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Everything posted by hlq2action

  1. yeah but if someone trig the trigger who is the man who trigged the trigger by the radio??? this is what i putted into the script : _unit = (list trigger0) select 0 if i do that do i get the unit that triged the trigger???
  2. hlq2action

    Lights on Chopper

    lol yeah and i m sure that the east will cry when they ll see you with your chopper with all the lights on.. they ll say something like MERRY CHRITMAS SHITHEAD..... then *PPOOOOOOMMM* 'strela launcher shot'
  3. ok i got a trigger taht can be activated by the radio command alpha.... and on activation i got the script.... the script need the unit that activated the script... (it s a rescue chopper script so it need the guy position to rescue him...)
  4. hlq2action


    lol wow 3000 units!!! it s 3X the number of units that you can make in TOTAL ANNIHILATION game :] WOW!!
  5. guy i got a big problem.. sometimes when my chopper is down it falled with the rotor on the ground and the wheels on the air.. if you know what i mean... so when i make it respawn it s not possible to takeoff!!!! it  s the same problem for lot of units too... maybe the BIS team should make kinda a reset when we make a setpos... would be cool :]
  6. hlq2action

    Which age-old bug should be fixed ??

    hmmm which bugs must you fix.... HAAH all of them for sure!!!!!!!!!! your question is more about the priority of the fixes.... heeh really don t know cuz every bug got a high priority for me.... and i hope that you BIS team will never stop working on them.... till a commercial priority avoid you to continue (not enough ofp game sold.... not enough money to continue working on the game.... or another game that would kill ofp....) continue!!!!!!!! just release addons to make some moneys. i really fear about the BIS team having another projects that would put ofp definively down...
  7. hlq2action

    the car bomb

    this script of bomb car is not reallistic at all ... it will result the car to deform and to have his crew killed... but it won t show any explosion.. the better is to camcreate a 125SHELL at the car position and then to put setdammage 1 to the car... will look a hell more realistic.
  8. hlq2action

    Stupid Civilian

    ok here is the problem : you can t put different side units in the same car, chopper or whatever till you use the moveingunner or moveinpilot or moveincargo command.... if you know another way tell me
  9. hi to BIS team... could you add a feature to the createunit command... this is what it would be great: when you use the createunit command it create a unit in a GROUP.... the problem is that when you want to add the FIRST unit in a NEW group you simply can t do it... the createunit don t work... so could you add the feature for that command that check if the group already exist and if not create a new one!!! this is a basic check... why didn t you add this check???
  10. hlq2action

    createUnit not working!

    ok i would like the BIS team to add a feature to the createunit command... this is what it would be great: when you use the createunit command it create a unit in a GROUP.... the problem is that when you want to add the FIRST unit in a NEW group you simply can t do it... the createunit don t work... so could you add the feature for that command that check if the group already exist and if not create a new one!!!
  11. hlq2action

    createUnit not working!

    i don t think that you have to create a group leader before.... but you have to assign one!!! dunno if you can create a variable that is not actually a unit and then assigning this unit to a group and then createunits in this group.... try it cuz i did not try. ALL GUYS REMINDS THAT LEARNING ABOUT GROUPS IS VERY IMPORTANT!!!!!!!! THERE IS LOT OF COMMANDS WORKING WITH GROUPS THAT WILL HELP TO HAVE A SMALLER CODE... AND TO MAKE THINGS EASIER... SO TRY TO FIND GROUP TUTORIALS TO WORK ON GROUP COMMANDS!!!!!!! (EVEN ME I HAVE TO LEARN MORE ON GROUPS)
  12. hlq2action

    createUnit not working!

    ok to make it work it s very simple.... put that in the init field of a unit : alphagroup = group this (this will put the soldier as leader of the group alphagroup) then make a triger. put that in the init field : "SoldierWB" createUnit [getMarkerPos "barracks", groupAlpha] and make the trigger repeatedly. axis a and b to 0 and activation to radio alpha.... then you just have to try it.... in the game use the radio and code alpha.. it will create in the group alphagroup (you are the leader of that group) one soldier everytime you use the alpha radio command. i had lot of problems too about it.. and i ve found that it was a problem about GROUP we should all learn a little bit about grouping. me too :]