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  1. hyakushiki

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    Hi All Here's the latest version 2.05. In this version, equipment textures on ACU units were changed to reflect current status. And problems which are reported on this thread were fixed. (Such as boots color problem on ACU crew and addon ploblem on demo mission.) If there's no serious problems, this will be final release for OFP1. Enjoy. DownLoad  (Version 2.05 Final) <span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:red'>(UPDATED! Feb. 16 2007- )</span></span> <span style='color:red'>ttp://big.freett.com/type100/HYK_USsol_V205_Final.rar(45Mb)</span> Mirror (Click the link displayed in lower right side.)
  2. hyakushiki

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    Here's a minor update to fix the CTD problems on MARPAT and ACU crews. And some minor lighting bugs are fixed. Required addons are same as older versions. Enjoy. DownLoad  (Version 2.04) <span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:red'>(UPDATED! Jan. 10 2007- )</span></span> <span style='color:red'>ttp://big.freett.com/type100/HYK_USsol_V204.rar (45Mb)</span> Mirror (Click the link displayed in lower right side.)
  3. hyakushiki

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    I think this CTD bug is caused by lack of animation selection in p3ds. I found model bugs on both of MARPAT crews and ACU crews. Those units didn't have the animation selection for goggle gimic in LOD9.00, but I fixed them just now. Does anyone have CTD bugs on other models? If there's no bug report except on MARPAT crews and ACU crews, then I will release bug fixed version.
  4. hyakushiki

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    This will be the last update in 2006... I added Combat Vehicle Crews for each BDUs. and some lighting problems in the models are fixed. Enjoy. DownLoad  (Version 2.03) <span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:red'>(UPDATED! Dec. 31 2006- )</span></span> <span style='color:red'>ttp://big.freett.com/type100/HYK_USsol_V203.rar (45Mb)</span> Mirror (Click the link displayed in right down side.)
  5. hyakushiki

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    Put following codes into initialization section of CBT vehicles in editer. If the vehicle has gunner, add the following code to above. This will solve face and goggle problems about HYK soldiers comes up with CBT vehicles.
  6. hyakushiki

    Iraqi Insurgent Pack

    Of course, I'm looking forward to updating. Keep up amazing works, Rebl Man.
  7. hyakushiki

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    Just a minor update. Color of ACU is fixed to tan with 2 shade of green.  And shight of M16A4s are changed to ACOG. DownLoad  (Version 2.02) <span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:red'>(UPDATED! Dec. 25 2006- )</span></span> <span style='color:red'>http://big.freett.com/type100/HYK_USsol_V202.rar</span> (42Mb) Mirror (Click the link displayed in right down side.) Mirror (By OFP.info) edit: I forgot to add mirror link. @ofpdeadeye Sorry for freaquent update.
  8. hyakushiki

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    Thank you for mirror and updating news, but the news article lacks new features for ver2.01. Â (e.g. New Marines, OPFORs and, new BIS face textures...) Moreover, both of LSR weapon pack and RHS weapon pack are reqiured addons for this version, but still not described. And FacesTex2 is not required for this version any longer. I wish you posted the news as a new article with new features for Ver2.01. edit: @ofpdeadeye Thank you very much for posting the news as a new article!
  9. hyakushiki

    Iraqi Insurgent Pack

    Wow, great stuffs. Â Downloading now. @Dr.Rebus The Marpat "Marine" in the picture is included in HYK USsol Ver2.01.
  10. hyakushiki

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    I made a little update to ver2.0. Here's the lateset version Ver2.01, minor model and config bugs were fixed. And non-goggles bug when you retryed mission is also fixed. DownLoad  (Version 2.01) <span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:red'>(UPDATED! Dec. 22 2006- )</span></span> <span style='color:red'>http://big.freett.com/type100/HYK_USsol_V201.rar</span> (42Mb) Mirror (Click the link displayed in right down side.) Requied addons are same as Ver2.0. Enjoy.
  11. hyakushiki

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    You need to put Init EventHandler into Eventhandler class of unit configs like below. This Code applys all of BIS faces except Guba and Colonel Blake. And this applys OFP EAST faces and some eastern european like faces except for Africans and Hispanics faces. @FA Dalai Lamar That sounds strange. I checked MARPAT units just now, but damage textures were applyed to all the units correctly.
  12. hyakushiki

    Lowlands Warrior xmas present

    Wow! Santa Clauses from LowLands. Downloading now...
  13. hyakushiki

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    Which version of US soldier do you use? I think camelbak issue must be fixed in Ver2.0, and I checked all beret units MLOD models, but all of beret LODs has their correct texture passes. Anyway, I'm now working for minor update to Ver2.0. This update will fix some minor model and config bugs, and non-goggles bug when when you retryed missions. In addtion, Goggle statuses (UP or DOWN) will be saved in mission savefiles.
  14. hyakushiki

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    @laborj456 If you are saying about face setting and goggle promblems when my soldiers comes up with CBT vehicles, put the following code into initialization section of CBT vehicles in editer. If the vehicle has gunner, add the following code to above. The cause of promblems is CBT configs lacks Init EventHandler for new features of new HYK units. @Snake Man I'm glad to hear your positive answer. I'm strongly looking forward to play PMC missions with my soldiers!
  15. hyakushiki

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    US soldiers and New Opfors are in separated pbo and configs, and defined as separated addons. So you can use only US soldiers and LSR weapons in your missions. If you use only US soldiers, RHS weapon pack will not  be described in addOns sections of mission.sqm.