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Everything posted by i0n0s

  1. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    And about the waypoints: Take a look at the Time Control video
  2. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    Thanks for the mirrors. Here is another video tutorial: Behaviour of the RTE which tries to explain the controls/behaviour of the RTE in his different modes. @gsleighter: Can confirm your bug. I will wait for another bugs to show up and then release a small fix.
  3. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    Hmm, how I'm going to tell it to you? A little of complicated and scary. It is finally out... I better not thinking about the things I forgot in the manual and all the unknown bugs that may be in the RTE. It don't have all the features I liked to add, but hey, after revision 3, there can be a revision 4. I think I should stop talking at that point because you will just skip that "Bla Bla Bla" and directly search for "Download". Ok, "Download" will only appears twice in this text  but then you start scrolling and still skip this text. Real Time Editor v4 - Revision 3: The mission editor Change log: *Added map *Added trigger *Added waypoints *Added marker *Added ability to merge exported objects with mission.sqm *Added first person camera For informations about the installation and the usage take a look at the manual inside the Zip. Used scripts: *UNN_WideScreenDetect *KRON_Strings *SPON_LOS Beta tester (alphabetic order): -HulkingUnicorn -loki -Matt Rochelle -savedbygrace -Sickboy -Spooner -trooper_ryan -wipman (hopefully not forgotten someone) Thanks to everyone that gave me feedback on my RTE. Special thanks to savedbygrace's effort in the video and the manual. Video tutorials: Tutorial: Behaviour Additional video: And finally: RTEditorV4_Rev3.7z RTEditorV4_Rev3_Fix.rar Mirror: Armed-Assault.de ArmABase.de Armed Assault.info Armaholic Assault Mission Studio ePrison.de Thanks for the mirror! Please give feedback!
  4. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    Hi, I'm not experienced in movie making, so I don't know what you require exactly and how that works. If someone tell it to me, I should be able to implement it. What is the current status: I'm currently subtitling the videos, then I'm waiting on an improved version of the manual and another video. Both will be here this evening and then all your dreams will be fulfilled Â
  5. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    Release will be today, but I first require some sleep  Meanwhile you can enjoy a new youtube-video: Just a funny one while testing the RTE MP Playground that will be included in the release.
  6. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    Two new videos: A video tutorial for export? Hey, it is that easy! Time Control? Â Thanks again to savedbygrace
  7. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    To use it in MP, either for cooperative mission design or for DM, it will require special maps. Examples of those maps will get added to the release.
  8. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    And you have to wait a little longer, because this ain't the RTE, just the manual: http://arma.jonasscholz.de/rte And also a new video (this time directly on youtube): But don't despair, the RTE v4 - rev 3 will arrive this week. Thanks to: Charles Wipman for the RTE-logo. loki and Spooner for not killing me while correcting the "English" in the manual. savedbygrace for the voice-over.
  9. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    Ok, now it is clear: the DM-feature will be in the release Thanks for the mirror of the hi res-file. Additional informations will follow this week!
  10. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    About the DM-feature: I'm not sure if it will get in the release. This is currently in discussion.
  11. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    Promo video: Low quality, 4 mb. I also have a high quality variant with 40 mb. If someone likes to mirror it, just send me a pm. I won't mirror it since of my traffic limits and more things coming up  Thanks to loki for cutting the video!
  12. i0n0s

    Extended eventhandlers

    displayEH exists: http://www.ofpec.com/forum/index.php?topic=31384.0 But sadly not in XEH because of missing response to PM.
  13. i0n0s

    Extended eventhandlers

    Hi, a stupid question: If the fXEHversion should return the version number of the XEH, why does it return 1.6 instead of 1.9? Stupid answer: Replace all XEH-files, and not just those you know about...
  14. i0n0s

    EasyFly script

    _stall is defined: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> if (_plane iskindof "Camel") then { _stall = 40; } else { _stall = 150; }; in combination with the private.
  15. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">nil = ... Never ever do this! Since your overwriting a special variable created by ArmA. About that trigger: Trigger only activates on the computers where the condition is fulfilled. It don't starts the trigger on the other computers where the condition is false. Take a look in OPFEC's Multiplayer Tutorial.
  16. i0n0s

    EasyFly script

    I like death locks with loops
  17. i0n0s

    EasyFly script

    Not tested, but should work: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">//EasyFly script by Celery; //Used to simplify fixed wing flight models // //Smaller _inertiaxy and _inertiaz values decrease inertia //_stall is speed in km/h: script stops working at lower speeds while {true} do { Â Â private ["_inertiaxy", "_inertiaz", "_stall", "_plane", "_velms"]; Â Â Â Â while {!(vehicle player iskindof "Plane")} do { Â Â Â Â sleep 1; Â Â }; Â Â _plane = vehicle player; Â Â _inertiaxy = 4; Â Â _inertiaz = 7; Â Â if (_plane iskindof "Camel") then { Â Â Â Â _stall = 40; Â Â } else { Â Â Â Â _stall = 150; Â Â }; Â Â while {(_plane == vehicle player) and (alive player)} do { Â Â Â Â sleep 0.04; Â Â Â Â if (speed _plane >= _stall) then { Â Â Â Â Â Â _velms = (speed _plane) / 3.6; Â Â Â Â Â Â _plane setvelocity [ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â (((vectordir _plane select 0) * _velms) + ((velocity _plane select 0) * _inertiaxy)) / (_inertiaxy + 1), Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â (((vectordir _plane select 1) * _velms) + ((velocity _plane select 1) * _inertiaxy)) / (_inertiaxy + 1), Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â (((vectordir _plane select 2) * _velms) + ((velocity _plane select 2) * _inertiaz)) / (_inertiaz + 1) Â Â Â Â Â Â ]; Â Â Â Â }; Â Â }; };
  18. Has anyone written, that the external lights are misplaced? Position lights are a little away from its original position, the light comes out from nothing and needs to get a little raised, so that the pilot can see the lighted area.
  19. Event handler are local on the computer where the handler were added.
  20. Change condition from "this" to "Player in ThisList".
  21. Text messages using group-, vehicle-, sideChat and hint are local to the computer which uses that command.
  22. i0n0s

    Extended eventhandlers

    /me likes to have that pre_init handler too! That drops most <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">if (isNil "Bla") then {Bla = "Bla"; ...} and will be a performance win.
  23. i0n0s

    Cheat / Hack Awareness Thread

    To say it simple: Every configuration that tries to block mods, will have mods passing by. So switch over to signatures.
  24. Really nice Only one question that far: How should the gunner aim when using the 80mm rockets? He either can't see the target area or don't have an idea where they flying at.
  25. i0n0s

    SahraniRadio's new ShowHost.

    Oh no, not Loki! Â Will this change the start time of your shows?