn't rewritten and so I forgot to recreate the links. And those links will take some time to re-establish. @Knight Rider: Don't have RTE Capture DLL active. It won't be need when using jayArmA2Lib since jayArmA2Lib is a replacement for it.
  5. No, you don't need to launch via RTE Capture. No manual update should be required.
  6. Make sure to have jayArma2Lib installed and active, launch OA. It should automatically connect to RTE Capture. When using RTE Capture to launch make sure to not inject the dll. No future action should be required but opening the RTE will take its time.
  7. If you like to have some inspiration for features: What about scanning for duplicated code? Would be a really nice feature on larger codes to reduce the complexity.
  8. With the latest version I get a few errors, so I better drop them here, so that they won't get lost. -Long files won't get scanned completely. I have multiple files where he stopped scanning somewhere in the document and doesn't report any more errors in it, even if the are present. -Example code for the lbSize bug: http://pastebin.jonasscholz.de/993 -Nearly similar for ?ctrlSetText?, maybe the str: http://pastebin.jonasscholz.de/994 -in a catch-block, _exception is a defined variable: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/try -Use a different fond in warning details to better differ _i from _j
  9. @Boreas: Make sure you have CBA loaded too. Otherwise the RTE won't be initialized and the script will do nothing.
  10. Trigger are currently broken
  11. About the alpha: I'm still working on bringing RTE Capture to a clean code base. I'm currently working on the merge-system. But this takes time and motivation. Once this is done I will remove the current bugs and will move it to beta.
  12. You can save within the RTE using the project administration. But to get the units/objects into your mission you need to export it and merge it into the mission.sqm.
  13. The error with the scrollbars is within ArmA II? Then maybe my scrollbar definition is wrong :( @Moach_Mayhem: It either requires to have the RTE installed on the server or use the "RTE_Export.sqf" script, but this is a little outdated. ctrl + k, ctrl + p ;)
  14. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    @Raziaar Thanks for the file. I tried both database entrys and they worked well for me (aside the missing objects due to missing objects). No crash on my side. @psychobambi http://rte.jonasscholz.de/bugs/view.php?id=151
  15. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    Can you send my your RTE.db (in %APPDATA%\RTE Capture). This allows me to extract your objects and to reproduce the error. For the moved away from the original position read the above posts. The chopped waypoint lines are new to me. Can you send me that mission file too? About the doStop: This is added on purpose. The reason is that the units doesn't return to formation, away from the position they were placed too. But in future this should only get added to squad members and not group leader (=single persons): http://rte.jonasscholz.de/bugs/view.php?id=150
  16. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    You need to press "Play" before you use the "Restore" button, otherwise restore will delete all objects :x
  17. This seems to be a bug, but a non understandable since it uses BIS list implementation. @Darkhorse: RTE Capture can create a SQF file out of the xml file. To load the template simple execute the script with a given position. But be aware that it requires the RTE installed, at least on the server side.
  18. You select all the objects which belong to the misplaced objects. So in the above picture you also select the bunker at the bottom. Yes, this should work. Once a object is within the mission.sqm, you need to remove the init line and then you can move then as usual in the 2D editor.
  19. This with 0. seems to be a bug. Hopefully will be fixed in the next RTE Capture release. But I can't promise that I release soon. Still some work cleaning up the code. About the templates: Their basically compositions. But you seem to talk about simple export: As long as you don't edit the init-line, they shouldn't be effected by any movements. But this unevenly may be effect of the init-line. Try to remove it. Next version will have an option to disable the init line. About the misplacing: This will happen every time you reload it within RTE. But it should stop as soon as you merge it within the mission.sqm. I need to take a look if "CAN_COLLIDE" would solve the problem. For programmer: RTE saves its data to RTE.db, a mysqlite database. In there you should be able to change "FORMATION" or "NONE" to "CAN_COLLIDE". As the solution: You did something different: You need to select all objects, then use the cursor keys. The correct position is saved internal, but A2 does misplace them. When moving, they will get placed to the correct position (just shifted a little). This will restore your work.
  20. Select all objects and use the cursor keys to move them slightly. This should move them back to their original position.
  21. There is not such a protection. But only complex scripts switch during their execution: http://rte.jonasscholz.de/blog/2009/10/02/new-to-arma-2-threads And I don't understand the question about the growing array
  22. Take a look at call, spawn and execVM and their differences.
  23. If you pass an array, it will be passed by reference. Just make sure not to overwrite the array and to use 'set' for modifications. But if you don't need to have them run parallel, you simple get the result of the subscript.