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Everything posted by rocket

  1. When you teleport to a new location, the unit will need to identify the objects around them. Many factors (CPU load) will affect how long it takes for them to be identified. You could use the "reveal" command to reveal all the objects quickly at the new location allowing actions, for example: {player reveal _x;} forEach (position player nearObjects ["AllVehicles",100]); {player reveal _x;} forEach (position player nearObjects ["ReammoBox",50]); {player reveal _x;} forEach (position player nearObjects ["Misc_Backpackheap",50]);
  2. Hi there, Try adding 0.1 (or +1 for a full sequence) to the animation phase. As you have set it as a looping animation, it will continue to process the animation with higher values. For best results you would want to also reset the value at set intervals to stop the animation value becoming to large. Does this help? Let me know if any problems.
  3. USEC MAULE M7 (Civilian/Ski Plane) By Rocket www.usecforce.com Current Version: - 2.2, 31 October 2009 Requirements: - Standard ArmA2 install Please post bugs or requests to our Bug Tracker Includes: - Maule M7 Skiplane - Maule M7 Features: - Prop Danger (multiplayer sync'd) - Working Gauges - Engine startup effects (multiplayer sync'd) - Custom cargo animation states for occupants - 4 LODs (1 section in lowest lods) - 1 x 2048 texture for exterior, and another for Pilot/Cargo view - Stall warning sound (buzzing noise) - Full series of animations - Signed for use on multiplayer servers - Seats four (pilot + four passengers) Credits: - Rocko's tailrotor script was used as a base for creating the prop carnage. - ACE engine startup script inspired the creation of one for this (thanks guys!) - Sound used from the ACE tailrotor thing (the prop carnage sound). - Spinning Prop texture used from MSFS. - The many, many people who have helped with testing, screenshoting from MSFS, and much else. Thank you all. - MSFS Maule for use in getting textures (painstakingly) masked off. - Gnat for his Piper which was of extensive use. - All those at USEC who donated money for the purchase of hi-resolution 3d models for this and other projects, and all their support. - Soul_Assassin for his tireless work with 3ds Max tools! Where to download: ArmedAssault.info Maule M7 (Ski Plane) v2.2 Advise mirror locations below (any welcome) and I will update above. My server crashed four times before the mirror went up! Server Key: - Public Server Key (for placement on dedicated servers) ------- If you like the download: please consider making a donation to a local charity. Of particular note, donating to ArmA community websites is also extremely important. Bandwidth is not cheap and we are blessed to have such an excellent network of community sites, in many languages. This will only continue if you support them not just by visiting, but also by donating. ------- PS. Do not walk/run into the propeller when it is moving.
  4. Suite of scripts that generates side missions and main assaults that varies the intensity of the conflict based on those playing and their chosen roles, to provide a highly intense, challenging, and exciting gameplay experience that is different every time As part of the USEC Revolution system, I have developed a method of creating side missions that dynamically alters the mission according to the number and type of players in the game. The plus is that players can seamlessly drop in and out of the mission, get professional briefings, and play a different mission experience each time. bJgkQy5IsgE The missions are entirely randomized, using the Location/Building/Road placement to generate the missions. Currently there are seven types. Below is a demonstration of the latest version of the Dynamic Combat Intensity system in the King of the Hill mission, where you have to protect a particular location that is vital to an allied attack. The balancing of the AI is such that it is not too difficult, but not too easy. The aim was to reduce the frustration of typical missions and really push the concept of teamplay. When combined with a medical system (the video uses the USEC Revolution medical system) teamplay becomes essential to surviving a side mission. The randomization of both the details of the mission (location, building types) and the AI Behaviour (some groups will rush, some will stop to provide cover) provides a huge level of variety and we found ourselves replaying the same side mission again and again. "King of the Hill" is currently the favourite of all the mission types so far. System is to be released separately as a module like the LHA AI Airboss. It is currently in beta testing with those chosen from the volunteers for the AI Airboss testing, thank you everyone for your help.
  5. A new video outlining the Infiltration Side mission in the revolution system: kLDvVN7--R8
  6. I have five requests from administrators that meet the broad requirements to host the system. One key note, however, is that installation of this requires the running of an external application that I have made (an EXE console app). This console app then talks to a MySQL database. Currently the system is designed specifically for the USEC website, therefore it is taking some time to "decompile" this requirement. The current plan is to initially release those modular components that can be released, such as the LHA AI Airboss. When time allows I will see if I can do a limited release of the mother system itself.
  7. I've uploaded a new video to provide an overview of the Logistics system inside Revolution: iQNeWTEdu84
  8. During stress testing, I had the database handling over 1500 request a second. However, delays have to be added when performing actions on the server that result in: - creating object - sending anything to clients So as a result, the database syncs everything at when the map is started, and then re-syncs everything as required. For example, every thirty seconds a client (the users computer) checks to see what has changed in its inventory, any changes are sent to the server, who then syncs these changes with the database. Position is sync'd every two minutes. This means, that if a player crashes - the maximum they will loose in their information state is two minutes,and allows users to drop back in with minimum disruptions. Currently there are some limitations, but this expands day by day. For example, the database only syncs overall damage and current fuel for vehicles. This is due to the lack of a getHit command. Only way around this is to replace the damageHandler for vehicles. This is already done for "men" class objects, so not a big project but one that has not been a major priority. Persistence, though, is subject to the law of unintended consequences and the "it seemed like a good idea at the time". For example, persistence means you do have to spend some time picking up abandoned vehicles, refueling and repairing, and eliminated rogue enemies running around the map for days (weeks!) who are left over from missions. We've managed to mitigate some of the persistence problems by implementing fuel cans and toolboxes (refueling and repairing) that can be carried in your inventory. Nothing more frustrating than finding a spare UH-1H in a valley, only to discover its engine had been left on and its outa gas!
  9. That's a really good idea. Anyone know if there are already suitable hand gestures made? I can bake some out, but if they're already done it will save a lot of time.
  10. There are two implementations: 1. My first attempt was to write a text-to-speech console app, and passed the text from ArmA2 to this via JayArmA2Lib. This required the user to download and run a seperate console application, which I felt limited its appeal. 2. My second attempt, which is what is displayed, was to bake out key sounds and words and then assemble them in SQF. The total size of all these is ~5mb per "voice". If you only need one controller, then it is 5mb. This 5mb can be trimmed down, as it contains over 200 words per voice, and not all are needed in base implementations of the Airboss.
  11. Since formally announcing the USEC Revolution system I've been inundated with requests for how to do this. Here's a really quick outline of how to do it, using JayArmA2Lib. More detail will be provided when the entire source is released. The system is made up of the following: ArmA2 Dedicated Server Install JayArmA2Lib MySQL 5.1 Custom Console App: "Mother" C++ MySQL Connector Mission Transactions Inside the USEC Revolution system, "transactions" are created which are passed to Mother and processed. One option, would be to directly pass SQL but I preferred to leave the SQL out, for security reasons. Transactions are sent in a string, and then broken into pieces to be processed by mother. Here is an example of it breaking apart the transactions: /* Read from pipe */ std::string output = GetPipeString(); cout << "Received..."; cout << output << endl; /* FINISHED PROCESSING TRANSACTION */ std::vector<std::string> transKey = TransactionDecode(output); std::string trCode = transKey[1]; int trCodeInt = atoi(trCode.c_str()); This uses my "TransactionDecode" functions: std::vector<std::string> TransactionDecode(std::string input) { std::vector<std::string> transKey; boost::split(transKey, input, boost::is_any_of(":")); //transKey.pop_back(); //Remove garbage from the end return transKey; } This uses my "GetPipeString" function: std::string GetPipeString() { /* READ FROM PIPE Example: std::string output = GetPipeString(); */ char buf[bUFSIZE]; //buffer for receiving DWORD dwBytesRead; std::stringstream ss;//create a stringstream std::string output; ReadFile (hPipe,buf, BUFSIZE, &dwBytesRead, NULL); ss << buf;//add number to the stream output = ss.str(); output.erase(output.end() - 1); //remove the garbage character return output; } Here is a sample transaction in the mission, generated by the SERVER (clients can generate requests to the server, who then passes them on) whenever the location of a vehicle needs to be updated: _key = format["CHILD:302:1:%1:%2:%3:%4:%5:%6:%7:%8:%9:%10:",USEC_RegionID,_vehID,_locX,_locY,_locZ,_dir,0,0,USEC_LocID,USEC_LocType]; _result = [_key,false] spawn USEC_Fnc_MotherRequest; The USEC_Fnc_MotherRequest is as follows: Mother The "core" of this system is called Mother. This is in reference to the "Mother" system in the Alien movies. Essentially, Mother creates a named pipe, which can be shared with JayArmA2Lib. Think of this as a dedicated telephone system between ArmA2 and a custom application. Now, let me be clear. Named Pipes are a reasonably advanced concept, and to get MySQL working you are going to need to have an excellent knowledge of named pipes and a sound knowledge of C++, but it isn't impossible to achieve for a dedicated individual with some coding knowledge and, alot of patience, in a few weeks. Here is a sample of the processing of a transaction. This transaction streams in buildings into ArmA2 on server restart, creating the persistent world: The Mother-to-Mission "Handshake" This is one of the hardest bits. Named pipes can be a bit trickey to syncronize. Here is an example of a handshake mixed with JayArmA2Lib: I'll expand this into a wiki article when time allows, in the meantime, any questions please post them below and I will do my best to answer.
  12. Its the sum of three years hard development. Some components of it will be released as addons rather than as the packaged multiplayer mode, where possible. I have 100gb of Fraps footage at present, its a huge mode to outline so I'm hoping to pick out the best bits to highlight it. A side result of this whole system, was a little offside project that will be announced here through some youtube videos. The development of that has been in secret since ArmA, and it is quite "out of this world"!
  13. Default sounds. Only additional sounds are those provided with the USEC Revolution mods, which are minimal and only focused on damage. The reason it sounds better is because of the intensity of the fire-fights provided by the randomized missions generated.
  14. Export the model as a 3DS file, then input into 3DS max (or any other 3d application that takes 3ds files).
  15. I suppose, what I am trying to point out - is that I am here for my own reasons. Gnat is here for his, PuFu is here for his. We each have our own reasons for developing our addons and those reasons is as different as the addons their authors make. It's admirable to suggest partnership and agreeing to have foundations; platforms on which people build. I can see what you are getting at and it would sound great, but it misses the very foundation of why I am here. I am here because I can build what I want to. When I worked in the game industry, I could not. I quit because it wasn't fun. So now... I just build stuff because I like building stuff. The minute you start making a project like work, trying to get people together - they will just bail. The only thing that can keep people together in such a situation is a compelling motivational force and common belief/direction, which is what ACE got/had. But some of the most talented addon developers and designers here, are here for the freedom that it provides. What you are proposing is great, I just want to point the above out because I don't think many people realise why people make addons. They think I am here to make addons for people. I'm here because I like making stuff, and here, I can make stuff that I want and not because someone tells me too.
  16. Uniformity? Big teams? My two cents...What I would like to see more of is creativity. ArmA2 offers unprecedented ability to do extremely creative and different ideas far beyond what the core game offers, outside of simply pure squad-based mission combat. Indeed, it's my opinion OFP had more creativity in its selection of addons. Integrating anything makes things very complex, increasing workload exponentially - which often means dropping features and reducing capability. I can appreciate people want to play with ACE2, but personally I don't use it and as an addon maker I make the addons for myself first - this has got to be fun after all - so I don't really consider such addons when I am releasing something. I would prefer 20 different builders working on different things - they will come up with a much more creative solution that 20 builders trying to work on one thing. Remember, people do this for fun ... if they disagree they just end up leaving the team and the mod never gets released.
  17. Earlier in the post I released a current "development" version for people to play with. Unfortunately due to work I am quite busy due to the Earthquake and record amounts of snow (hell of a year for Christchurch!). If people really, really need updates on status they are welcome to PM me. I don't often get a chance to reply straight away but I do reply eventually. Also, if someone would like to assist with the project I can give them access to the SVN repository.
  18. After a painstaking effort to reconcile a bunch of LINZ orthophotos, sat data, and my generated masks I now have "real" representation of the terrain. The heightmap data has been greately improved. I still have some serious problems, mainly with shadow artifacts. Aerial and sat photography is such that at this lattitude, with this altitude, you cannot get a time of day when there is no shadow. So the shadow is baked into the satmap unfortunately. Also, because of the data there is some cloud cover still in. I am slowly painting this out though. I have still opted to reduce the scale to 1:3, and I think this plays quite nicely. The 1:1 was just too big. On 10k view distance the 1:3 scale looks great. Satmap resolution is 1m, heightmap is 7m. Overall size of the map (in game) is 24km, in real life the area is about 70km.
  19. Pre-alpha: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?a5ih17bc7h2aiax Sorry - caught up with the earthquake stuff here. This is a development version with no instructions or anything. Please don't host this for the moment, formal release with readme pending after earthquake dramas are over.
  20. The model is NOT the exact model. The exact model is not usable in ArmA2. It amazes me that you make these broad statements based on a couple of screenshots. I have created a new mesh, and baked the provided model into textures onto the new mesh. I then exported this into Oxygen where I painstakingly mapped every single fucking vertex by viewing what the selection weighting was for the BIS model. If this were a "Addon:Complete forum", I might have an ounce of respect for you and take your comments seriously. But you are making wide statements that you cannot back up. Have you seen the credit file for the addon? Have you seen the model for the addon? The UV mapping? No, you haven't. So fuck off! Lol.
  21. Actually, this topic has given me a great idea. With all future releases of my addons. I shall add a discredit section. So that i can properly thank those people who give me a giggle when they do/say something really retarded, or just plain "don't get it".
  22. I thought it was fairly obvious in my first post, the models are made from reference material? The model referenced is one of those. Thanks to all those who have provided feedback. An alpha is available but its use is fairly limited at this stage.
  23. Due to limitations with animations, I have been unable to get the altimeter on the wrist working. I can't animate it directly on a "man" class object, as I need to add in extra bones and it causes the skeleton to become stretched. I tried attaching a seperate object to the write using "attachTo" however, it is drawn behind the player model no matter how close it is to the player in first person view.
  24. rocket

    Advanced Combat Radio Environment

    I think the issue, for you ACRE guys and the rest of us using jayArmA2lib, is the ability for us to clip in via a dll. That might take some time.
  25. MISSION SAND GAMBIT By Rocket www.usecforce.com Current Version: - 1.1, 11 May 2011 Requirements: - Standard ArmA2:OA install Type: - Co-operative; or - Single Player Players: - Seven Aprox Length: - One Hour, Fifteen Minutes Description: From the author of Mission Island Twilight comes a compelling, fast paced mission packed with action and surprises at every corner. You and your team-mates of Bravo troop must rescue Michael Sadler, who travelled to Iraq as part of an investigation into alleged human rights volations by the new Iraqi National Army. He was kidnapped by an Al-Quaeda cell near the border, and rushed out of the country. Features: - Compelling, fast paced, mission - Voice guide provides information through mission - Dynamic objective locations, each playthrough is different - Smart AI helicopter interactions - Norrin revive script Credits: - Dean "Rocket" Hall, mission making, voice acting - Whole USEC team for many nights testing, but particulary: - Norrin for the awesome Revive script Where to play: - The USEC Dedicated server - Any good server :) Where to download: - Armaholic - Mediafire (don't use) - Thank you to all mirrors! Let me know where you are hosting and I will update this. - Or join the USEC server when its on rotation FOR HOSTERS: - A 256x256 is available at: http://i511.photobucket.com/albums/s354/icemotoboy/title_256x256.jpg