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Everything posted by rocket

  1. I'm with you on this, I tried SLI for two series of graphics cards, and found it a hopeless waste of money. When i counted up the costs it was much cheaper for me to put the money on a second card aside, and simply buy a newer video card when such one came out. YMMV however...
  2. rocket

    Proxy: how do they work

    I'd like to second the comments above. It doesn't seem possible to have seperate loadouts for different proxy's. For example, sidewinders and mavericks. I've desperately tried to config my addon to have both, and studied the F/A18 mod tos ee how fraze did it. I haven't figured it out how to get around the single weapon proxy limit and still have good performance in a multiplayer environment? Any ideas?
  3. Well yes, thats been the problem all along. That "source" you speak of will have to be manually calculated using the aircraft vectors and tested according to payload. Making the code to generate this has always been the stumbling block, not the animating itself. Anyone have any ideas about generating the coords?
  4. rocket

    If we had JDAMs

    I've been scripting fully functioning JDAMs. I have the model released with the USEC F117, scripts to follow shortly.
  5. I modified it to work, more or less, with the following: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ;######################################################################################## ;# # ;# This is the script where all the calculations are made. It just needs to know for # ;# which aircraft it is used. # ;# # ;# created by Rastavovich 2002 rastavovich@gmx.net # ;######################################################################################## _bomber = _this select 0 _group = group player _Origin = "helihempty" camcreate [0,0,0] #checkrun ;#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# ;# Checks "activated or not" and if the bomber is still alive # ;#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# ? not(alive _bomber) : exit ? CCIPB1 : goto "targeter" goto "ende" #targeter ? _once : goto "targeting" _bomber vehiclechat "CCIP activated" _once = true #targeting ;#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# ;# Checks if the bomber has at least a height of 1 meter, a height of 0 causes # ;# wrong data for the target-calculation # ;#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# ? (getpos _bomber select 2) <= 1 : CCIPB1 = false ;#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# ;# Calculation of the verticalspeed and horizontalspeed # ;# To get better results I take the averange value of two heightchecks. # ;#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# _heightold = sqrt((_Origin distance _bomber)^2 - (getpos _bomber select 0)^2 - (getpos _bomber select 1)^2) ~0.02 _heightmedium = sqrt((_Origin distance _bomber)^2 - (getpos _bomber select 0)^2 - (getpos _bomber select 1)^2) ~0.02 _heightnew = sqrt((_Origin distance _bomber)^2 - (getpos _bomber select 0)^2 - (getpos _bomber select 1)^2) _verticalspeed = ((_heightmedium - _heightold) + (_heightnew - _heightmedium))* 25 _horizontalspeed = sqrt(sqrt(((speed _bomber/3.6)^2 - (_verticalspeed)^2)^2)) _heightold = getpos _bomber select 2 _morerange = 200 ;#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# ;# Calculation of bomb's droptime if it would be released right now. If the # ;# plane is climbing the falling-time has another value. # ;#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# ;hint format ["%3 %2 %1", _verticalspeed, _horizontalspeed * 3.6, _correction] ? _verticalspeed <= 0 : goto "sink" ;#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# ;# Case: plane is climbing. Calculation of extra-range. # ;#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# _morerange = (speed _bomber / 3.6)^2 * sin(2 * acos(_verticalspeed * 3.6 / speed _bomber))/ (2 * 10) _verticalspeed = -_verticalspeed ;#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# ;# Case: plane is sinking or maintaining height. # ;#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# #sink _verticalspeed = sqrt((_verticalspeed)^2) _droptime = (-_verticalspeed + sqrt((_verticalspeed)^2 + 2 * 10 * _heightold)) / (2 * 10) _IPdistance = 2.1 * (_morerange + _horizontalspeed * _droptime) ;#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# ;# Set the target-waypoint on the correct position in front of the plane # ;#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# _position = [((getpos _bomber select 0)+ _IPdistance * sin (getdir _bomber)), ((getpos _bomber select 1)+ _IPdistance * cos (getdir _bomber)),0] ; hint format ["1 = %1, _2 = %2, 3 = %3",((getpos _bomber select 0)+ _IPdistance * sin (getdir _bomber)), ((getpos _bomber select 1)+ _IPdistance * cos (getdir _bomber))] [_group, 1] setWaypointPosition [_position,0] goto "checkrun" #ende ? _once : _bomber vehiclechat "CCIP deactivated" _once = false _position = [getpos _bomber select 0, getpos _bomber select 1,0] [_group, 1] setWaypointPosition [_position,0] ~0.01 goto "checkrun"
  6. rocket

    The Real Star of CWC

    Looks good to me mate, Maya FTW
  7. rocket

    USEC F117 (v1.3)

    So this is the same bug present in your V1.0 (first release) ? Or something different? I remember your first F117 release was causing CTD too. Same bug, different texture I resized one texture, but it appears I sized a few of my textures at 1026 rather than 1024. Apologies to ATI users for this bug, and also for the fact they're using ATI cards
  8. rocket

    USEC F117 (v1.3)

    Appears I missed a texture resize, will release a mini update to address for ATI users.
  9. rocket

    USEC F117 (v1.3)

    The new GBU (which I incorrectly labelled as a GBU33, it should be a GBU32! is a byproduct of my other project... the reason for the low number of poly's will quickly become apparent when you see it
  10. rocket

    USEC F117 (v1.3)

    The JDAM script isn't included in this release, but will be released as part of my "secret project" that requires these capabilities. It will be deployed via a weapons console screen that allows the preprogamming of a target location via the map. Currently, it locks via IR or Laser and causes more damage than a GBU12. Â It does however fall differently, as it is heavier, and care is needed when dropping it.
  11. rocket

    Preventing Shading on Alpha'd Texture

    Hey Gnat, still having trouble here. I have come up with a best balance solution. I can still see the blur, but its much fainter over water than anywhere else. This picture doesn't show it too well, much better when its in motion: I used the following code in the RVMAT: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ambient[] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 5.0}; diffuse[] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}; forcedDiffuse[] = {0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.0}; emmisive[] = {0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0}; specular[] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; specularPower = 0.0; renderFlags[] = {"NoZWrite", "NoAlphaWrite", "AddBlend"}; PixelShaderID = "Normal"; VertexShaderID = "Basic"; Have tried as many combination as I can think of. Have been having quite a few sorting issues at the moment!
  12. rocket

    Shadow LOD

    And your shadow LOD geometry should be INSIDE of your other geometry, otherwise you will have shading appear on the outside of your model. This is the toughest part of creating a shadow LOD. I make my shadow LOD in 3dsMax, and make it a sharp green color so I can quickly check if it is poking outside of the model I have made.
  13. What have others done regarding landing gear on aircraft with complex rigs? Â I am finding that, at present, my landing gear consumes far to many polys. Â For example, in a model I am working on, I have 19,000 triangles (10k verts) of which over a quarter of those are on the gear and wheels. I have tried down rezing them a number of different ways, but it would seem there is just no joy in reducing the size without simply lopping large chunks off them. Here are two pictures, any advice on how to approach shaving some poly's off them would be appreciated. Are the tyres too high? If so, how many polys/tri's should I aim for? I viewed the BIS A10, but the gear on that aircraft is so simple compared to what I am working on. Here's a version in ambient occlusion: I have managed to create a fantastic mesh for what is an incredibly complex aircraft to model, all within a very reasonable polygon budget. Â Then, the gear have totally destroyed that. Â I have modeled as basic as I could think (except for the tyres) figuring I could put the rest of the detail in the normal map, yet I still come out with a massive polygon ammount. Thoughts and advice on this greatly appreciated!
  14. Thanks DaSquade! I'll do some more work as suggested in your image. Â I noticed that was how BIS endcaps were done but hadn't prioritized doing it myself. Â I'm using 3ds Max 9, and Maya 8, for my modelling and baking of textures. Will post some updated screens once done, thanks guys - now I will actually have enough polygons spare to model the rest. Â When I show the whole model, you'll understand why polygons were a problem. Â It's not a typical shape so has been very hard to reduce polys. Â The C130 was a piece of cake compared to this!
  15. Really appreciate the feedback! I have made those changes, and they are barely noticable even without the normal map. I will bake full detail into a normal map later to cover it up. I've shaved another 300 polys off the total count doing that! I find it hard to be totally objective about removing polys, well worth getting the extra set of eyes. I knew it needed to be culled but I didn't have the heart to do it
  16. Probably should have stated, I'm modelling in Max and my pipeline is such that everything gets converted to poly's before import into oxygen, then I manually triangulate anything that needs it in there. Great tips guys, I've managed to get the gear down too 1554 polys. I realise that seems alot for the gear, but I can't see how I can get it down much more without loosing entire sections that are necessary for animating. I noticed that the right-side rear gear on the A10 is 668 polygons, and mine is now 1554 despite having four wheels on each gear instead of just the one on the A10. Because of the massive size of this aircraft, like my C130, I've allowed myself to go over the polygon target of 7-10k. I doubt any more than one of these will be required in a mission ever, so I'm thinking I can stretch things to 14k polys. Here's the reduced version: Please feel free to let me know any more thoughts, I've managed to reduce the polycount to 1/4 - so thats great news! Extra sets of eyes are very helpful Edit: Probably worth noting too, that the BIS A10 has over 13k polys.
  17. Every time I'm looking at what my next project is, I check out this thread.
  18. Outstanding vilas, they look fantastic!
  19. rocket

    31st Normandy mod -WW2

    It does impress me that you have some great low-poly models with this project. While they may not be high-poly, crazy-sexy models - they are going to run very well in a multiplayer environment. Have you normal mapped/specular mapped the models? Also, some of the UV's look a little stretched?
  20. rocket

    USEC C130 Hercules

    After being inspired by the Evolution series of maps, I made an Addon that contained a base (called "USEC Revolution Training Facility") that acted as a base of operations. Â Personnel spawned there, and they could go to different areas of the base to get different things. Â For example, personnel would go to the firing range to qualify on weapons, the SF range to qualify for special force duties, driving range to qualify for vehicles. Â Officers and those who were qualified could go to the motor transport section to sign out vehicles. Sunray (the Detachment Commander for the operation) had the ability to place up to twenty six Forward operating bases on the map. Â When he actives a base, a small hut, a flag, and a helicopter pad are placed on the map. Â Then personnel can sign out helictopers and vehicles from the main base, take them to logistics in the base and "load" the vehicle with supplies. Â When a loaded vehicle is taken to the H-pad at a Forward base, supplies are delivered according to the type of vehicle. Fuel, Supplies, and Ammunition are the different types of supplies delivered. Â Builder mode can be activated at a base by going to the flagpole, and then the person can build a variety of things around the base. The idea of this was to create a map that would be stable across days and/or weeks. Â Â Our longest map operation was creating a base, as part of Operation Green Field, and lasted over seven days. To get an idea of how it worked, you can view the Revolutions Training Facility Manual. Â Note that this is currently out of date, as the mission system was recently revised to make use of the new Warfare buildings, the USEC F117, and the updated USEC C130. We conducted a closed Alpha with the USEC C130 over the weekend as part of Operation Tammarpok. Â Here are some selected screenshots from the operation:
  21. rocket

    AAN - ArmA Navy

    I'm quite sure Gnat spends a considerable amount of time helping out others with modelling questions on these forums. Regardless of how many models he has personally released, I am sure that if it wasn't for his (and others) help I would not have released any of mine, including my upcoming C130 and others. So while you may want his work, it does take a huge amount of work to release a high quality from scratch addon. People have become accustomed to "quick developed" mod's that have been ported from OFP. When the model is made from scratch, a vast amount of work is involved. Sometimes you get near the end and realise you have to start again due to some fault... its very frustraiting.
  22. rocket

    Addon Research Topic

    Hey sy, is that the model that the NZ Army use? In which case I might be able to help.
  23. rocket

    Consistency with Textures

    Awesome! Well W0lle has given me plenty to get started with, so I'll get going on that. Basic stuff really, but glad to be able to help. Look forward to getting directory stuff in due course.
  24. rocket

    Odd Render in Bulldozer

    My bad! I guess I'm too defensive about 3DS Max, given I work with a bunch of artists who hate it (but secretly use it to do some of their rendering to textures... hehe). Yes, you're right. Sketchup would be a GREAT place to start. And with 3DS Max/Maya as RKSL pointed out, theres a big danger in massive polycounts. I'm still in awe of those who managed to make addons directly in O2, it appears to me to require great attention to detail. Having said that, I find its easier to make my shadow and geometry LODs in O2 because its quicker and simpler than creating in Max and exporting. Like probably many people, I get alot of PMs and messages from people wanting to start. But like everyone else, my way of starting was struggling through things. If I'd learned the 3D Modelling basics at the start, I'm sure I would have found things much easier!
  25. rocket

    Odd Render in Bulldozer

    Yeah, but I got the impression he was saying the available ones were substandard to placing by vertex, which you can do anyway in maya and 3ds max. I was trying to be clever when I posted the tounge-in-cheek use of "primative" in quote marks. Alas, it didn't really work My point, I suppose, is that I was recommending Burt learn the basics of 3D in a very userfriendly package. I don't think O2 was really designed as a "beginners" package for 3D work.