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Everything posted by hoz

  1. Closing yet another topic about Children in game. These topics usually end in a flame fest, and therefore I will close this topic too.
  2. That type of talk will get you a WL+1 and a 24 hour PR.
  3. hoz

    V1.07Beta + HotFix - Feedback

    Closing, use this topic.
  4. Searching you would find this thread. about 9 pages in you will find some more information on it. Basically you need to use a paa file.
  5. hoz

    hypothetically ArmA Everything High/V High?

    I'm closing this based on there is quite a few other threads dealing with hardware, and vista, and performance. Searching for performance will result in many threads of the same topics.
  6. hoz

    System requirements, how hard core?

    There are atleast a dozen performance, hardware configuration threads please use the search and post there. Closing... and
  7. hoz

    Peugeot 207 vs Audi RS4

    Closing. Everyone keep the spam to themselves plz.
  8. hoz


    Locking thread.
  9. hoz

    Evolution V1.0 Large scale respawn coop

    169th_Ice, pimp your mission in your own thread.
  10. hoz

    Viewdistance different in MP and SP

    I'm just waking up I need some time before the dsylexica wears off.
  11. hoz

    Viewdistance different in MP and SP

    zootia keep your photo's under a 100kb and respect the forum rules.
  12. hoz

    makepbo is ok for arma?

  13. hoz

    2nd Beta 1.07.5157 feedback thread

    That Problem is not a BIS problem its the publishers one. I was speaking in general terms on how BIS ignores the digital download community. I'am very disgusted that they dont even acknowledge that there is a problem in Sprocket downloader's switch to 1.07 I was expecting some kind of official statement from BIS that they are fixing the problems for Sprocket... instead they say nothing. Which makes me go and realize we got major problems here Silverguy82 You must of missed the note. IMPORTANT: THIS IS BETA RELEASE AND IT'S POSSIBLE IT WILL NOT INSTALL WITH YOUR VERSION CORRECTLY OR THAT IT WILL NOT WORK CORRECTLY. FOR USERS OF DIGITAL ONLINE DOWNLOAD IT MAY ALSO USE ADDITIONAL ACTIVATION AND MAKE EVEN THE ORIGINAL GAME UNPLAYABLE. No need to continue to complain, wait until there is a final release of the patch.
  14. hoz

    ArmA, VBS2 and tracers

    Closing topic the same as the last topic on the subject of VBS tracers. If you want the option to disable tracers fixed then express them in the BTS system.
  15. Hi, You should post a request in the OFPEC Recuirement section, there are a couple of scottish people lurking around there.
  16. hoz


    I added a Armory page to the wiki, if you have some tips then please add them. Biki - Armory
  17. hoz

    Server Browser

    moving to MP
  18. hoz

    Server Browser

    moving to MP
  19. hoz

    Sound Mod Help

  20. hoz

    Video Cards?!

    Use one of the many hardware threads please, like this one.
  21. Indeed MP would of been a better choice. Moving...
  22. hoz

    TWL is considering an ARMA ladder

    Indeed MP would of been a better choice. Moving...
  23. hoz

    Ati x2900xt is out!!

    Moving to OFFTopic, not really suited for ArmA-General