again, i'm sorry if this has been covered but i've been away from this game a long time, but isn't all these addons fracturing the online community?
instead of everyone having the same access (other than the password ones) to the same servers, the result of the addons is u have a few ppl here and a few ppl there. u don't end up with a critical mass of players who used to duke it out in tanks, helos, or on foot night after night.
true, ofp watch (thanks for tip, btw,) in theory, will allow everyone access to all the servers, but in reality, with some addons nearing 1 gig!!!, ur effectively locking out some players who just don't want the hastle. there's not the freedom of sampling different servers to find ones that suit ur style or w/o the immature crap since every server now has the potential of a long d/l ahead.
i'm saying all this because i'm dismayed by the current state of ofp. since i've been back (1 week now,) i've only been able to play 3 games total. no other game, besides the old air warrior online flight sim from aol, has held my interest this long, but now i'm wondering if it's worth it.