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Everything posted by rocket

  1. rocket

    I need this statement explained.

    I think it demonstrates how little people understand the legal system, and copyright. This isn't a relevant discussion for copyright, or who legally owns what or legally has what rights. It's a conversation about authorship, which has been decided, discussed, and stated by BIS and Placebo many times. The minute people start talking about their legal rights/EULA's in this sort of discussion, it all becomes laughable. The only person with any EULA/copyright claim is BIS... and even then... The RP-Mod team is the author of their work, and we, as a community, place a high value on someones moral right to claim their authorship of work... for better, for worse. You can pretty much do whatever you want in a private setting, with anything you buy or download. But as a community (i.e. these forums, community sites), if you don't respect an author's work then you will find life difficult.
  2. rocket

    I need this statement explained.

    I don't entirely understand it either, but I think he did make a valid point about opening up a server in another area of the world. So, those who have big pings to the current one can go somewhere with good ping. I think, the solution to that, is for people who can offer to host such maps - to politely approach yourself and offer their services.
  3. rocket

    I need this statement explained.

    I dunno, do whatever you want I guess. My suggestion would be, the best result would come from reasoning with the rp-mod team to achieve your aims. If you can't beat em, join em!
  4. Thanks T_D and Synide, that's a brilliant explanation. I really did not realize that at all, learn something new every day! I might use the old ArmA1 shaders for anything that needs binarizing, until the new binarization tool comes out.
  5. Yeah, I realise that lol. I'm talking about all the rvmat. Surely not all of the rvmat data is embeded in the p3d when it get binarized. If you binarize a model, then delete the rvmat files - you will get errors.
  6. It can't embed ALL the RVMAT data in the p3d, because the rvmat file is still required. It must just embed some of the information. I've PM'd suma to see if he can offer any advice.
  7. I think it has to do with the material definition per polygon, this might be something I might try and confirm with through Suma or someone. Is anyone getting any RPT errors from materials when they binarize p3d's? I think it is dropping the material definition entirely, so it is possible in the ArmA2 p3d binarization process, material definition is compressed in a different way than in ArmA. Anyone have any ideas?
  8. I've been finding that when I binarize a PBO, even if I don't binarize the rvmats, that I lose all material data and only the diffuse textures are displayed. Anyone else noticing this? I am sure I didn't have this problem before...
  9. rocket

    I need this statement explained.

    Well, if it were me. I'd send a real polite request to the rp-mod guys, asking to try and setup a server in other areas. I'm sure they would be keen to setup servers for other areas. Assuming they were, they would want to carefully manage that. Arguing with them here, well, regardless of whether you have a point or not... I don't really think it achieves anything positive. In fact, it probably proves to the rp-mod team why they should keep things really close to their chest.
  10. rocket

    co07 Island Twilight (USEC)

    Yeah, he will land and then takeoff if he see's bad guys. If he does that, simply fire a flare and he will come back in for a fullstop landing.
  11. rocket

    I need this statement explained.

    Crikey guys. What drivel. If Jake and his crew what to try and protect their code/maps/and etc, well, good on them. Personally, I think its pointless, unenforceable, and doesn't help the community. But it's his choice. Lincoln1stFJ, it's not that amazingly hard to either de-pbo the mission, or to make your own. Saving/loading in multiplayer is pretty straightforward in ArmA2 thanks to a much improved architecture for multiplayer syncronization. The beauty of this community, is that if there is a market for this kind of map and someone isn't meeting that market - then someone else will. Taking this kind of "dispute" the forum's aint gonna make any difference, other than making both of you look unprofessional at least. I make all my addons and scripts public, provide source to anyone with a half-respectable project who asks politely. I only offer my services to groups that operate to the same code, I know many here who think the same. But everyone is entitled to their choice, respect that choice. I'm sure those boys put alot of hard work into that project, and they're trying to protect that.
  12. rocket

    co07 Island Twilight (USEC)

    THanks the mirror updates guys. My plea to the community: Please let me know if you encounter any problems, or have any suggestions. I want to try and polish this mission up as much as I can!
  13. rocket

    co07 Island Twilight (USEC)

    If you PM me your email, I can email it to you shortly ---------- Post added at 07:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:38 PM ---------- Armaholic have the updated version at: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6481
  14. rocket

    I need this statement explained.

    Well, yes and no. The community here decided that authorship is very important to us, and BIS has agreed. Hence, the forums and the community itself enforce authorship. Anyone who doesn't respect authorship will quickly find themselves shunned from the very community they're trying to be part of. I generally don't use the term "copyright" in these settings, because it is outdated and has many connotations. Authorship feels more appropriate to me. I think that many mission makers have the reasonable request that others don't simply modify their map slightly and release it, as otherwise the community becomes flooded with small variants. I wouldn't read to much into things beyond that.
  15. rocket

    co07 Island Twilight (USEC)

    The key advice I can give to anyone playing it, is to make use of the bounding overwatch tactic. Most ArmA missions your objective is to engage all enemy, in this mission - if you try and engage everyone you are probably going to take too long and miss your extraction. The mission is to take out the two targets and the weapons cache, so every bullet should only be expended in the interests of that aim. Fire and movement is very important, if you come under fire, use that tactic to get yourself out of the situation and away from the enemy. This becomes crucial after you have taken out the targets and are proceeding to extraction, as trying to fully engage the enemy will result in you being too late. So to summarize: - Make liberal use of bounding overwatch (we moved using that tactic everywhere, two teams of three) - When you're engaged, keep moving (fire and movement) - Conserve your ammunition - At the extraction point, hide until helicopter arrives - Fire a flare if the helicopter departs without picking you up Another tactic at the village, is to secure the boathouse and then send one or two people in to meet the CIA agent. If you move fast, you can be in and out without encountering much enemy. You're vastly outnumbered on the island, if you get bogged down in a firefight you're probably going to loose - pick and choose the locations of firefights and retreat from any engagements that aren't under your control. It's really easy to get carried away when you get engaged. On our server the other night - consisting of four of us who must have played this mission ten times - we were getting absolutely punished. The key reason for this was we were insisting on winning any engagement we had with the enemy. Once the engagement would start more enemy would arrive and we'd become embattled on multiple fronts... wipe... and have to start again. Not to mention, running out of ammunition.
  16. Bravo's correct. I have used the new ArmA2 recoil customization settings to full effect. I did my basic a while ago, and its been near on five years since I had my hand on one (although things can change ;) ), so I'm not sure if it is fully correct. Most stable of the three variants I made was the one in Bravo's pic above. When you're prone with the stand, its real stable even on auto.
  17. rocket

    co07 Island Twilight (USEC)

    Version 2.0 is fubar. Download version 3.0 from http://www.dhd.co.nz/files/co07_IslandTwilight_v3.rar Mirrors, please update the download. I'll try contact the mirrors directly tomorrow. Version 3.0 fixes all the problems above, let me know if I'm mistaken.
  18. rocket

    co07 Island Twilight (USEC)

    I found the bug.... it is HILARIOUS. I had "sleep 700;" in at the top during debug... I've fixed that now, will release tomorrow.
  19. rocket

    New to editing

    Set their behaviour to safe or careless. Then they will use roads
  20. rocket

    New, intence maps/missions

    That's the god-honest truth right there.
  21. Some work done on the materials tonight. LT Lee from our group has been doing some testing for me, and kindly took some pics. She's washing up real nice! Haven't fixed the muzzle yet Only done the first pass on the plastic materials and textures. Next is the metal textues and materials.
  22. rocket

    co07 Island Twilight (USEC)

    Those are bloody good ideas mate, expect them in version 3.0! Keep em coming. And no probs changing the map for private play. Just make sure the maps description stays "co07 island Twlight" as I search this out on server statistics so I can assess the mission based on how long/much people are playing it.
  23. "shit gas system" "great gas system" Awesome! Thanks for the info, I'm going to do some remodelling tonight, to try and take in as much of the feedback as I can. I will then remap the UV's and rebake, post back here for more comment. After that I'll work on handpainting the textures, and creating the materials for the super shader. If anyone has any more advice/feedback - please post it ASAP as after I've progressed to hand painting I won't be making substantial changes to the model.
  24. Yep - already done that :) Because the Steyr is a Bullpup rifle, it is much shorter. That's the main issue. None of the standard RTM positions really fit with it. I need an example soldier in order to generate an RTM. I can probably try making a pose with an ArmA skeleton and see how that works, as it is just the arms that are affected.