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Everything posted by i0n0s

  1. Let's get evil Can you have different animation per cargo seat? I guess yes, so you can switch the player to the special cargo seat when for example placing a bomb.
  2. There will be only one magazine inside it. But if you miss to broadcast that command, then there will be only a magazine on the server, and for the rest it will be empty.
  3. i0n0s

    Compact Fix Pack for ArmA v1.14C

    Nothing is unexplainable  Just write those errors down and if they still exists after you finished the writing, we can take a look at them.
  4. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    Sadly that message was more important: There is a bug with UPS and KRON_Strings. Both have a function named KRON_getArg, but with different parameters. Why is that bug important for the RTE? The RTE (and the dedicated server scripts) includes KRON_Strings. Therefore an error message will appear when using it with UPS. To fix the problem: -Open UPS.sqf with a text editor -Replace every occurrence of "KRON_getArg" with "KRON_UPS_getArg". Please note that this is only required when: -Hosting a mission using UPS while having the RTE installed -When using "RTE_Export.sqf" and UPS within a mission.
  5. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    Thanks to Old Bear and FABfm we have now a French translation of the RTE: RTEditorV4_Rev3_Fix.rar The manual and the youtube-subtitle are also translated: http://arma.jonasscholz.de/rte http://arma.jonasscholz.de/rte/fr http://arma.jonasscholz.de/rte/en http://arma.jonasscholz.de/rte/de No other fixes included in that file.
  6. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    Yes, that one solved the problem, at least in a short try in MP But currently there is no plan to release this as a fix, so it will be included in the next revision.
  7. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    @bhaz: I know the bug, but I don't have any idea for a solution on this. I already delete the crew (seen on player X's computer) and don't have a clue why they still exist on Y's computer. Maybe first delete the vehicle and then the crew @joffre257: RTE_Export.sqf ->Code sample and stay aware that at least one unit of that side has to be placed on the map first!
  8. Just remember that setFriend is local and has to get broadcasted/executed on all computer.
  9. Use addRating with a negative value.
  10. i0n0s

    "Create your own billboard"

    Finally! But one question about the 512 x 456: This is a non power of two texture and shouldn't work.
  11. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    If someone from arma-fr.net pass by, please contact me via mail, so that we can talk about translating the manual and the rte to french. I'm currently not finding a contact on their side.
  12. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    Cinema border has got disabled: showCinemaBorder. L seems to be a conflict with: titleText["", "Plain", 0.01]; Just use "titleFadeOut 0;" before activating the camera.
  13. i0n0s

    ArMaTeC DEBUG System 1.0

    Hi, may you add to a link to a non scaled version of that image so that we're able to see the details? Does this works for non local scripts? For example when debugging a multiplayer mission where a script runs only on the server. Why there is a delay between pressing a button and the action of that button? This was a little disturbing while testing that addon. Nice work thanks!
  14. Reworked weapon crates:<ul> [*]Special US [*]Ammunition RACS [*]Special RACS [*]Weapons RACS [*]Special SLA [*]Weapons SLA Models and skins where present in original ArmA and not used. Modified them for color matching. Special crates now differs from ammunition crate. Thanks to Charles Wipman for the idea and his help. Download: ION_WeaponCrate.rar
  15. i0n0s


    This is a replacement for the default weapon crates. So this is a clientside addon and has only local effect.
  16. The storage ain't problematic when you use setVariable because you can look at the unit and not in an array. But your right, many Get's are missing when scripting.
  17. i0n0s


    Congratulation for your birthday Sadly I made a mistake and forgotten to sign the file. A updated version can be found under the previous link.
  18. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    Ok, the fix is out now: Change log: *Double click won't unselect units any more *No more jumping buildings when rewinding *Solution for the "friendly enemy"-limitation. You still have to place a unit of each side down if you want to use the scripts in MP. *No more error: "Waypoint not found" when using cycle in waypoints. *Units shouldn't get out and then get in when moving to the next waypoint Download: RTEditorV4_Rev3_Fix.rar An updated manual can be found here: http://arma.jonasscholz.de/rte I've added the sections "Numpad", "The Power of Alt" and "Tips and tricks". If you have additional tricks or something that should get added to the manual, just tell it and I will add it.
  19. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    @Sonsalt: Since synchronize is not in, because I have to rework the waypoint system for it, 'moveincargo' is the only way to get units in AI controlled vehicles. To 1: That's the position ArmA returns when asking for the position of the unit. I should add more checks if a unit is in a vehicle and then ignore it. To 2: Â I know it, and I have no clue what works wrong. The best thing is, that those waypoints will work without that break when merged into SQM. To 3: Selected units can't get in vehicles for some reasons. Seams like there is one setPos to much. The current best solution is to give that group there own vehicle or merge with SQM and add the synchronize there. @Charlis [=FAB=]: That code is from a previous revision. The current code looks like: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">{_x call ION_RTE_fAddObject;} forEach thisList About the "modus operandi": Just create the mission using the RTE, then click on "play" to preview how it should work. Finally "revert" and change the mission. Repeat until the mission is done. Then export it to xml-file and merge the file within a SQM. If you run out of time in the repeat-point: Just export it and convert it to script. Open the map, run the SQF and your back to that point where you exported and can continue to work. About the fix: There will be a fix out, hopefully today. He fixes currently 4 bugs: <ul> [*]Double click won't deselect the current selection [*]No more jumping buildings when rewinding [*]Solution for the "friendly enemy"-limitation. You still have to place a unit of each side down if you want to use the scripts in MP. [*]No more error: "Waypoint not found" when using cycle in waypoints.
  20. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    Ok, I finally checked out why they don't move. It is simple: If you have the RTE installed and use those scripts, all units will be frozen (-> Time Control) until you press play. Simple run this before your script: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">ION_RTE_Setting_EditorMode = false But if you run the script on a dedicated server (where the RTE shouldn't be installed) and use RTEExport.sqf, that situation won't occur. The units will directly follow their waypoints.
  21. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    Can you please send the XML and the SQF-file via mail (adress in the manual) to me, so that I can take a look at them? About the disappearing units: You moved them into the house. Since you can't select them any more, select him via the list, then press ALT and move the mouse. Now he will get moved outside the house. About the "rewind" and disappearing units: Select one unit from the list, then press ctrl + 1. Then press 1 again and you will moved towards the position of the unit. Also export them, so I can take a look at it. If it don't work and you can't export, please make a screen shot of the error message, then double click at the unit in the list. Make another screen shot.
  22. displayEventHandlers, KeyDown and KeyUp events Addon by sHole, which has own functions for adding displayEventhandlers. This addon has also a bridge for SightAdjustment. So just use it and this will overcome that problem.
  23. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    Place the unit near the house, then select the unit. Move the mouse over the unit, press down Ctrl, click and hold the left mouse button, then move the mouse upwards (while having the left mouse button and ctrl pressed! ). And seems like I forgotten to mention some keys  The numpad has also some functionality when having objects selected. So a new manual will be in the fix too.
  24. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    @Kremator: Take a look into gsleighter's post, two above yours. There is the solution. This is a current limitation. I'm currently thinking of a way to avoid that problem. But I can't guarantee that I find a solution for this.
  25. i0n0s

    RealTimeEditor 5

    @sachasemtex: I finally manage to find out what went wrong at this point: Just hold down shift or ctrl when doubleclicking. Now the selected units won't get deselected and it keeps working. I'm currently waiting for another bug reports, then I will release a fix which removes those two bugs.