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Everything posted by hicks88

  1. hicks88


    Is it possible to add mulitple groups in a config file, and if so, how, cause i have tried and come up with a ton of errors when i have
  2. hicks88


    I think it is the config file but my addon doesn't show up when i use it. It shows the driver in mid air, it moves, makes sounds but it is completely invisible. does anyone have any idea why this may be occuring? this is for 1.46 if that helps
  3. hicks88


    how do you determine what player has killed a unit or destroyed a target? ANd then add points to their score, this is for MP
  4. have a chopper to come pick up me and my squad. i have a script that tells the chopper to come to my loctaion, then i use the "get in" command, but as soon as one member of my squad hops in the chopper flys up. Is there any script to check if a unit that has just hopped into a chopper is the player, and if not, run the "get in" command again untilll the player is in. the script i have at the moment is <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#loop1 heli1 land "GET IN" ?player in heli1 : goto "loop2" but if the script runs 5 times before i hop in it waits for 5 units to hop in, but there is only 4 in my squad minus losses
  5. this line is ment to calculate how many wip_m4mags the player has <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">("x == {wip_m4csmag}" count magazines player)' can anyone spot the problem, knowing me it is something simple that i have overlooked
  6. hicks88

    here's a game

    doesn't work |#|{_x == "wip_m4csmag"} count magazines player : Error Invalid number in expression
  7. hicks88

    here's a game

    still didn't work, here is the error ("_x == {wip_m4csmag}" count magazines |#|player) : error unknown operator player
  8. hicks88


    How do you determine if a target is up or has been shot down.(i am refering to the targets that look like the top half of a person)
  9. what is the difference between 1.46 and resistance addon. i have downloaded some really nice gun, but they are for 1.70, and i only have 1.46. is there anything i could change to enable them to work in 1.46? (p.s. the guns are a primary weapon, not a handgun)
  10. hicks88

    Steve "Croc Hunter" Irwin

    This news has ruined my day. i heard about it at school, and people were ringing radio stations on my way home, some of them crying. he will be greatly missed
  11. here is the part of the script thats causing me problem <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">a = getdir player ?_selectedammo = 1 : goto"heat73" ?_selectedammo = 2 : goto"heat105" ?_selectedammo = 3 : goto"heat120" ?_selectedammo = 4 : goto"heat125" ?_selectedammo = 5 : goto"sabot73" ?_selectedammo = 6 : goto"sabot105" ?_selectedammo = 7 : goto"sabot120" ?_selectedammo = 8 : goto"sabot125" ?_selectedammo = 9 : goto"smoke" ?_selectedammo = 10 : goto"flares" #heat73 it says <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">'_selectedammo |#|= 10' : Error Unknown operator when i run the script. i tried taking out the last one then it said there was an error with one before it. Anyone know what i am doing wrong?
  12. hicks88

    Joining Player

    it should work, i have used it many a time. make sure you call the ai unit1.
  13. hicks88

    AI support scripts

    does anyone know of any scripts that are for 1.46, all the ones i have found are for resistance
  14. you could write a script to remove the units current weapons and then add the new weapons/ammo you want them to have. you could activate the script with a trigger or radio command
  15. hicks88

    Cast Away Mod for ArmA

    is this going t be made for 1.46 or resistance. and if it is going to be made for resistance, could you please make a 1.46 version aswell, cause i would really like to get this mod when it comes out
  16. hicks88

    2 stupid problems!!!

    for question one, set speed to limited
  17. hicks88

    Plans & notes

    go to http://www.chenderman.com/CHOFPSE.htm and donwload the editor. its has wizards for briefings and plans, so all you need to do is add the details and save it in the correct folder. it will automatically write the script and save it in the correct format
  18. hicks88


    cheers, it works perfectly
  19. hicks88


    i need a script. i want to be able to walk up to a friendly group and have them join my group. but i only want them to follow me if i am right next to them. is there any way to do this? so you know the context, there are 2 resistance squads(me) attacking a prisoner camp. when the enemy is dead, i want either squad to be able to walk up to the prisoners and they will follow whichever squad walks up to them
  20. hicks88

    Forcing a player crawl

    just use "this setdammage 0.91". You need to have the number set higher then .9 for the legs to be damaged.
  21. hicks88

    Forcing a player crawl

    Is he injured from the begining? if he is you can just place the unit with minimal health
  22. does anyone know the script for fast time. it causes time to pass fast without causing the units to move fast
  23. hicks88

    Fast Time

    i wanted the first reply, thankyou Mandoble. i changed the ten seconds to .01 of a second and make it skip 1 second, it makes it appear as iff time is passing really fast, i day goes through in like 30 mins, so you get day and night ops in a single mission