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h -

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Everything posted by h -

  1. +10000000000 Although should be like it is Arma so it doesn't have to be in windowed mode only, should run even if alt-tabbing out. Also there should be a possibility to cancel missions you have assigned to a rover with the 'assign nearest' button. Accidentally assigned ones to a rover that is over a km away from the objectives so that would take forever to reach them, and obviously can't assign that mission to the rover that is much closer because the mission is not available as it is assigned to the other rover.. :rolleyes:
  2. h -

    Take On Mars - New BIS Game

    Maybe it's Take On Curiosity :bounce3:
  3. h -

    Take On Mars - New BIS Game

    Was mentioned in a Armed Assault Info news item some days ago.. "Take On (reveal) “Explore the scarred face of another world. Journey through rocky terrain and sandy wastes, pushing your vehicles to the max in this new installment to the Take On series.â€"
  4. h -

    Tank Questions & Hopes

    Iron Front system is a scripted "gimmick" instead of any actual engine feature (as far as I can tell, obviously I can be wrong..). So it giving sometimes odd results is quite likely given the fact that scripting in A2 engine (and in A3 so it seems) is treated as secondary in CPU priority, at best.
  5. No, we have never had anything to do with FDF mod apart from sharing the country of origin. We did originally start this mod for OFP but abandoned it some time after ArmA was released.
  6. No such decisions have been made, time (ironically) will tell what we end up doing..
  7. I'm sure the moderators love you digging up ancient thread like this. :p We have not stopped but we have slowed down to almost non-existent crawl. There has been stuff going on since this thread was last replied to though, we have posted some WIP crap at our forums WIP thread from time to time (sometimes from long time to ever longer time)..
  8. I'm so late for this party, but anyway: Pure greatness, one of the best mods ever.. :619::811:
  9. h -

    What is the best Antivirus and Firewall in 2013

    I have used F-Secure for well over a decade, in addition to Human Brain. Never had any infections with it compared to some others I have tried over the years (well, I mean firewalls/anti-viruses, not someone else's brain obviously.. :p ). Not saying it's the best, just never really felt like I would have to choose another one since I switched to it back in the day after having quite bad experiences with others. Like the atrociously sucky Norton products (that were pushed to you whenever you bought a new motherboard and such).. After years of doing fixing for other people's PCs I have not seen one firewall/anti-virus software that would not fail if the user doesn't use his/her brain though so like someone already said Brain is still the best.
  10. Love the EA sarcasm: 'Players are free to join any server.' :D
  11. Check if the '3ms rule' still aplies to scripting, cry out to heavens in anger if it does..
  12. h -

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Well, not a huge fan of Steam, basically only have 'play-once-then-forget' games on there.. Find it funny though that piracy is listed one of the reasons why Steam was chosen when, if you're at all up to speed, Steam games are hacked/cracked on release day, so much for the über-Steam protection.. :rolleyes:
  13. My irony meter just blew.. :p
  14. h -

    Far Cry 3

    I have no idea how it is in Skyrim, but you can go anywhere on the map area. Pretty sure if you wander far enough out to the sea you will be spat back towards the land. As for do anything you like, well, sure, as far as there's things possible to do in the game. You don't have a endless amount of auxiliary missions etc, but there are for few moments worth. If you like roaming around the island hunting and collecting relics and 'lost letters' you can go for hours with that. It also seems to be a game that basically has two camps, the ones who love it and the ones who find it boring. If you need to have constant battle to be entertained then it's not for you.. OT, but: Didn't really find that much wrong with this game either :p The badly designed checkpoint system and instinct crap was a bit silly, otherwise to me it was the same as the older ones. :icon_wink:
  15. h -

    Far Cry 3

    It's a bit dumb, if you buy it from Steam (like I did) then when you launch the game via the desktop icon or so it first starts up Steam, then it connects to uPlay and then after uPlay has loaded up you can start the game by pressing "Play" on uPlay. :rolleyes: I guess they could have tried to make it a bit more cumbersome still.. Depends on why one didn't care about FC2. If you hated the eternally respawning checkpoints making exploring the island utterly annoying and a chore (like I did) then you will like FC3 more as it doesn't have those. In FC3 you also don't have the inaccessible areas like you did in FC2, you see a mountain you will be able to 'climb' it, etc. There are a couple of invisible walls set up though, but that's due to the story so that you can't access some parts of the game world until the story has evolved long enough, or you get banned from some small place (a cave) after the story has evolved past certain point. If it was gameplay mechanics etc then nothing much has changed really, although they may be even more fluid this time. All the takedown stuff is pretty nice. A bit funny is that if you crouch you seem to become almost invisible :p The wildlife part is very cool, can't even count how many times a crocodile almost gave me a heart attack, you get completely spooked by leopard/tiger/bear growl only to realise it's actually hunting pigs/boar or buffalos instead of you. You also get to actually hate those wild dogs that attack you unprovoked, ditto komodo dragons. Also related to wildlife is that you can skin them and craft yourself bigger slings, pouches and stuff to carry more stuff, weapons and ammo. Like mentioned you can get a animal caged in enemy camp in best circs to clear the whole camp for you, in some cases you can also lure the animal to attack (they attack a "human" if they get too close to the animal) by throwing rocks. Story, well, can't say if it's better or worse, one thing that is incredibly annoying in it are 'dream sequence' missions (usually drug related hallucinations) and other more supernatural stuff. I myself found the story quite lame. Forcing the player avatar to 'feel' for you is very bad idea as not everyone thinks like a american college kid :rolleyes: I didn't find anything compelling in it, didn't feel anything the developers apparently thought I should, was more annoyed how idiot the Jason guy is at times (apparently seeing some tits makes him want to be a warrior :rolleyes: ). The story is also quite predictable, you see a plot twist coming a mile away. It has two different endings (end cutscenes I guess), don't know what's the exact difference between them.
  16. h -

    Far Cry 3

    Did clock in 65+ hours on it before finishing the "story".. It's a good game, especially if you just once forget that not everything has to be ultar-relistic smulator11!!11!!1!... ;)
  17. Ah, was about to ask this myself. So I guess I just need to beat the idiotic flying mission then.. :(
  18. h -

    Grand Theft Auto V

    I guess I'm in the minority who doesn't really care that a new one is coming out. I think I played the first one back in the day, found it very boring after a while. The next one I played was the third one I guess but it interested me even less.. I am glad though that it is not called Grand Theft Auto Z :rolleyes: (no, not being anti-DayZ, just anti-letsputzombiesineverything)
  19. Things I came up with during the campaign: - +100 for sped up time. Doesn't have to be a time warp, would be fine with Arma series type of time acceleration. Seems that most of the time is spent on waiting as the walruses dock.... - 'Hold Fire' command for the carrier (unless there is one I didn't see it), a bit annoying if you have flak guns on the carrier and you pass a command center a bit too close and the carrier destroys it within in seconds.. - Mantas should have a faster turning rate, especially after afterburner is found.
  20. I only had this happen once and that was because I had parked my carrier manually almost completely inside the "too shallow" area.
  21. h -

    Hard Facts of Life

    I've enjoyed the game just fine, yes the walrus AI is absolutely abyssmal but I have kinda gotten used to BIS vehicle AI being horrible over the years so whilst frustrating it also feels 'normal' :p
  22. Yay, this did the trick for me, now I can go and play without WASDing..
  23. Yup, this happens if you just select (highlight) the wanted keybind and press the up arrow (probably happens with other keys as well).
  24. h -

    PC Bug List

    Haven't had time to play much but the biggest bug for me this far is that you can't change the key binds. I haven't used WASD ever in any game. Also, why do the soldiers (in the FPS portion) die when encountering steep terrain gradients, or is this some "wrong way, dumbo" thing?