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Everything posted by i0n0s

  1. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> private ["_result", "_i"]; _result = true; _i = 1; while { (_i < 10) and _result } do { Â Â if (!isnil format ["p%1", _i]) then { Â Â Â Â if (call compile format ["!isnull p%1", _i]) then { Â Â Â Â Â Â call compile format ["_result = _result and (p%1 in _this);", _i]; Â Â Â Â }; Â Â }; Â Â _i = _i + 1; }; _result When the players are named p1 to p10, the above code will return true if all players are in the given array.
  2. i0n0s

    Compact Fix Pack for ArmA v1.14C

    Why not using a variable that gets transmitted by publicVariable? So you have for example ZGB_Collision_Warning as variable. Use addPublicVariableEventHandler to this variable. Then if the players car get rammed by another player you set ZGB_Collision_Warning to the transmitted data (no problem with arrays since 1.09). Then you transmit that variable with publicVariable. This will raise the PublicVariableEventhandler on all other clients. They check if they are the guilty driver, and if they are the driver, you display the hintmessage local.
  3. i0n0s

    Compact Fix Pack for ArmA v1.14C

    Please describe as detailed as possible what exactly you want. Then I can take a look at it. I've enough error guessing in my code
  4. i0n0s

    Compact Fix Pack for ArmA v1.14C

    Everything you write is correct. But in your stringtable.csv you have ZGB_STR_SEATBELT instead of STR_ZGB_SEATBELT. (And for a wonder localize "ZGB_STR_SEATBELT" works) When using STR_ZGB_SEATBELT <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> "Car" >> "UserActions" >> "ZGB_Seatbelt" >> "displayName") will be "Seatbelt" instead of $ZGB_STR_SEATBELT.
  5. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    Can you send me your mission (Mailaddy in manual)? So I can take a look at it?
  6. i0n0s

    Compact Fix Pack for ArmA v1.14C

    displayName = $STR... should work. At least this is what everybody else uses Can you explain that adding action via script a little bit more?
  7. Hi, can you add: STR_DN_HE_6G30 = "VOG-25P" to your config? That's the ammunition for the 6G30 and the string is originally missing.
  8. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    You can either add the above code to any objects init or create a trigger that covers all units. Set activation to "anybody" and onActivation: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">{_x call ION_fAddObject;} forEach thisList
  9. i0n0s

    Compact Fix Pack for ArmA v1.14C

    localize "STR_ZGB_BliBlaBlubb" will work.
  10. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    No plans yet. This will force to delete and recreate the unit. Just ask me later again
  11. i0n0s

    Multiple Joystick problem

    Hi, unplug your joysticks, then plug in the joystick you want to use in ArmA. Then plug in the others. ArmA will use the first plugged in joystick. As an alternative: I've heard about an driver that simulates a joystick were you can merge your joysticks. But I don't know anything about it
  12. i0n0s

    SLA Redux Packs

    Hi, I found a bug in your modells: The squadlogo will not shown transparent. It has a white background: (Squadlogo works fine on vehicles or other skins)
  13. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    Selected units are invincible. They still cry but you can drag them through fences etc.
  14. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    I've just tried it: If you use the units init you have to use this code: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">bla = this spawn {waitUntil {!isnil "ION_fAddObject"}; _this call ION_fAddObject;} to make sure the function was loaded before adding the unit.
  15. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    This is a bug in Rev 2. I still haven't a good handling if objects are affected by gravity. And I still detect static weapons as affected by gravity and I have to recover their position using getPos. But getPos don't give the height correct, so the weapon will get moved to ground. A workaround is the undocumented variable ION_RTE_HULK. When setting to true, RTE will "override" the gravity by forcing the objects to stay at the placed position (and height). Export still works, you only have to make sure only to handle these objects with HULK-mode on. @Styxx: This is normal. To get these objects into RTE, use a trigger to catch all objects and add the to RTE using: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_object call ION_fAddObject
  16. i0n0s

    SQF revive script

    Already used that animation in a mission. Sadly this is QC-content so a switch will be needed. Disable Anim will result in repeating the animation which works fine. The only important thing is, that the reappearing player uses the old animation so he can stand up fast since you cannot stop animations. But I also vote for this as default animation! (The sounds needs to change too )
  17. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    *sig* I'm stupid... It would work if (if...) I wouldn't set it to that position. If you reposition an object it's getting realigned again. In the current dev-version this is fixed: (Take a look at that wheel from the angle! It's finally working ) You have to wait until this goes public  About that Copy & Paste: Not yet.
  18. i0n0s

    Dialog IDD's

    Another problem: hint format["%1",toArray("RKSL")] shouldn't work as IDD because the number is going to be to large. I have tried "ION" with added "00" and the result was that the dialog couldn't get found with that IDD. The same goes to IDC, they can't grow that high either. So we would need another id(d)ea ( ) to find unique IDDs.
  19. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    ArmA automatic aligns the house. The same happens to houses placed in the editor. You have to set "this setVectorUp [0,0,1];" in the init. (I hope that the code is right) For the next release I'm playing around with setVectorUp. But it only works good if you want to have tilted objects and you better set VectorUp manually if not.
  20. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    Yes Using the init of that unit. Yes you can. You have to add a script to your mission, then it should run without RTE installed. Yes
  21. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">(findDisplay ION_RTE_IDD) displayCtrl ION_MAP Thanks for that. I already tried to move the map to background etc. but simply forgotten to disable the map. So I can keep the old behaviour if I like too. But do I like too? Or better: Do you like too? What do you think? Which behaviour is better: -Current behaviour -Missioneditor behaviour -Your idea behaviour (please post) I'm waiting for your replies Â
  22. Once you used window-mode, the parameters are written into ArmA.cfg. Just delete them and make ArmA.cfg read-only. After the parameters keep working. @UNN: Is there a difference between fullscreen and windowed? It shouldn't matter for ArmA.
  23. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    Now I have the ability to retrieve your aspect-ratio without ArmALib But I stumbled over another problem: The map. A map in ArmA has automatic a behaviour: If you click right and move, you move the map. This is a bit of a situation because I am using the right-click for moving objects/changing groups etc. So I'm forced to use a different control... Does anyone has a idea what a control I can use? Right-click and moving the mousewheel is reserved. Everything else is free. Please post every idea you have! Otherwise I will use ArmA's map editor behaviour with click and holding to move a unit etc.
  24. I got two false answers: 5:4 was reported as 4:3 and Tripplehead was reported as 5:4. (which seems logic in your code because you don't check the y-value). But it works really nice. Now I only need to change my code, so I can adjust aspect-ratio on the fly...
  25. i0n0s

    SPON Map

    I have to correct me... Don't trust in mission maker ... He didn't use 1.49e. I don't know which version he uses and why it isn't 1.49e because we talked about this yesterday ... and he told that he installed and uploaded a version with 1.49e. I'm sorry for this.