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Everything posted by Billabong81

  1. Billabong81

    AMD or Intel?

    I would never suggest anything like that. To much can be damaged with overclocking. For me, it's my hardware. If it's damaged, it's my fault. And my money. MfG Lee Then I will stick with current stuff and overclock in a year or year and 1/2 .
  2. Billabong81

    AMD or Intel?

    I know they have one in development...how far their progress so far is, I don't know .
  3. Billabong81

    Military Objects WWII

    Looks great. Will surely help mission-makers with immersion in missions .
  4. Billabong81

    AMD or Intel?

    My BIOS came with a built in overclocking thing, which allows me to overclock my stuff by up to 9% (includes everything, RAM, video card, CPU, and mobo). Would you suggest I try this? I am hesitant because I have never overclocked before and this thing is running extremely fast as it is .
  5. Billabong81

    AMD or Intel?

    That is why I didn't buy an FX-53/55. It would have been $500+ and I got my 3500+ for $270 .
  6. Billabong81

    AMD or Intel?

    The new windows x64 edition (which is a free download I might add ) runs most games, just at 32bit level. Â I have not tried the new x64 edition beta however, because I have heard some programs simply do not work with it at all . Â I found a really good review of the new x64 edition of windows by searching google, I will try and find it again and post it here. EDIT: Here is the review. Â I would also like to add I did end up getting a Athlon 64 3500+. Â It runs like a dream . EDIT2: I would also like to add since Benu's post, a few major companies have released 64 bit drivers for their hardware. I know ATI and Nvidia have released the latest drivers for their GFX cards for the x64 edition of windows. Not sure about drivers for other types of hardware though, as I haven't looked into it since I am not using the 64 bit edition of windows .
  7. Billabong81

    Cool AA Movie

    Because of the # of people listed in the cast, I believe the opfor was played by other memebrs of the squad. That is also why they all had bad aim, they were protecting their squad mates even from the other team . I also think AA does not have any AI, though I may be wrong .
  8. Billabong81

    Semper Fidelis

    Looking great guys! Keep up the fantastic work. I have 1 minor suggestion : Is it possible to make the textures for the HMMVW a little more dirty, like the HMMVW has been used before? I am trying to think of the right way to put this, but can you make the textures have little specs, like chips in the paint from driving through the desert? Anyway, good work .
  9. Billabong81

    Invasion 1944 Info Thread

    I put an end to the VBS1 talk and I suggest you do to and get back on topic. Â V....B...nevermind On topic, I really like the look of that Arnhem map. The Operation Market Garden campaign will surely be a blast, especially on this map. I can't wait until the release of phase 1 .
  10. Billabong81

    Cool AA Movie

    Yeah that's true! Â I was kinda expecting when they would have their first man down but seems that the insurgents were all poor at shooting, i would suggest more realism to the next episode, even though it's made to glorify the squad. I agree, the first time they are shot at the guy just stands there and is wide open. I don't care how bad a shot you are, but after nearly 30sec of shooting on fullauto you are bound to hit the guy at least once, especially at that distance . Still fun to watch though .
  11. Billabong81

    Cool AA Movie

    That was fun to watch. ALMOST makes me want to re-install AA, even though I hate it .
  12. Billabong81

    East VS West - Episode 01

    Haha, this is some great stuff . It is a lot like RvB, but that is fine IMO .
  13. Billabong81

    OFP Animation Sharing Center

    I would appreciate it if someone could translate Flashpoint Gamer's tutorials, as I don't speak French . I downloaded OFP Anim and it's patch, but am now completely lost . Thanks.
  14. Billabong81

    Close Combat: First to Fight

    I love Invasion Normandy! I was actually intrigued at first at this title, becauase it sounded like Brothers in Arms except modern-day. BIA looks really promising to me, but I have heard a lot of bad reviews from people who have tried CC:F2F. By the way, could you PM me the link to that mod for CC5 Kooky ? Thanks.
  15. Billabong81

    iam back

    Looks good. I suggest checking out CAT's Afghan Island (check ofp.info) and using some textures objects from it if this is a desert island . Great start though !
  16. Billabong81

    Official Stupid Quiz Thread

    I was 11km off on Lisbon. Â At least that's what I think it says. Â It says the same thing as Winter's, except 11km instead of 81km . EDIT: 4KM OFF LONDON! Â WHOOHOO!! EDIT 2: 2KM OFF ATHENS! I'M DA BOMB !
  17. Billabong81

    Retextured Suchey's Marines

    Suchey's fit better on OFP islands, but I think Wilco wants to recreate the REAL MARPAT camo color. As I have been saying on MSN, still a bit off mate .
  18. Billabong81

    ofp "best of" photo collection

    Knew you were weirdos. I don't know about everyone else, but I would rather not have Silent N Deadly floating around my screen while I am away . If you meant It'll, then yeah that would be a great idea! If theyre all 1024x768 it would be great for desktop backgrounds as well .
  19. Billabong81

    Opf engine based photography 3 -no pics > 100kb

    M1A2 Coming Over Hill (450kb) Addons: Newland, DXDLL, and King Homer's M1A2 SEP
  20. Billabong81

    ofp "best of" photo collection

    I always knew you ofp.info guys were a bit strange .
  21. Thanks for the answer, even though you completely ditched me on MSN . Good news to hear of the update. Are Aimpoint's boots included .
  22. Billabong81

    Gorgeous Hind?

    That thing is going to give me nightmares . That HIND does look awesome. I loved Scar's Leopard tank and hoepfully this will be just as good .
  23. Billabong81

    ofp "best of" photo collection

    Gee, really sympathetic mate .
  24. Billabong81

    Buying Flashpoint, places that have stock....

    OFP GOTY - Amazon.com (USED) 24.99 Amazon is expensive...:p
  25. Billabong81

    Sig 552

    I noticed there are no good Sig 552/551 rifles in OFP the other day, and knowing there was a Sig in CS, I went about learning how to import a model from CS into OFP . Â Amazingly, it is pretty simple to do . Â Anyways, I still need to get a shadow (any help would be greatly appreciate ). Â I also need to get permission from Laser to use an optic of his I used. Â I tried PMing him a few days ago, but no reply. Â Anyone know another way I can contact him? Â Here are some pictures of the rifle in-game and in Bulldozer. Â Enjoy! You can click all the images for a larger view . I plan to release the gun once I find a way to get permission from Laser and get the shadow working properly .