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Everything posted by geloxo

  1. This is a request to mission makers. I noticed on several servers that performance drops down to unplayable fps when the number of death bodies is high on game modes with player respawn. Solution is simply removing those player bodies after a certain amount of time. Simply use this line on the misión init for each client: player addEventHandler ["respawn", {_this spawn {sleep 120; deleteVehicle (_this select 1)}}]; This will delete the player´s last dead body 120s after the respawn (you can change the time delay value) and therefore performance stays stable even on long missions. Surely there will be other solutions but this is easy and compatible with all Arma3 and Arma2 versions
  2. You have to put this in the mission init.sqf, not on each player unit. It Works (I have tested on our server). See an example of init.sqf: waitUntil {!(isNull player)}; waitUntil{!isNil "BIS_fnc_init"}; setTerrainGrid 3.125; setViewDistance 1500; enableTeamSwitch false; enableSaving [false,false]; BIS_noCoreConversations = true; if (isPlayer player) then { [color="#FF0000"][b]player addEventHandler ["respawn", {_this spawn {sleep 120; deleteVehicle (_this select 1)}}];[/b][/color] };
  3. Hi all, Presentation of my new release of the old Handy Tools mod, now called GX Addons. It´s simpler, more optimized and easier to configure than the old version. This video presents a mission called Air Cavalry: Bautismo de fuego. It´s a patrol at SEA map. Mod is been beta tested at www.ust101.com and will be published soon. It allows air formations, combat ambience and a special FX Cam to record videos like this one. aTKeLCatGsw I would like to include a couple of granade sounds from the DSAI mod just inside the mod as one script uses it. Does anyone know the contact details from them in order to ask for permission? Cheers
  4. Air Cavarly: Charlie´s Point Enjoy ;)
  5. One hint: the movement inside the plane seems not to work properly. If you want to allow rotation via mouse (aim) and lateral movement also, then instead of this: if ((inputAction "turnRight" ==1) and (_stance==0)) then {_dir=_dir+3.5;}; if ((inputAction "turnLeft" ==1) and (_stance==0)) then {_dir=_dir-3.5}; try the following lines in onboard.sqf: if ((inputAction "CarLeft" ==1) and (_stance==0) and (_y<=_ymax) and (_y>=_ymin) and (_x>=_xmin) and (_x<=_xmax)) then { _y=_y+0.05*cos(_dir-90); _x=_x+0.05*sin(_dir-90); }; if ((inputAction "carRight" ==1) and (_stance==0) and (_y<=_ymax) and (_y>=_ymin) and (_x>=_xmin) and (_x<=_xmax)) then { _y=_y+0.05*cos(_dir+90); _x=_x+0.05*sin(_dir+90); }; if ((inputAction "AimRight" >0) and (_stance==0)) then {_dir=_dir+(2*(inputAction "AimRight"));}; if ((inputAction "AimLeft" >0) and (_stance==0)) then {_dir=_dir-(2*(inputAction "AimLeft"));};
  6. HALO Jump in preparation for our next trainning session at UST101 Superb USEC Units can be found here: http://bisgame.blogspot.com.es/2011/08/usec-parachutisthalo-series-arma-2.html Music Theme: Awolnation - Sail
  7. Special forces fast insertion in the Mekong river
  8. Collection of pics featuring mainly UNSUNG mod below (periodically updated): http://s180.photobucket.com/albums/x44/geloxo/UST101/ http://www.ust101.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=1156 Some examples below: ---------- Post added at 20:12 ---------- Previous post was at 20:11 ---------- More pics added. Look here:
  9. That´s great Savage! Did I say already that I love this mod? ;) Thanks for allowing us to have fun in the jungle
  10. Hi all, First of all congratulations for this great addon. Now I have a question: I made this to work but I´m unable to see building objects in the editor. I can see units and empty vehicles such are cars, tanks, etc, but things like sandbags and those things do not appear in the combos. I would like to create a small firebase for a mission using this. Could someone please clarify what I´m missing? Cheers EDIT: solved. They are available under "empty" side and "other" faction
  11. For those getting problems with buldozer, just check that buldozer.cfg (now in Arma2OA profile) is complete with all options. If not just execute buldozer once using the shortcut to real time viewer in P:\ and close it. Then config should be fine. But in my case I had by default: Resolution_W=0; Resolution_H=0; and then it crashed all time, even on newly created empty maps. So I changed resolution to 1440x900 and it worked (you can use whatever, but avoid the default 0x0). My cfg is as follows: language="Spanish"; adapter=-1; 3D_Performance=93750; Resolution_Bpp=32; Resolution_W=1440; Resolution_H=900; winX=16; winY=32; winW=800; winH=600; winDefW=800; winDefH=600; Render_W=1440; Render_H=900; FSAA=2; postFX=3; GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1000; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=1; HDRPrecision=8; lastDeviceId=""; localVRAM=1576468480; nonlocalVRAM=2147483647; vsync=1; EDIT: users which suffer extreme long loading times in buldozer add -exthreads=0 in the launching options and loading times will be shortened (it was my case) With this new buldozer you can use the new terrain adjustments with finer precision, up to 10cm (no more tricks to use arma2OA.exe are needed) Cheers
  12. Uffff niiiiiiceeee.. Now fraps does not drop my fps when recording in full screen. Only 2-3 fps lost when before the tweak I got a 10fps drop :D
  13. geloxo

    Any luck with flight stick flying?

    Use trim constantly. When you have the chopper aligned in the desired plane set trim. To fine tune, use trim as well, but on this case with the POV on the stick. Manual flying is hard sometimes, specially in expert. If you are not happy with trim set then reset it, but consider that stick will come to 0 and it may have an impact on the current helicopter plane if trim was previously set (ship will surely raise the nose suddenly). Important: pedals are set also when you trim the cyclic, be careful. A general rule for choppers: move controls veeeeeery smoothly
  14. geloxo

    maps under construction:

    So great news man. Very nice :)
  15. geloxo

    Armed Assault videos

    Hi all, Our newly created Spanish Arma2 community Unidad de Simulación Táctica 101 (UST101) presents to you in game videos of our missions in the following channels: http://www.youtube.com/user/unisimtac http://vimeo.com/groups/86128 You will find modern war, NAM and WWII videos there. I hope you enjoy them :D An example below: r_EZTpiAshc ZkIEGmtIRX4 vKq8zSg-si4 GxYO4xPJPQs rb2a6SSIrUo I invite you to visit us at www.ust101.com Cheers :D
  16. Hi, I made some tests for map loading time in editor. I used no addons and no startup parameters and Unsung S.E.A map as basis as it has around 4 million objects. I started from vanilla versions and loaded the map, then patched the game and loaded map again an so on. All tests were done in the same day one after the other without changing anything on the computer nor in windows: - Arma2 vanilla (v1.06): 30s - Arma2OA vanilla (v1.51): 29s - Arma2 (v1.07.71750): 10-20min - Arma2OA (v1.52.71816): 28s - Arma2OA (v1.54): 10-20min - Arma2 (v1.08): 10-20min - Arma2OA (v1.57): 10-20min My specs: Intel I7 870 2.93 GHz / 8 GB RAM / NVIDIA GTX 285 (2 GB) / Windows7 64 bits How can someone understand then that the patches have improved the game? It may be little bit more stable but since v1.07 and v1.54 this is a critic issue in my opinion if stability is going to mean years loading a map to play a mission that was loaded in 30s with vanilla edition. This is a must to be solved instead of creating so many DLCs that only add new models, textures and bugs to the whole mess... :mad: I, for sure, won´t buy anything extra till the game is really stable and improved for nowadays hardware standards. This is not the way I´m afraid... Cheers
  17. Really nice work guys. I will always repeat it hundreds of times ;) Cheers
  18. Greeeeeat! :D Very good pics. Cheers
  19. Yeap Gnat, I think the problem is that what I intend to get is not possible. As I commented in the post I also added view and fire geometry (it´s not there in the pictures but tested on a different model version) and had no results. There were a copy of the 1.000 LOD (all faces pointing to outside the model, by the way). Well, easy solution is to make tunnel so that it has just 2m height (soldier size), so that they enter and never cross the ceiling. But it´s a pitty as realism is not 100% achieved if the tunnel is so high (I was looking for a size that forced someone to go crouch or prone) :j: Cheers