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h -

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Everything posted by h -

  1. h -

    Steam discussion

    And just like any other DRM it's completely useless and pointless, steam games get cracked just as fast as any other DRM this far. At least games that require Steam in some way, not sure how it is with the SteamWorks etc stuff that has never interested me one bit. I use steam for the play-once and forget games.. Had a quite funny moment with Steam just now, trying to launch a game (demo) I got a error message saying their servers are too busy to handle my request :p
  2. Didn't A2 originally have the "Enemy Man at 7683247568347563487" thing and everybody hated it because it made absolutely no sense at all and demanded to have the old OFP style o'clock thing back. But now you want the unwanted back.. :confused:
  3. h -

    More realistic/depressing feeling

    That would be a nice effect to have, although I'm not sure how exactly that would work with the AI since they don't even care if they run accross someone's line of fire. They probably would cause way too much damage to their own team if that effect was in. :p Never used ACE so I have no idea how this works in it though..
  4. h -

    More realistic/depressing feeling

    Oh, you mean the "realistic brown".. :rolleyes: How exactly would unsatrurated/"realistic brown" be in any way realistic? When I fire weapons colors from my world do not disappear.. :confused:
  5. h -

    More realistic/depressing feeling

    But, this 'getting suppressed' effect already happens in OA. At least when I receive suppressive fire/a lot of near misses I'm not sure if there's any blurring but the player avatar starts breathing heavily and the weapon starts swaying (not using any mods).. Or am I just imagining things, or getting hit without knowing it :confused:
  6. h -

    Arma 3 Action Menu

    I think a rose-menu type of thing would only work as action menu (getting in vehicles etc), although dunno how that kind of menu would handle custom actions added with userAction class or via addAction.. You might soon go from rose to this.. For commanding troops the rose type of thing would only work if you can maneuvre yourself while it's open. I really don't see how a rose menu would help with the massive amounts of commands the game has, I use the numeric "shortcuts" and after playing a while it comes so naturally you don't even have to see what buttons you press. I fail too see how this would be less cumbersome than the current system.. :confused:
  7. Another a bit badly designed mission in the "campaign". First you basically have to crawl into the found camp to be able to identify all the vehicles (unless there's a 1,5km high hill somewhere near by so that you can see over all the forest?) and then you're supposed to guide the arty from a safe distance but the only way to guide it is to stay basically in the camp (again unless there's a 1,5km high hill somewhere near by so that you can see over all the forest).. That mission is also quite badly designed, you basically have to drive around the map for hours and there is no fuel truck anywhere. Nor ammo truck FPDR The only actually good mission this far has been the mission you hunt the escaping guys.
  8. h -

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    Haven't played A2 in a long time and when playing this ACR campaign I just had to facepalm; seriously, we're now at 1.62 and tree leaves still block all kinds of ammo.. FFS... It's so awesome to be under enemy fire, getting rammed by RPGs and your cannon fire is blocked by a birch branch... FPDR FPDR Liking this DLC though although the campaign is a bit weird as it doesn't seem to have any kind of story really. Terrains are nice, and it's glee finally to be able to up the graphics settings without getting 3 FPS slideshow. :p
  9. Right, setting it to Very High instead of Default seem to have helped.. Now to think of it I think I had the same exact issue with the same fix with OA back in the day.. Dumbass me.. FPDR EDIT: Spoke too soon I guess, although now the CTD took quite a long time to happen so not sure if it was related to this video memory thing at all. I guess we need to wait for a place to post crash dumps to..
  10. Yup, seems to CTD at completely random places.
  11. From the OFPEC interview: I think that should be clear enough that there is no PhysX.
  12. :p Haha, awesome idea. This might be the first zombie movie I might even bother to watch..
  13. The questions mailed to that e-mail will be asked while conducting the upcoming interview which will then come out in a few weeks.
  14. I thought it was a certain "adult toy" with Carrier Command theme :p
  15. h -

    The Outerra Engine

    I guess when the thing doesn't even run in full-screen makes it a bit less appealing..
  16. The face in the first one was a cost issue I guess; the face belongs to one of the devs. IIRC it was the screenwriter or something. I have to say though that the MP2 story would have suffered a lot if the guy still looked like he was smelling a stingy perpetual fart.. :rolleyes:
  17. h -

    Realtime immersive - Militar simulator cryengine

    Quite. And also love the term 'in-engine' :rolleyes: Shouldn't that then be a video of massive amounts of code... :confused:
  18. h -

    The Thing 2011

    That trailer was horibble, made me decide not to watch that movie, ever. If a 2 minute trailer has all stupid horror movie cliches ever made and gets boring after 45 seconds I wonder how mind numbingly boring the 2 hour movie itself will be. And oh the originality, they even ripped off Carpenter's music...
  19. h -

    Look at this , the graphics

    Except not in Carrier Command, it uses it's own engine..
  20. h -

    Editor improvement suggestions.

    I might be blind but I didn't see one of my my pet peeves about the current editor mentioned: When you insert a trigger and "open" it you have to manually go and click on the X-axis box to be able to change the value. In OFP and A1 the cursor was there by default, please fix this bug for the A3 editor. ;)
  21. Plus two. :) And they're even fixing issues caused by the patch....
  22. What annoys me is people using TKOH when the game is infact TOH, as in Take On Helicopters, not Take K On Helicopters..
  23. h -

    New Rainbow 6

    If you have Win 7 Ultimate you could try downloading the "XP Mode" (which is a virtual PC with XP) and install the game on that.. Haven't tried that myself though so don't know if it helps, it might not use the main PC GPU.. Never completed Thief III and it doesn't work in Vista or Win 7 (ladders from all things don't work :D ) so I've been meaning to try that even though the game is kinda sucky. And this reminded me of all the great old games like GR and Rogue Spear I have somewhere collecting dust.. :o
  24. h -

    Tomorrow is the Rapture...

    :D Well, they chose their prey unwisely as can be seen.. :p