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Everything posted by Billabong81

  1. Billabong81

    Release Italian Army from PedagneMOD

    I didn't put a link...SND's link and mine are the same .
  2. Billabong81

    Release Italian Army from PedagneMOD

    OFP.info should have a mirror in a few hours . Units look good. I am having some trouble telling which stuff is old and new though . Can someone make a lsit of new stuff?
  3. Billabong81

    Age of Empires 3

    The screenshots look good, but if I remember correctly, in AOE2 you built your own cities by hand. Some of the cities in those screenshots look HUGE. I hope they did not add like a simcity like thing to the game .
  4. Billabong81

    WW2 militaryobjectpack is released

    Mirrors from ofp.info Download FTP #1 Download FTP #2 EDIT: Corrected links
  5. Billabong81

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    Edited: http://lee.plankton.ch/T34.jpg ----- Original(only size changed): http://lee.plankton.ch/T34org.jpg MfG Lee I wish my graphics were that good regularly .
  6. Billabong81


    Yes .
  7. Billabong81

    Hardware suggestions?

    Newegg is one of the best out there, but it will cost you an arm and a leg to ship all that stuff to europe . I suggest finding the European equivelant to newegg, even if the hardware is a tad more expensive it'll save you a lot because of shipping. NOTE: I am not sure Newegg even ships to Europe actually .
  8. Billabong81


    Already a thread for this in S&F .
  9. Billabong81

    OFP Addon Quiz

    Yeah, it was Remo's T55 from the NVA pack .
  10. Billabong81

    Co-Op Mission Pack

    I have been looking for some big packs with a lot of co-op missions, but failed to find any. I went to play co-op with a friend today and realized besides 5-6 maps, the only co-op maps I had were BIS stuff. If someone could link me to a site with a ton of good co-op maps, please help me out . I got a few off OFPEC, but are there any big sites with a lot of maps besides them ? Thanks in advance.
  11. Billabong81

    Ammo Bar in OFP2?

    You can always use DXDLL to disable the HUD .
  12. Billabong81

    Unsung - updates

    The guy in the first picture looks like he is 70+ . Looking great guys. Drow check your PM's .
  13. Billabong81

    MMP update thread

    Thanks for the link. The stuff looks great. THe textures on the helmet of that sniper are great. You can clearly see the seams in the fabric (darker colour). Little details that make units look awesome. Great looking stuff. Agreed, that sniper looks fantastic! Can't wait for an updated release from you guys, the demo is getting old .
  14. Billabong81

    OFP Addon Quiz

    Ok, here is one (sorry if it is too small ).
  15. Billabong81

    Hardware suggestions?

    I believe the Nvidia 6800 has 16 parallel pipelines, but I may be mistaken. From what I have heard, the best deal on the market right now is the 6800GT 256mb which is around $399. It is easily overclockable to 6800 Ultra speeds and all that tech stuff .
  16. Billabong81

    Hardware suggestions?

    I got an AMD Athlon 64 3500+, MSI K8T800 pro motherboard, 1gb PC3200 Mushkin RAM, and a 9800pro 128mb card all for $750 + shipping on newegg. Â That equals around 600 euros I believe . Â I suggest you look at the AMD vs Intel thread I posted earlier (will get link and edit this post ). EDIT: AMD vs Intel Thread
  17. Billabong81

    LSR Addons

    I couldn't agree more, that and it'd broaden it a bit, allowing Laser to have some Winter/Arctic units, plus all the other goodies in the Hyk pack, like the backpacks, tactical holsters and such. Agreed again! Would be very cool if the 2 addons had the same Camo pattern & colors and would be great for a campaign. I have always noticed it is funny when infantry guys and SF guys who are supposedly from the same country in missions have extremely different camo patterns . My 600th post! Woohoo !!
  18. Billabong81

    Wasteland RELEASED!! wOOT!

    I will definately have to try this island. It looks good and I want to try this mission Landwarrior87 is tlaking about making .
  19. Billabong81

    AMD or Intel?

    I am looking into getting quite a few upgrades for my PC after Christmas. These upgrades include a mobo, processor, video card, and RAM. I have been looking at both Intel and AMD processors/mobos and can not decide which I want to get. Intel has PCI Express, but is considerably more expensive. AMD doesn't have PCI Express, but I have heard they are better for gaming (which is what this PC is used for). I have been looking at a 3.4GHz P4 HT or an AMD Athlon 64 3500+. Could some of you guys shed some light on the pros/cons of each . Thanks in advance.
  20. Billabong81

    Weapon accuracy

    I think that would be going a bit too into rela life at would take some of the fun away from the game. I love being able to kill someone and take his weapon .
  21. Billabong81

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Ah, that makes more sense. Thanks for clearing that up .
  22. Billabong81

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    @Plage I believe that is the USMC mod's AH-1W beta, not BAS. Just telling you since you had ? marks beside it .
  23. Billabong81

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    I just have a question for anyone who lives somewhere where healthcare is free. Is it true unless you have a life-threatening diesease or injury you could have to wait up to 6 months until you see a doctor ? I heard that at school today, but it just strikes me as weird that the wait would be that long. Most Americans have health care and I can go see my doctor (almost) anytime I need to . Thanks !
  24. Billabong81

    Heavy Earthquake in Asia

    That is terrible IMO. It just strikes me how people can be so cold-hearted sometimes .
  25. Billabong81

    Cool AA Movie

    You dont mean that serious do you? Â lol I wish OFP played like AA in CQB. In open environments, OFP kicks ass, but it sucks in CQB. If you combined AA and OFP's open and CQB parts, it would make for the perfect game .