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Everything posted by Billabong81

  1. Billabong81

    New to modeling for games

    Just so you know, shave the faces off in 3ds Max first, as O2 has been known to crash on high-poly models. Get it below 10,000 in 3DS, then import it. No point in trying to import it and wondering what is wrong when the problem is poly count! On another note, the thing looks amazing! Can't wait till you get it ingame .
  2. Billabong81

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    Really nice 'nam stuff Dimitry .
  3. Billabong81

    OFP:CP Winners

    Congragulations guys! I think the community picked well . I especially like Parvus' Vietnam Photo . Congrats again!
  4. Billabong81

    XM-109 Antimaterial Rifle

    I concur! Nice model mate!
  5. Looking good, but the textures are very blury . What settings did you save the image at, because the whole image seems blury.
  6. Billabong81

    OFP photography replicas

    Nice CSJ. If the woods behind your ingame pic were a little more thick, it would be almost exacty the same. The chopper and boat look perfect where they are, even the tires are hanging off the boat !
  7. Billabong81

    Upcoming lost brother addons

    I agree. Make it more dull. Looks like you waxed the hell out of it .
  8. Billabong81

    Unreal Engine 3

    Bah, I thought this was a released game...that's why I thought it was so amazing .
  9. Billabong81

    mystery file

    Is it zero or the letter O? If it is O, it contains Nogova and a bunch of textures for Resistance (and I am sure some other stuff). As Silent said, do not delete it !
  10. Billabong81

    Unreal Engine 3

    Wow Zig, I'm not into those types of RPG/fantasy games, but those pics look awesome. What is the full name of that game? I might grab it just to walk around the environment .
  11. Billabong81

    Unreal Engine 3

    One of those characters claimed to be 2,000,000 polys...mind boggling
  12. Perhaps take one from like INQ's M4 do it yourself pack and just place it on your weapon? Â That would serve it's purpose I believe . It may be hard to find INQ's M4 do it yourself pack though...if someone can find a working link for Rat, that would be great (link on INQ's site is dead). Â It's good to see a new guy taking a stab at addon making , good job!
  13. Billabong81

    Swat 4

    I have been playing the demo and I really like it. I love tasering suspects when they start running straight at you with a pistol. Show the police some respect for heaven's sakes .
  14. Billabong81

    Splinter Cell modification

    Agreed. They have a demo out for Chaos Theory now, knock yourself out .
  15. Billabong81

    Vote your favorite armored ofp vehicle

    I voted the T80. Love its design, its more detailed than the M1A1 ingame .
  16. Billabong81

    OFP Animation Sharing Center

    I love the new animations pack! The weapons on back pack is phenominal! Great work mate
  17. Billabong81

    Helmets fly off when shot

    Nice kyle! This looks like fun . Does it work in both SP and MP?
  18. Billabong81

    Are MBT's becoming obsolete?

    Really? i could understand Japan, South Korea, and Tiawan, but i thought they were under reasonably good terms w/ their other neighbors at least w/ Russia. Same! That kinda shocked me...Thats what you get for being a commie .
  19. Billabong81

    Swat 4

    It isn't on the site. I checked yesterday to see if there was a map list and weapons list, but there isn't.
  20. Billabong81

    Help promote OFP!!

    I sure as hell hope so . I voted...for the sims 2 suckers ! Just kidding, voted OFP..
  21. Billabong81

    The Regiment

    Looks like it could be alright...but as iNeo said, it will only have around 12 missions, then the game is over.
  22. Billabong81

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    I started searching and remembered the thread at opflash.org forums. It indeed is the Najaf City map by Goon. He said he may release a beta soon, so keep your finger's crossed .
  23. Billabong81

    Sanctuary's Animation Pack 1.5

    I apologize for not posting this sooner. Great pack Sanctuary. Is this version the real FINAL version, or have you lied again . DOWNLOAD (FTP#1) - Sanctuary's Animations Pack v1.5 [5.14 MB] DOWNLOAD (FTP#2) - Sanctuary's Animations Pack v1.5 [5.14 MB]
  24. Billabong81

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    What island in that Manhunter? Nice pics Nilz .
  25. Billabong81

    Opf engine based photography 3 -no pics > 100kb

    Some more Lost Brothers Pictures... img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v111/hooahman/lobo/dxdshot1109219319.jpg[/img]>100kb Addons Used: Lost Brothers Unreleased Stuff, Llaumax Sky 1.2